just. oh my gosh
i would be browsing tumblr if i werent at school rn
he is just so excited to see his hatefilled abomination
i couldnt have picked a better guide for jake, tbh
yeah! ii wwonder iif thii2ll be iit2 quiirk?
and what it means for the half-dead sollux who was with aradia... is he sucked into the sprite now, or what
and oh my gosh that quirk is almost too much to handle
the double letters errwhere
cant be worse than the tavvris quirk heheh
oh man now that was a mess and a half
LMFYEAH i couldnt agree more with that
i was so taken aback by that part of the series too like omg what am i reading anymore
also jesus fuck is homestuck ever going to end
trying to make friends happen
man i have no idea what's going on with that dude. is he trying to temporarily pull his friends out of the dreambubbles to save them?
idk about gamzee ever being not evil again, but that's the only motivation i can figure out
assuming he has an actual reason
yeah, of course! could just be him doing his random thing, too
yeah i dont think gamzee isnt evil on some level, but his godtier title is the bard of rage, meaning he "lets rage be destroyed"
maybe he doesn't, maybe it's just the harshwhimsies
and we see with tavros and vriska, when he fused them together, they came to understand eachother?
and it sort of settled their quadrant confusion down a lot
i guess, yeah, that's a pretty good way to look at it
although tavros seems to have kind of lost his mind, too, so who knows what's going on there
he also "lets rage destroy"
so it might've been one for vriska and the other for tavros
and that's just depressing }:C
gghsfgds bawww you liked the icon

made this for u too

this bit killed me
i wanted to bawl a little
like omg nostalgic jake is nostalgic
he's just going to be so weirded out by the fact that he's not meeting early 1900s grandma!!
LOLOLOL yeah thats gonna be fun to see