11 years ago
| To him everything was quiet, he was standing in the square of Gamla Stan. He couldn't believe another year had gone by.. He clenched his fists closing his eyes at the memories.
latest #62
11 years ago
hadn't even realised he was walking that way. He just woke up today and went for a walk, forgetting to say anything to anyone. It's just like he had to be there...
11 years ago
closed his eyes, he was quiet, even quieter than normal sdfsd
11 years ago
11 years ago
he didn't notice anything around him, he didn't want to notice anything.
11 years ago
found himself in the middle of the square early in the morning, and spent most of the day just standing there. He was subconsciously drawn to this area, and right now he couldn't see why.
11 years ago
knew why he was there today, but he actually didn't even know the Dane was here at this moment. Opening his eyes, he started to walk with his eyes down cast.
11 years ago
felt the other brush against him as he walked by, snapping out of his trance. "... Sve..." He whispered, not moving his eyes from the ground. He could tell it was him just by the contact.
11 years ago
froze when he heard his name, he slowly looked up to the voice. "Den?" His voice just barely above a whisper.
11 years ago
barely nodded, not moving his eyes from the ground. He couldn't help but feel guilty for what had happened. He knew it was his fault.
11 years ago
sighed a little. "Look at me, Den." He said, he could tell the Dane felt badly, but he wanted the Dane to actually speak.
11 years ago
instead turned his head away from him. He felt like he should be heading home soon anyways.
11 years ago
frowned a little bit, he put his hand on the Dane's face turning his head back to face him. "I said look at me."
11 years ago
kept quiet as he looked back at the other, his eyes slightly teary and more blue than normal.
11 years ago
looked him over slightly, his eyes widening slightly when he saw the tears. ".. Søren.." He didn't realize how much this beat the Dane up. "Don' do that." He didn't know what to do.
11 years ago
couldn't help but just keep looking at him like that. He knew there was no excuse for what he did, and he never thought that the other could ever forgive him for what he did. It pained him, really.
11 years ago
could never forgive him for that, but he had to move on. "Den.. Stop." He exhaled. "'M not happy 'bout what y' did.. T' me, t' m' people.. 'M not, 'nd I'd be lyin if I said I forgive y'. I don'. But.. We have
11 years ago
t' move on.. We only have each other t' blame for this 'nd well.. 'd in the past now.." He fell silent, having spoken much more than he wanted to.
11 years ago
felt more hurt when he was reassured that he'd not be forgiven. He bit his lip and just nodded, turning to head home. He knew he should be making the other feel better instead of the other way around, but it
11 years ago
just didn't work out that way.
11 years ago
frowned, reaching out and pulling the Dane back, wrapping his arms around him. "Tack though.. For comin." He said quietly, almost speaking in his ear.
11 years ago
frowned and just leaned his head against the other, glad for the comfort he was getting that he really didn't deserve. "I... couldn't help it..."
11 years ago
nodded a little, kind of wishing the other would hug him back, but he said nothing about it. "I guessed that.. 'Ve seen y' here 'lmost every year.."
11 years ago
chewed his lip a bit more and grabbed his shirt, pulling himself closer. That was probably as much of a public hug as he'd get right now.
11 years ago
forced a small smile away, he knew the Dane's amount of public affection, and he didn't mind. He tilted his head slightly. "Are y' thirsty at all?" He spoke into his ear still.
11 years ago
nodded, keeping his eyes hidden from the others view. He could really go for something to take his mind off feeling this weak.
11 years ago
"Okay.." He mumbled, his lips accidentally brushing the Dane's ear, letting him go, he straightened up. "There's a bar close by."
11 years ago
shivered a bit from that contact. He nodded and headed off to it, knowing where it was.
11 years ago
bit his lip only after he had walked away, he hadn't meant to get that close. He quickly started to follow after the shorter man .
11 years ago
wasn't that much shorter. He got to the bar and went to a quiet dark corner, away from everyone else. He wasn't in a social mood today.
Berwald was
11 years ago
still taller than the other. He followed and sat across from him, tapping his fingers against the table lightly.
11 years ago
quietly ordered a beer when the waitress came, then ran his hand through his hair, sighing quietly.
11 years ago
ordered a vodka and subconsciously did the same, looking away after. This was.. Sort of awkward..
11 years ago
sighed and just flopped forward, his head hitting the table. "Fanden."
11 years ago
jumped a little. "What?"
11 years ago
"I feel fuckin' terrible, Ber."
Berwald was
11 years ago
shocked to hear that name pass his lips. "Why?"
11 years ago
shook his head, which was still on the table. "Why do ye think?"
11 years ago
sighed quietly and reached across the table, putting his hand on the others head. "Ja ja stop actin like me 'nd act like the 'nnoyin bror I know." He didn't like when Soren got all mopy.
11 years ago
huffed and swatted his hand away. "I never act like ye. And this isn't actin' like ye. Nice try."
11 years ago
rolled his eyes. "I mean the quiet-ness y' aint quiet bror." He knew the Dane felt badly, but this was just painful to see.
11 years ago
sighed and took his beer once it arrived and downed it quickly. "S'kinda hard when all I can see is red and I hear myself fuckin' laughin'."
11 years ago
pulls his hand back slowly, putting both of his hands under the table, he rubbed his right palm lightly through his black leather glove. "I remember that laugh... But that was a long time ago." He spoke
11 years ago
carefully, trying to speak clearly right now.
11 years ago
sighs. "But the fact is it still happened. Fanden. I hate thinkin' of that."
11 years ago
sighed quietly, not bringing his hands above the table. "A lot 'f happened back then." God this was hard. "Y' can't hate y'erself for everythin'." Screw it.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Ja, like that'll change anythin'." He just kept drinking as beers came. "Drink. Ye're makin' me feel like an alcoholic."
11 years ago
stared at him. "Pretty sure y' are one." He took a mouthful of the strong alcohol.
11 years ago
pouted at him. "Am not. Far from it."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Are y' sure? Jus' cause y' don' get drunk.. 'M not sure if y' even can anymore.. Doesn' mean y'er not 'n alcoholic."
11 years ago
smirked faintly. "I can never get drunk now. So I'm not an alocholic. Nej." He was concinved he wasn't.
11 years ago
sighed quietly. "Alcoholics are people addicted t' alcohol, idiot. Y' have alcoholism."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "M'not addicted. Idiot."
11 years ago
"Then put it down 'nd drink pop or somethin."
11 years ago
made a face at that. "Why in the world would I do that?"
11 years ago
"T' prove y'er not 'n alcoholic."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "M'not. That's proof enough. Now shut it and drink."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes and takes a drink of vodka. "Ja it 's."
11 years ago
shook his head. He still didn't see it really.
11 years ago
could see it, but knew the other would never admit it.
11 years ago
never admitted a lot of things, really. Except that he was wrong all those years ago about today.
11 years ago
sighs a little, he would like to hear the Dane admit he was wrong. "How did y' get here?"
11 years ago
shrugged. "I walked."
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