/seats in his classroom./
/does as well, eager to learn/
/smiles and waves to Bail./
/sighs/ "so what we are learning today is how to make instant healing herbs" /holding a textbook/
/smiles goofily at the professor./
/sighs/ "i know I know. Yes i might be one of the best HErbalists and Apparition spell casters but i really cant teach with a textbook" /throws the texbook ou of the window/ "TO THE GARDEN!!!"
/stands up while throwing hands behind head./ Wow! I like this professor already! /laughs./
nods in agreement. Hands on was really the best way to learn.
/marches the class to the Garden/
/smiles with excitement./
/grabs random herbs and leaves from flowers and plants on pots along the way / ^^
/blinks./ Professor? What are those herbs
/laughs/ you'll see /starts to twists and apply random drops of potions into the herbs/
watches intently with curiosity.
/finally wraps the herbs and oils into an edible plastic wrap and duplicates it and hands it out to the class/ "take a bite" /smiles/
stares at it, sniffing it at first before taking a small bite.
/smiles/ what does it taste like?
(you are free to say watever)
/sighs./ It tastes like tuna! Sweet!~
tastes pumkin pie! (aw man I want pie...)
/laugs/ the thing that you just ate is a collection of common herbs and oils that will taste like whatever you want in the time you consume it. Great when you run out of food
would really like to know how to create this...