11 years ago
knocked on Francis' door, he had a few things from his boss for him but he also wanted to say hi as well.
latest #149
11 years ago
had been lettier Pierre roam around outside his cage for a bit, so when he answers the door, the bird is perched in his hair. "MAtthieu, good morning!" he greets with a big smile, pleased to see the other.
11 years ago
blinks a bit when he saw the bird, it was the first thing he noticed... he stared before he smiled and nodded. "Morning Francis." He hugged the folder of papers closer. "I brought some stuff for you."
11 years ago
smiels widely at him, stepping aside to let him in. "Come in come in mon lapin, I'd give you a big hug, but I don't want to drop Pierre," he hums, holding his head steady so the bird didn't fall off.
11 years ago
nods again as he carefully stepped inside. "He's... um looking cute." He wasn't sure what else to say at the moment.
11 years ago
chuckles softly, shutting the door behind him. "He is the best bird, he smiles, leading Matthew in to the living room before carefully extracting the bird and
11 years ago
setting him down on the arm chair, much to his dismay. "Can I get you anything to drink?" he offers.
11 years ago
shakes his head now as he followed him and picked a seat on the couch, watching the bird for a moment. "I'm okay thank you."
11 years ago
smiles, taking a seat next to him then. "Alright, if you want anything, just let me know," Hehums, glancing at the pile of papers. "...I do hope it's not work you have brought me?" he asks hopefully.
11 years ago
looks a bit apologetic as he handed him the papers. "It's work," he shrugged a bit. "Mostly done, I did most of it while I was sick so you just have read over and sign or something."
11 years ago
' shoulders droop a bti as he takes the paper, humming softly. "Well, thank you then Matthieu. You should have been taking it easy while you were sick though," he replies, looking up at him with
11 years ago
fatherly concern in his expression.
11 years ago
flushed a bit at and shrugged as he looked away, "it's fine. I don't like sitting around and doing nothing when I'm sick." He was still getting over his cold, but he wasn't going to say that.
11 years ago
hums softly, reaching out to turn Matthew's face back towards him. "Matthew, overworking yourself will contribute ot being sick..." he pauses, looking into his eyes. "'re still feeling ill, aren't you?"
11 years ago
bit his lower lip lightly at the question and shook his head lightly. "I feel better." He wasn't exactly lying that way.
11 years ago
hums at him, before releasing and standing. "I will make you something to make sure you're better, then! Matthew, you should tell me when you're sick, I will ocme take care of you you know~"
11 years ago
sighed softly at that, "I'm really okay Francis, Al came and looked after me." He smiled at that, "besides you have other things to worry about. How are you and Gregory doing?"
11 years ago
scoffs. "Alfred? Matthew my boy, he tries to cure colds with hamburgers on foreheads. Non, I would take much better care of you," he sighs though, sitting back down. "Well... we have both been
11 years ago
busy lately, so we haven't gotten to see each other much..." he admits, pouting a little.
11 years ago
frowns a bit and nods, "you two should make a date night and stick to that night no mater what."
11 years ago
hums at this, nodding. "Yes, I suppose sticking to a schedule might be a good plan..." he sighs.
11 years ago
shakes his head a bit, "not really a schedule, just set aside one night just for the two of you."
11 years ago
sighs softly. "Oui oui, that's still a schedule my dear. But perhaps I should..."
11 years ago
shifts a bit on the couch and nods, not sure what else to say now.
11 years ago
hums softly, shooing his troubles out of his head. "So in other news, how are you and Alfred doing?" he smiles.
11 years ago
blinks at that and smiles, "oh we are great." He nodded, "we don't get to see each other to often, but it's okay."
11 years ago
smiles softly. "So, kind of the same as me and Gregory then," he seems reassured by that a little. "How has arthur been holding up with the news?"
11 years ago
shrugs as he smiled a bit again, "he's been with the news. Though since the other day he's been less fine, but not because of Al and I."
11 years ago
laughs a little at this. "I knew he wouldn't be well with it. And oh..?" he wondered if that was because of their fight..
11 years ago
nods as he watches him for a moment, "I don't know the details. I am going to guess you have something to do with it though." He lightly touched his own cheek where Francis' had a fading bruise. He wasn't going
11 years ago
to out right point it out.
11 years ago
takes a second, but once he realizes what Matthes' pointing out, he hurries to cover it with his hand. ".....ah right, well." He pauses, rubbing his cheek. It was
11 years ago
still a little sore. "You already knew we didn't get along very well..." he tries to shrug it off.
