Kiku has
11 years ago
sat himself at his kotatsu with a little bowl of oranges, planning to stay here to escape the cold.
latest #30
11 years ago
stepped out of his shoes after having entered his friend's house, trailing his fingers along the wall as he wanders further inside. "Kiku~?"
11 years ago
blinks up at the familiar voice, torn between getting up and staying in the warmth. "Feliciano..?"
11 years ago
frees him of the little internal conflict as he appears in the room he's in, smiling widely. "Buona sera!" He greets, holding up a bottle of wine as he walks over and plops down beside Kiku.
11 years ago
smiles up at him when Feli enters the room. "Konbanwa, Feliciano. It is nice to see you," he greets, shifitng over so Italy can join him.
11 years ago
puts down the bottle on the low table to kiss Kiku's cheek and hug him. "Same to you~" He hums, pulling away again. "I brought you wine, ah, the sort you seemed to like last time you were over."
11 years ago
flusters at Italy's greeting, though his reaction has at least calmed down from when he had first met him. "O-oh uh... t-thank you," he nods. "You didn't need to do that.."
11 years ago
settles properly beside him and shrugs happily. "My pleasure." He's certainly glad the older didn't keep freaking out as badly as the first time he'd greeted him his way. "So what have you been up to, hm?"
11 years ago
nods, cheeks still a little red. "O-oh... mostly I have been working.." he answers, neglecting to mention that maybe perhaps he was dating now, wanting to avoid being teased. "How have you been?"
11 years ago
would never tease someone for romance! He smiles, placing his elbows on the table to rest his chin in his hands. "I've been good. Helping out Romano and visiting Germany." He blinks as if realising something, _
11 years ago
and quickly looks at Kiku, smiling. "You should come over more often! Well.. when you don't work, I suppose."
11 years ago
smiles, pulling out two oranges from the bowl, offering one to Feli. "Ah.... I have been hearing a lot of noise coming from Europe lately... I think perhaps it is best if I stay away for the moment," he muses.
11 years ago
raises a brow, taking a moment to realise what he was talking about. ".. Oh! But there's always noise in Europe, silly. You can't really escape that." He says fondly and a little exasperatedly. "Grazie."He _
11 years ago
takes the offered fruit and parts it in two.
11 years ago
hums softly, nodding. "I suppose that is true too..." He still preferred the quiet though, of course. "How has Germany been lately?" he asks, not having seen him lately either.
11 years ago
pulled the slices apart and laid them all down on the table, eating one. "Hm-? Ah, right. He's.. he's been good! Just a little bothered by France, but that's over now." He says, idly looking out a window.
11 years ago
smiles a little as he watches him, though he hums at the comment. "Ah... Francis has that effect," he nods, remembering the days he had spent learning from the self titled 'big brother'.
11 years ago
"I think he's fine." He admits matter-of-factly and shrugs, taking a bite of another slice of orange. He smiles and turns towards him again. "These taste really good! Much like the ones at home."
11 years ago
hums softly, taking his word for it. He smiles too though at the comment, popping another slice in his mouth. "I am glad you approve. I always enjoy these once they're in season."
11 years ago
laughs lightly, "Well, I'd not eat them before they were-- I've done that, actually, it didn't.. taste good at all." He frowns in dismay at the memory.
11 years ago
blinks at this, makes a face himself at the thought. "My apologies then. I can't imagine that was pleasant."
11 years ago
"No, no it wasn't." He shrugs, then brushes the thought away completely and slumps a over the table, stretching his arm out to rest his head sideways on it while looking at Kiku. "You must've done something _
11 years ago
besides working, Kiku, come on~" He smiles curiously.
11 years ago
blinks down at him, a slight blush to his cheeks as he shook his head to deny it again. "Just... some cleaning and working, I guess..."
11 years ago
makes a playful sound of disbelief and reaches up to gently pat Kiku's shoulder. "It's not nice to lie, Japan. You can tell me."
11 years ago
flushes a little more at the pat and the knowing look on Italy's face, and he looks down at another orange as he works on peeling the skin away. "....I-I have... p-perhaps also started uh... dating
11 years ago
Korea..." he answers quietly.
11 years ago
blinks slowly once, letting the information sink in, then sits upright with a grin. "Kiku that's wonderful!" His tone is genuinely happy as he embraces the older man in a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you both!"
11 years ago
startles as Italy suddenly sits upright after a moment of silence, gasping and blushing darkly as he's wrapped in a hug. "T-thank you..." he answers hesitantly, squirming in his arms. >///<
11 years ago
pats his back before pulling back, smiling as he looks at him with a spark in his eye. He can't help getting excited over romance, especially when it concerns his friends. "You're happy with him, sì?"
11 years ago
flushes darkly still, though happy to be released at last. "Y-yes, it turns out he...h-he has also liked me for many years..."
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