when I come to plurk i don't want to see people so called my friends saying i'm a murder just cause i'm an Israeli
Welcome back, and i don't. Hamas seems to think they can shoot rockets at will and then be the victim when Israel uses better rockets back
I don't hate the Palestine people at all, I wish for 2 countries living in peace. But Hamas that controls Gaza is a TERROR organizion that doesn't care about innocent life lost on either side
There won't be any real peace between israel and the palestinians as long as you've got such a glaring double standard
know all the facts befor you bash my country and my people!
www.plurk.com/Petrie000 I totally agree with you! I don't support my prime minister at all, but every country in the world EVERY COUNTRY would have done worse if they had 45% of her people living
in shelters cause they are daily bombed
personally i think anybody who really supports the palestinian people would side with Israel on this... Hamas is literally the only thing standing in the way of meaningful peace
I got out of one of those arguements last week. Just not worth it.
If people stop confusing the two, the palestinian people and the nihilistic thugs running hamas, Then maybe the paletsinians would be able to start making lives for themselves free of war
they refuse for cease fire cause the want to come out as the winners while we agreed to almost all terms of cease fire just to make the fighting stop
am i wrong in thinking that the situation between Israel and the PLO in the west bank is better than it's been in a long time, because they're talking and not shooting?
look at life in Ramala... our only hope for a side that wants true peace with us befor you look at life in Gaza where their goverment let 85% live in poor conditions
www.plurk.com/Petrie000 yes you are totally right, and maybe our current goverment are all idiots but most of Israel supports peace talks with the PLO
i'm not there, so obviously i haven't seen it up close... but i can't imagine that after 60 years of warfare, more killing is going to break the deadlock
i wish more people here excepet you 2 would read this and maybe learn somethings
you never know, maybe it'll get through to someone... doesn't hurt to try
makes me want to cry the plurks i did see about the situation here, common people know all the facts we are not cold blooded murders
unfortunately i believe that has much more to do with global perception of America than anything Israel's done
50 years ago most of the world decided Americans were a slightly dense, warlike pack of greedy imperialists... and therefore everyone who sided with us was one too
i'm so angry and so sad, every innocent life here lost in all the freakin middel east hurts me. but when my family has to be in a shelter to not get killed i will support my country
since then nobody's bothered to really update the steroetypes... Americans bad, therefore hamas good, 'cuz Israel is friends with America
no it's Israel is bad cause we live 65 years where we live... because we stole this land. READ HISTORY PEOPLE READ ABOUT WHAT REALLY IS AND WHAT REALLY WAS
i do kinda' find it ironic that people who like to make the 'we were here first' argument are using the british colonial name for the region...
i was born here no where else, where do you want me to go so people will be happy? do you want me dead like Hamas and it's fallow terrorist organizions want? will that make you happy?!
but it's all really beside the point... two people are there, neither one is leaving... so why don't the 'leaders' grow up and figure out how to coexist?
more or less, yeah... nobody seems willing to admit that it's all about who's got the bigger penis... and i don't exclude America from that
Mahmous Abbas or as he is called here Abu Mazen agreed for 2 countries according to the 1967 known lines... all my stupid govermenet needs to do is talk to him and come to a new agreement and maybe finally
but Hamas bashed Abu Mazen for it cause as they see it and as they believe all jewish people should be totally gonne from the middel east and all of Israel should be theirs
Hamas wants us mostly gone and dead, that what will make them happy
they should just trade those silly settlements in the west bank for the absurd 'right of return', call it a compromise and cue the photo ops
we did clear alot of settlements from what now known as Gaza, did it help you think? no it just gave them closer grounds to fire at us
yeah, i know... but getting rid of all of them robs the palestinians of their causus belli... if they're not actually fighting to expel israel from their land... what possible justification do they have left?
and, of course, if they have no justification then Israel's right of self defense is unquestionable even to the UN
it'd be a totally machievellian thing to do... which is probably why nobody'll risk it
Welcome back! And I never see people on plurk by their countries but as another SL explorer.
Regardless we all need to respect our own countries. So good you stick by yours.
I don't hate people for what religion they are and what country they come from, and i wont tolerate being hated for this reason. it's just stupidity!