16 years ago
wonders what the world is coming to when GCSE students aren't allowed to bring their textbook home to revise from. Thank goodness
latest #8
Choccieaddict says
16 years ago
for the internet.
16 years ago
(doh) I worked in a cr@p school in a tough neighbourhood n we always risked sending books home
16 years ago
Only the real deadbeats were sent away with photocopies of the relevant pages
16 years ago
Can't you challenge their *ruling*?
Choccieaddict says
16 years ago
too late now. In the past Sam has bene allowed to bring the odd book home but this particular teacher refuses. I just paid Amazon to
Choccieaddict says
16 years ago
express deliver me the book. Goodbye £25! It'll be worth it.
16 years ago
In best Richard Wilson mode *I do not believe it!* (angry)
joanygee thinks
16 years ago
that school's policy needs challenging hopefully at the highest level
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