11 years ago
nods a bit as he folded his hands in his lap. "I know you two have moments where you do get along... I don't really understand why you hate each other so much."
11 years ago
sighs softly, sittign back against the couch. "It comes down to a long story, bad history, and things going sour... an unfortunate truth for most of Europe really."
11 years ago
didn't look to convinced as he continued to watch him quietly. "Yes but a lot of Europe gets along. You two will be fucking one moment and the next you'll be ready to kill each other." He didn't even seem to
11 years ago
notice his use of colourful language.
11 years ago
looks surprised at those words tumbling from Matthew, of all people's, mouth. "... Matthew my boy, when did you learn to swear like that," he asks, ignoring the comment.
11 years ago
grins a bit at that as he shrugs, "Francis I learned how to swear in my first war. I did have a lot of human friends you know."
11 years ago
smiels a bit at this, shrugging. "It still seems strange coming out of your pretty mouth, mon chou."
11 years ago
laughs softly and shrugs, "I don't swear often. I'm not exactly as innocent and quiet as everyone seems to think though." He pointed out. "I do have you as a father and Arthur."
11 years ago
laughs happily at that, knowing he couldn't protest himself. He had a foul mouth when he was pissed. "Ahh true, anyone growing up around Arthur was sure to learn more than a few foul things..."
11 years ago
smiles and nods, glad to see Francis laugh at that. "Mm hm, I almost regret that I didn't know him in his pirate days."
11 years ago
shakes his head, grinning. "Trust me mon chou, you didn't want to know him in those days. He was smelly and foul in a million different ways."
11 years ago
blinks a bit, "I heard he was also the best pirate." He pointed out, "he was sort of the top of the food chain."
11 years ago
waves it off with a hand motion. "You were wrongly informed my son," he lies. "He was no better than average, truly a deck swabber at best."
11 years ago
raises a brow at that but doesn't say anything else on the matter. "Well I still think it would have been cool to see." He nodded.
11 years ago
hums at that, not sure if the boy believed him or not. Truthfully, it had been hard to resist Arthur in all of his domineering glory in those days. "If you like that sort of thing I suppose," he sighs.
Mattie gives
11 years ago
him a knowing smile as he nodded, "don't tell Alfred that yeah? I like him not knowing my little fantasies. His are pretty cute though."
11 years ago
arches a brow at that. "Mm oh? Isn't that somethign you should tell Alfred. I can imagine he would.. be pretty enthusiastic, if nothing else." He wondered what sort of fantasies Alfred had
11 years ago
with the Canadian... he remembered a few fondly from while he had spent time with him before.
11 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I like him living out his, it's more fun that way." He smiled again, "besides he's likes cowboys, which I really should have guessed."
11 years ago
chuckles at that, nodding. "Has he made you dress up as a cowboy, Matthew?" He was curious now.... he could definitely see that look working.
11 years ago
nods as he smiled, "yep." He couldn't help but remember the night and flushed a bit, "ah how about you and Gregory?"
11 years ago
grins at that blush, reaching out the tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "I wish I could have seen that," he grins, a little lewdly. He blinks at him though. "What, you would like to know what games
11 years ago
we play, Mathieu?" he teases.
11 years ago
smiles at the gesture and nods, "I am your son." He was curious, mostly because he wasn't going to ask Gregory such a question. "And Gregory isn't to pleased with Al and still I think."
11 years ago
grins happily, tugging Matthew close. "Oh I knew I had raised you right," he laughs. "Unfortunately I do not have any kinky things to tell you yet... though I can tell you that I intend to blow him the next
11 years ago
time he's wearing a kilt," he winks, obviously okay with this tmi. He blinks at that though, since Gregory had never told him anything of the sort. "Oh, why wouldn't he be pleased with you?"
11 years ago
laughs a bit as he settled in close to Francis, "you should do something more exciting then that Francis." He shrugs a bit at the question. "He wasn't happy at all when he found out about us."
11 years ago
chuckles to, brushing his fingers through MAtthew's hair. "Mm, I know. We usually jsut get so caught up in the moment we forget to bring in kinks," he admits with a laugh. "Perhaps I shall gift him a nice set
11 years ago
of things to use on me..." he muses, remembering Gregory's comment about looking nice tied up. Truly he had to be in love, he hadn't found a need to spruce up their love life yet. "Got any fantasies about me
11 years ago
and Gregory you'd like to share?" he teases with a wink, since Matthew seemed interested in their love life. "Hmm, so it's just that? You and Alfred didn't do anything to him?" he asks, thinking it seemed
11 years ago
a bit out of sorts for Greg to be upset at the pair getting together. Perhaps he was more like Arthur than he wanted to admit then.
