(rp / hs / icons?) i want to go jake and rose icon hunting but where to look, i ask myself...
latest #41
def need more seer icons of rose, since i was a dummy and saved mostly grimdark
uhhh if you want we could do an icon exchange?
i mean if you save your icons to a folder
otherwise i can also just give you my whole blooming folder
i would. honestly love the whole folder then
like if its all HS ill just take it
ok; ill look for iocns first and then share my spoils later
ill ping you when im all finished
ok! btw i hope you feel better dude
i saw the plruk i just had no idea what to say lajgg
Splintercat: YO i have llike 475 icons just sayin; how do you wanna get these?
like mediafire or imgur or idk
theres credit on all of them so
yeah, i just wasnt sure if you preferred something else
ill upload these now and icon swap can commence
oh LOL yeah that works the same
MEDIAFIRE WAS JUST the first thing that came to mind
anywho THNAK YOU i appreciate this a lot <333
OH RIGHT and in my folder anything that is hs_jk- or hs_grp- that's credit to anonanimal
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