well, first of all, I've only seen through around episode 30, so I have NO idea how this thing will end, and I'm only on episode 8 so far, which is where it starts getting fun
atmospherically it reminds me a little of faiz, though it also has its own individual vibe to it that I can't really describe
probably because it starts out smack in the middle of the story and then waits to tell you what exactly is going on
I mean, the first time we meet both kenzaki and tachibana, they're both already in the middle of heroic BSOD phases, which is an interesting way to introduce a character
anyway, I'm not entirely decided what I think of kenzaki, though I am leaning towards liking him
he's the heroic "wants to save everyone" type, rather hot-blooded at times, and one thing I noticed is that he's very open about his emotions
when he's happy, you will know. when he's angry, YOU WILL KNOW.
koutarou seems to be the resident keitarou but with a step down in blindingly happy optimism, and he's proving he's actually not as idiotic as he seems
so for a non-action character I actually really like him
and then there's hajime, my personal favorite, the token non-human rider who has all these human feelings but doesn't have a clue what they are or what to do with them
comparing him with other similar non-human types is rather interesting
because unlike, for example, ankh, who is straightforward and unrepentantly uncaring, hajime is cold and withdrawn into himself for the most part
and kenzaki and hajime seem to just hate each other for no apparent reason, I guess it's just one of those things
and I can't really comment on tachibana yet because he's still in BSOD mode
...and part of the thing about blade is that, while you're watching it trying to figure out what the hell is going on, the characters are running around also trying to figure out what the hell is going on
well, it's only episode 8. things will get more interesting once mutsuki shows up.
...oh and there's hirose. not sure what to think of her at the moment though I recall she gets better once she gets over the part where BOARD isn't the paragon of virtue like she thought it was
and admittedly I am a little worried about how hajime fare by the end, because whenever there's a non-human lead chances are they're going to die
OOO, check. kabuto, check. faiz, check and check.
sobbing no not the non-human leads
;A; this is why I am worried about hajime
he even has a morality pet in the form of a little girl, that cannot bode well either
...another interesting thing is that mutsuki marks one of the only times we get a rider who's actually still in high school
which doesn't happen again until fourze, I think
I recall ryoutarou was out of school but just barely? and philip doesn't count even though he's probably the age for it
...lol the zebra undead seems to bear a striking resemblance to horse orphenoch.
...lol and koutarou has this obsession with milk for some reason
hirose: "don't you think you drink too much milk?! you're gonna turn into a cow!"
koutarou: "then I can drink my own... that'd be really cool!"
and hirose is just like "wtf you are weird"