Anarchy Panty says
11 years ago
So I go to Walgreens to buy myself some cigarettes. Mind you, I only have my passport with me as I.D. When I get to the girl at the cash register, I ask for a pack of Camels and hand her my passport.
latest #7
Anarchy Panty says
11 years ago
This is where she goes "Oh, I'm not really familiar with these." I tell her, "no problem" and flip it open to the first page so she can get my DOB.
Anarchy Panty says
11 years ago
Now, I had also forgot my membership card, so halfway through paying I was keying in our home phone when the girl at the cash register asks me, "So, where are you from?
Anarchy Panty says
11 years ago
I'm carrying a U.S. passport.
11 years ago
Am I thinking right?
Anarchy Panty says
11 years ago
perhaps you are thinking left! D:
11 years ago
(doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh) (doh)
11 years ago
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