William is
11 years ago
giving FREE surfing lessons to the first nation who asks.
latest #21
11 years ago
wouldn't mind learning how to surf.
11 years ago
grins widely, an arm going around Mattie's shoulders. 'Well today is your lucky day then mate!' He looks him over before handing him sun cream. 'You should probably wear that though, eh?'
11 years ago
blinks a bit and nods as he smiles at him. "Thanks," he took the cream from him. He hadn't seen the Australian in a while.
William is
11 years ago
back to his healthy glow since the summer's roled around again. He looks like he's in his element, watching other people on the beach mess about with sandcastles or volleyball. 'Are you gonna surf at home?'
Mattie is
11 years ago
glad to see him looking so well. He shook his head lightly. "I don't really have beaches this nice, but I can always go to Al's and surf there."
11 years ago
nods, 'A bit chilly up there... but yeah it could work.' He starts towards the beach, two surfboards tucked under one arm. 'So... do you do any sports mate?'
11 years ago
follows him intently and smiles. "I play hockey, baseball, lacrosse, rugby..." he could list more but... he liked sports.
11 years ago
nods, 'No water sports then?' He was trying to gauge how much he would have to teach him. He didn't know Mattie was a big Rugby fan... he rarely saw his team play...
11 years ago
didn't really play outside his home as far as rugby went. He nodded, "oh I swim, I love swimming." He nodded.
11 years ago
grins, 'That's good. Means I don't have to worry about you drowning... too much.' He places the boards down, near the water edge. 'Now... I could explain it all to you before we hit the waves but I think it'd_
11 years ago
be better to see how you tackle it first and go from there. What do you think?'
11 years ago
raises a brow at that and nods, "a-alright..." He didn't know much about surfing. "I trust your judgement."
11 years ago
pats him on the back, giving him a reassuring smile. 'You'll do brill, and I'll be out there with you to help.' He picks up his board, 'Let's start, she looks like she's about to pick up.' He's referring to_
11 years ago
the ocean.
11 years ago
looks out at the ocean and looks a bit hessitant before nodding and picking up the other board. He would watch William to see how he did it first.
William is
11 years ago
a bit wise to that, he's had students do that to him before. 'You can go ahead, it's easier for me to help ya if I stay behind and keep an eye on you.'
11 years ago
flushes a bit at being caught out on that. He nodded and took the board, glancing at some of the other surfers and carefully following suit.
11 years ago
waits for him to get started before entering the water himself. 'You're doing good so far mate.'
11 years ago
smiled at him as he nodded, though that caused him to loose his balance and he slid off the board into the water.
11 years ago
laughs, making his way over to help him back on his board. 'Sorry for distracting you mate.' He pats him on the back, 'Least it isn't the season for Jellyfish, eh?'
11 years ago
blinks and looks a bit worried at that as he scrambled back up onto the board. "Eh.. yes good thing."
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