I'm only on episode 3 and I am already so boooooored
please go to the next world already I don't caaaare
and I totally cannot get a read on tsukasa's personality
so far he seems to fluctuate depending on what the writers want him to do at any given moment
at least with tendou when he alternated between arrogant and kind I could actually buy it
tsukasa? yeah not buying it so far.
sdkflkdsdklfj is that spider THEY GOT SPIDER BACK FOR KIVA'S WORLD OH GOD YES /dying
oh spider I forgot how amazing you are
although they're still missing otoya so -10 points, he was the best thing about kiva
not that I'm really expecting them to get many original actors back...
but I've heard of the horrors they inflicted with AR faiz world and I'm a little scared to see AR blade world
because I have SO MANY FEELS about both of those shows so it is going to be REALLY SURREAL to see totally different characters using the same rider systems.
...okay kid!wataru is cute, I can give them that.
and they even have the same violin song from kiva, I mean it's a nice song but it's the only one they ever play
noooooo don't watch Decade
what have I told you about this
and you will NEVER get a read on Tsukasa's personality ever
I wanted to see it for myself so I can feel justified in complaining about it.
the writers keep losing their notes
...though if you're going to watch it, tell me what Faiz world is like because I probably want to scream at it
kaito is probably the only reason I'll keep watching
......and well okay Den-O world is fun.
I've heard faiz world was set in high school??
because Tsukasa gets possessed by all the imagin ever
that is literally all I remember about it though because I watched it before I saw Faiz
and it was Smart Brain High School.
I'm scared for both that and blade world because there is no possible way they can do either one justice in only two episodes
...kabuto world I've heard the legendary grandmother shows up, though, that might be a redeeming factor
there anything I should know about blade or kabuto worlds before I get to those or should I just save the weeping for after I get to them.
I honestly do not remember
Kabuto world did not make me cry as much as Kiva world
yeah kiva world is shaping up to be a bit... weird.
--wait hold up so wataru has a fangire father and a human mother?? what is this fuckery that's the other way around
at least let me hope that otoya existed at some point, man, I will cry otherwise
the 1986 side was the redeeming feature of kiva and I am sad that they seem to have incorporated zero elements of that
though I do like the occasional original rider cameos.
especially the hoppers a few episodes ago 8'D
"Where did you come from?" / "Hell."
...okay the whole "trial by kamen rider" thing in ryuki's world is rather bizarre.
like I mean who implemented this system it is the worst idea ever.
and is there ever going to be a world that gets me to actually care about any of the characters in it
oh geez I was right about the real culprit too that was way too predictableeeee
or maybe I just watch too many murder mysteries
and blade world seems to have turned all the characters into arrogant little bitches...
AR blade seems like he's got a hint of the original's selflessness if you look veeeeery closely, but he's far too arrogant about it
the other two are just way too smug, and chalice is nowhere to be seen
I wouldn't mind so much if the AR characters were actually likable, but they're NOT
this is just so jarring to watch because the characters were what I LOVED about blade
--okay except maybe mutsuki he was a bit iffy a lot of the time but that's beside the point
but it is very jarring to watch the riders I loved and know these versions are all selfish jerks
though at least they didn't totally fuck up and have, like, tarantula undead attacking people, that would've been a really stupid move.
(I'm looking at you, blade AU movie.)
at this point all that I'm still waiting for is "ONORE DIKEIDO"
and NO okay I refuse to believe that this chalice has anything to do with my beloved hajime
I am denouncing this chalice. they have no relation.
--writers at least TRY to offer up some logical explanation as to why AR chalice's transformation is different from the others
this makes perfect sense in blade, but that's because hajime wasn't human, and since AR chalice seems to be human they could at least try
at least attempt to have some internal logic and consistency please
and YES I am critiquing this heavily because I just finished blade a few days ago.
...but wow this is the first time I've actually seen chalice's belt as an item totally separate from the person, that's different o_o
...wait they're what-- they're using them to create the joker card
WELP I have no idea what's going on anymore \o/
...do we actually get to see joker because I will totally stop complaining if that's the case
I should probably stop rambling about this particular world so much but I finished blade two days ago so my brain is still in fangirl mode okay

THIS IS JOKER BY THE WAY beautifully intimidating design
and okay I can give them some credit for TRYING to do character development here even if it doesn't totally work...
...wow okay either they totally depowered joker or totally overpowered tsukasa. either way that is not right, him defeating joker so easily.
oh god and now I get the atrocity that is faiz AR world
which I think deserves its own plurk because of the sheer WTF