11 years ago
snuck into Al's hotel room and was going to wait for him to ask him to go to dinner with him, but he fell asleep.
latest #173
11 years ago
stirs and groans sleepily as he slowly woke up. He blinked a few times and flushed darkly when he realized it was Al and what exactly he was doing.
11 years ago
looks completely embarrassed as he shifted a bit under his hands. "M-Morning? I slept that long?"
11 years ago
nods a bit at that before he reached up and pulled him down to kiss him lightly. "Oh good... I didn't want to miss the meeting. Not that anyone would notice."
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he let go of him and tried to squirm out from under him. "I know... I came to see if you wanted to get dinner together? Unless you had other plans I mean. I don't want to interrupt anything."
11 years ago
nods a bit at him as he paused and looked over at him, he was maybe a bit insecure with so many other nations around. He wouldn't blame Al for having other plans at all. He smiled though and leaned over to hug
11 years ago
11 years ago
knew that, he didn't really have anyone to hang out with himself aside from Al. He felt a bit guilty occupying most of Al's time. He tilted his head and leaned in to kiss him lightly.
11 years ago
shakes his head as he got up as well and took his hand, holding it lightly. "No I haven't really thought about it."
11 years ago
shrugs as he smiled at the hug, he hugged him back lightly and kissed him on the cheek. "You can pick."
11 years ago
follows at him happily. He held his hand lightly, "alright."
11 years ago
glanced over at him and frowned a bit, his free hand pushing through his hair. "Everyone is just... worried about things. That's nothing new though. Turkey was quiet." He commented, he thought that was odd,
11 years ago
given everything that was going on in the Middle East.
11 years ago
blinked at that and nodded slowly as he smiled a bit. "Yeah... everything will be okay." He returned the kiss on the cheek, "and we'll be fine."
11 years ago
flushed darkly at such a public kiss, but then he was with Al and he really shouldn't care. He smiled a bit more as he nodded and kissed him back. "So how's your hotel room?" He felt like there needed to be a
11 years ago
change of subject.
11 years ago
smiled at him as he shifted to walk closer to him. "I could do that, could help you relax tonight."
11 years ago
leaned into him lightly, enjoying the closeness and the warmth. "Mmm, then I will join you tonight."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and nods as he poked him in the side lightly. "Maybe I should say no just to see you do that."
11 years ago
nodded and smiled at him as he leaned into him lightly. "You are always sweeping me off my feet."
11 years ago
glanced over at it and nodded, "Chinese sounds good to me."
11 years ago
nods again as he kissed him on the cheek again lightly. "Sounds like a good night to me."
11 years ago
flushed darkly at the sudden kiss. He kissed him back contently. He liked Al's kisses and forwardness.
11 years ago
held onto him lightly as he nodded and settled in against his side as they walked again. "You don't have to you know." He was more or less used to it, but he only really said that to try and convince himself.
11 years ago
shrugs as he leaned in close to him and smiled, "you're too good to me Al."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes playfully at that as he slipped into the restaurant, holding his hand on his way through the doors.
11 years ago
got them a table for two and sat down, smiling at Al.
11 years ago
smiled at him as he looked through the menu, quickly deciding on sesame chicken and rice.
11 years ago
expected as much from him. He set his menu aside and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
11 years ago
suddenly looks completely embarrassed by that as he sat back and let go of his hand, shrugged lightly. "Sorry."
11 years ago
had his hands folded in his lap now, he was still embarrassed. "A-ah..."
11 years ago
still looks embarrassed as he moves to take Al's hand lightly, smiling a bit. "I am glad you like it then..."
11 years ago
flushes even more as he looked down to try and hide it. "I'm easily distracted.... and you are very distracting."
11 years ago
goes even darker with that as the waitress came and gaped a bit at them as she waited to take their order. "You are, without a doubt."
11 years ago
couldn't help but laugh a bit at that as he gave her his order as well.
11 years ago
flushes at that, "you are... all mine and I really can't believe that still."
11 years ago
looks down at the table out of embarrassment and shrugs, "you're the amazing one Al."
11 years ago
glanced up at him and smiled a bit, "I love you too Al." He gently stroked Al's cheek, "thank you... for coming to dinner with me."
11 years ago
carefully pulls his hand away, giving Al's a light squeeze as their food is brought out and set in front of them.
11 years ago
laughs softly at that as he thanked the waitress before he took a few bites of his food, humming happily.
11 years ago
enjoyed the food and the company as he ate, smiling at Al. He was never surprised at how much his brother could eat.
11 years ago
didn't mind at all, he took his time eating so Al could as well.
11 years ago
smiles at that as he finished his own plate of food and sat back, waiting for Al, he didn't want him to rush.
