« Peo »
11 years ago
dskfljslfsalk fuck everything
latest #12
« Peo »
11 years ago
just... between all the stress of finals
« Peo »
11 years ago
and shark week right in the middle of finals because my body hates me
« Peo »
11 years ago
and christmas coming up
« Peo »
11 years ago
and now this STUPID math with its STUPID problem that it gives me to solve even though it's NEVER TOLD US HOW THE FUCK TO DO THIS
« Peo »
11 years ago
I swear I spent an hour staring at the same math problem
« Peo »
11 years ago
only to deem it totally fucking useless because how the fuck am I supposed to find the graph for a quartic equation from a graph
« Peo »
11 years ago
QUARTIC, that's to the fourth power, WE NEVER FUCKING LEARNED THIS
« Peo »
11 years ago
but I tried to solve it anyway and skfljdkkdslf it just had to be a weird one too because what the fuck even
« Peo »
11 years ago
I am like shaking over here because I just kind of hate everything right now
« Peo »
11 years ago
it's not even that big of a DEAL, it's just... sfkldsjfk everything catching up to me at once
« Peo »
11 years ago
and I was HOPING to get some more goddamn work done but now I sure as hell won't be able to
« Peo »
11 years ago
fuck. just. fuck all this.
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