TammyW asks
11 years ago
What's are some low-cost mobile devices that would scan a qr code? Needs to be used in a classroom, so would not want a phone contract.
latest #10
AndyTSDC says
11 years ago
it would have to be able to run a code scanning app, so I'd suggest Android devices because they are lower cost than Apple and one of the only reliable OS with enough apps
talljim says
11 years ago
Tammy- are you wanting the QR code to link to a web-based source is simply display text?
TammyW says
11 years ago
talljim - Most likely a web-based source, so would need to be a web-capable device with a QR scanning app.
11 years ago
7" Galaxy Tab 2 ($200)
11 years ago
iPodTouch (but what generation????)
TammyW says
11 years ago
talljim Thank for the croak.it app, by the way. I shared it today with primary teachers in Chicago.
TammyW says
11 years ago
shirky17 Thanks for those options.
TammyW says
11 years ago
I'm thinking a used iPhone might be a good option as well. Wouldn't need the phone service and would work as an iPod touch.
11 years ago
i wish i could get people to donate used/old iPhones with no service so I could do that also
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