11 years ago
laughs softly, hiding it behind a hand as he smiled at him.
11 years ago
smiled back at him as he sipped his drink now. He thought Al was cute.
11 years ago
didn't mind it at all, he was pretty used to it. He finished his drink as he watched.
11 years ago
nods and smiles at him, "yes. Thank you Al. It was nice to eat out with someone. Normally during the meetings I just eat in my room." He shrugged a bit.
11 years ago
smiles at that as he pulled his wallet out and left enough money on the table to cover both their meals. "I'm glad you think so, shall we head back?"
11 years ago
gently wrapped an arm around Al's waist and kissed him back lightly as he flushed. "Sounds like a nice night."
11 years ago
grins with that as he poked him in the side before tugging his hand and leading him out of the restaurant.
11 years ago
smiled over at him as he held his hand and walked. "So what did you think of Scotland's presentation?"
11 years ago
nods as he thought about it a bit, "I know... They don't get along very well do they? Him and Arthur?"
11 years ago
11 years ago
(Baaaah sorry >___< )
11 years ago
nods as he squeezed his hand a bit, "I don't know... you're probably right though."
11 years ago
(Wasn't the cat either. T_T;; I was moving my laptop to my room and I tripped down the stairs and it was my chest.)
11 years ago
looked over at him with a raised brow. "Hmm... well I know where we got it from." He smiled at that. "I don't think they'll ever admit they care."
11 years ago
(the laptop survived.)
11 years ago
shrugs as he leaned into him and returned the half embrace. "Maybe? Ah but last I spoke with either of them was just after all that drama."
11 years ago
tilted his head to kiss him on the cheek. "Hmm... I don't know if it'll get worked out. I think I'll just avoid them for a while as well."
11 years ago
nods and pulls his hotel key out so he can let them into the room. "Yep."
11 years ago
nods as he headed for the elevator. "Gregory does have Francis, shouldn't worry to much eh?"
11 years ago
laughs a bit at that. "That is one way of putting it."
11 years ago
flushes at the sudden kiss and chuckles again at the comment, kissed him back lightly before he was pulling Al out of the elevator towards his room. "We could if you want and I wouldn't mind being kept busy."
11 years ago
grins at that as he waited for Al to let them into the room. He wouldn't bother switching rooms, it was to much work and this was just so much easier. "I like that plan."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he followed him in, "nope cause I can just help you work it off."
11 years ago
follows him to the bed after taking his shoes off and grabs the remote, flicking the TV on and checking the channels.
11 years ago
leans over to see it and nods, "sounds good to me." He smiled up at him as he settled on a good action film.
11 years ago
shifted to get comfortable on the bed as he watched the movie a bit, though he couldn't help but glance at Al.
11 years ago
smiles at that as he gently combed his fingers through his hair in response. "You're cute."
11 years ago
laughs as he nods, "mm hm. It's comfortable."
11 years ago
flushed lightly at the kiss and how sweet it was, he continued to run his fingers through his hair when he settled again.
11 years ago
liked being able to do with Al, the fact that he could made him feel important to at least one person and that was more than enough for him. "I love you."
11 years ago
looks slightly embarrassed at that as he leaned down to steal a light kiss.
Mattie was
11 years ago
maybe staring back a bit distracted when he jumped at the sound of the knock at the door and jarred Al from his lap.
11 years ago
laughs a bit at Al's reaction and climbed off the bed as he went to answer the door.
11 years ago
lets the man in with the food and let's Al talk to him as he slipped back to the bed to switch channels on the TV>
11 years ago
put the remote aside as he watched Al, "looks good."
11 years ago
smiles at that and moves over to him obligingly, he settled in against his side and took a spoonful of the dessert, humming happily.
11 years ago
nods and leans up to kiss him before taking another spoonful, "very tasty."
11 years ago
gasps at the bold kiss and almost melts into it as he kissed him back, he dropped his spoon as he reached to tangle his fingers in his hair lightly.
11 years ago
laughs breathlessly when he pulls away and tilts his head to lick a bit of the dessert off the corner of Al's mouth. "Very."
11 years ago
returns the grin as he picked up his spoon again. "I like when you get like that over food. Other times it's less cute, but right now it is cute."
Mattie is
11 years ago
happy to see him enjoying the evening, he liked this. He shifted to rest his head on his shoulder and smiled.
11 years ago
settled in the watch the show he'd put on and hums softly, enjoying the company. "You're so good to me Al."
11 years ago
blinks a bit as he looked up at him, "a massage?" he tilted his head slightly and shrugged. "If you want to, you pamper me enough as it is."
11 years ago
smiled at that, "then in the case I will take you up on the offer."
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