Mother is still crazy and unpleasant. Has no respect for my future husband. Fuck this noise, we're moving out.
TIL mom thinks Batman 1) is a liar, 2) and/or has Alzheimer's, 3) will rape my younger sister if she's alone in the house with him
On top of all the other crazy shit she's done and stories I've learned via my dad? Yeahhhhh noooo
This is not a family. My mom needs to pull her head out of her ass and see that. Mom and sis are just blood relatives to me. Dad's the only one I can remotely give a damn about now and he doesn't even live here
I get a better sense of what a family should be like with Batman's mom and younger brother
Also my mom called me this morning 8 times. In a row. And left several voicemails all saying the same thing. Less important than my rage at her lack of respect but there we go
If my mom liked it so much better when the house was "cleaner" before we moved in THEN FIIIIIINE ENJOY YOUR EMPTY, SPOTLESS HOUSE WITHOUT US
Don't most parents change after their kids move out for a bit? For the better?
tigerphoenix: According to my dad, she's essentially had her feet anchored in the past and head buried in the sand ever since they got married.
Batman's mom chilled out a lot after he moved out/came back. I was hopeful my mom would do the same, hence me gritting my teeth and trying to move back in
I think I could deal with this shit (miserably) if I was alone, but all the horrible things she's said about Bruce leave me shaking and crying with rage
It's probably both.

Moreso the latter.
Aaaah man trying to talk to her is so difficult. Either she mumbles PA shit under her breath like you're not standing in front of her, pretends she didn't hear a thing, or other shit
We will be a lot happier once we're out
Yeah. :/ Makes me wonder if my sis would leave, too, if she were able to
She thinks I'm scum for wanting to go so w/e maybe not
it's true that relationships with parents usually get better when you move out...but that's usually if you don't move back in since it's the lack of stress from having children around that does it
if she can't respect your choices and judgement of people when you're an adult, it's probably best if you distance yourself a bit and be happy
Wow bro. I'm sorry your mom is insane :/ lemme know if there's anything I can do for you and Bruce
Fuck if it weren't for my love for you I would travel back in time and punch your mom's mom in the uterus. Prevent her birth.
Lol touché Hurray elly for rationale time traveling thinking. I would just commit time continuum disruptive murder haha