Dr. Danny says
11 years ago
[mute, just my thoughts ^^;]
latest #6
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
So everything's been shitty lately, and I'm sick of this version of me. I HATE this me.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
I'm going to try and explain this to my mom, and hope that she lets me do something to change myself, i.e. bleach my hair, go on a diet, get a hair cut, just something to change how I look.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Tonight I'm going to stay up all night and alternate between doing my school work and cleaning my room.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Then, I will write a schedule of what I am, and am not, allowed to eat if I want to stay healthy.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Also going to clean out my closet and dressers, get rid of what I don't wear and what doesn't fit.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Hmm, maybe I'll just put some hair color on top of my current one, like my mom does to her hair?
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