Naergi/Chopine says
11 years ago
Downside of working with epoxy resin? Might result in allergic reactions.
Until yesterday I've been spared from that - but overnight my face has swollen up as if I had been stung by a gazillion bees :-(
11 years ago
Note that I've been working with that stuff for over a year now; and the allergy really came overnight now.
11 years ago
Seeing the positive side: My lower lip has swollen so much that Angelina Jolie would be jealous.
It would be pretty if it wouldn't itch & if the rest of my face, particularly the eyelids, weren't also swollen.
11 years ago
Please try not to do that to my friend again.
11 years ago
assumes it is ok to use the term friend here (unsure)
Tanarian says
11 years ago
Oh dear. Did you try an antihistamine (if you've got any)?