11 years ago
shakes his head as he smiled, enjoying the hand in his hair. "Nope, I don't think about my father and uncle sleeping together, but if you like to think about Al and I, then I can give you plenty." He laughed,
11 years ago
"and no we didn't do anything to him. I just don't think he's a hundred percent okay with it." He shrugged, "Arthur is better about it that Gregory."
11 years ago
laughs at this, shaking his head. "I wouldn't mind, you know" he winks. "And yes please, you two do make quite a dashing couple," he grins. Such a pervert. He wished he could join them for a night. He scoffs
11 years ago
at the second part then. "How strange, perhaps I should go tell him to lighten up," he muses.
11 years ago
knows he wouldn't mind, he nods and smiles a bit at that. "I shall make sure I tell Al you said that." He liked Francis for that, really he didn't understand how people saw him being a pervert as a bad thing.
11 years ago
"Nah, if Gregory lightens up then the world might end."
11 years ago
laughs softly. "Ah true, good old Gregory is used to having that stick up his ass sometimes," he grins. "You know, you and Alfred should make a film..." he considers the though, cheeks reddening a little
11 years ago
at the thought of how good that would be.
11 years ago
grins at that, "what would Gregory think if we made a film and gave it to you huh?" He knew Al might actually jump at that idea though.
11 years ago
laughs at this, thinking Alfred would be the concern, if he knew where the tape was going. "Nonsense, what makes you think I'd share with him?"
11 years ago
smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "I have you to thank for Quebec, I don't think Alfred got anything from you."
11 years ago
chuckles at this, nodding. "I think he thinks I'm too much of a pervert to admit it, you mean," he winks. After all, Alfred still kept the statue of liberty as a center point to his country.
Mattie thinks
11 years ago
he might have a point there as he smiled at him. "Anything else exciting happen here?"
11 years ago
hums at this. "Oh, a lot of things. Good rumours and the like," he hums, shrugging. "How about you?"
11 years ago
sighs as he leaned back a bit into the couch. "Nothing exciting at all. It's been pretty boring. Just Al and I over there."
11 years ago
leans back with him, keeping his arm around the boy. "How dull that must be! Gives you plenty of time for fun though, oui?" he winks.
11 years ago
laughs and nods, liking the closeness. It was comfortable. He felt comfortable around Francis, mostly he knew the other was completely into Gregory. "This is true, oh! We should do a double date!"
11 years ago
couldn't entirely agree with that sentiment really... he was still himself after all. As much as he was trying to stay loyal to Greg, he couldn't guarantee the thoughts in his head were entirely pure. He
11 years ago
laughs at the suggestion though. "Oui, what a fantastic idea!" That had the potential to go terribly, terribly wrong.
Mattie thinks
11 years ago
the best of Francis, most of the time... he nodded and smiled, "isn't it? I think it would be fun." He nods.
Francis is
11 years ago
pleased by the amount of trust the boy gives him, even after their bout in the ice hotel. "We shall have to convince the two. Perhaps not tell them it's a double date at first," he winks.
11 years ago
rather enjoyed that bout and didn't think anything wrong with what had happened. He nodded and smiled, "ah that might be a good idea. We'll have to think of a place and time and just bring them there."
11 years ago
simply remember how angry Alfred had been at him afterwards. Arthur too. "I know just the place, there's a nice French restaurant near my house that I'm sure Alfred would agree too on the menu alone."
11 years ago
doesn't remember them be angry at all... though maybe was just him forgetting things. He nodded and smiled. "Alright!"
11 years ago
knew they hadn't been angry at Matthew. "Mm I'll make the reservations and let you know, alright?" This was going to be fun.
11 years ago
nods and smiles, "sounds good to me."
11 years ago
nods, humming softly. He looked forward to this now. =u=
11 years ago
glanced up at him and smiled, "sorry for taking up so much of your day."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nonsense! I'm always happy to see you my boy," he smiles, kissing his temple. "We should hang out more."
11 years ago
nods with that, "hanging out with you is fun." He smiled, "ah we should go get some dinner or something! My treat?"
11 years ago
hums at this, smiling. "Oui, dinner would be fantastic. Are you sure you wouldn't like me to cook instead?"
11 years ago
blinks a bit, "ah... if you want to cook. I don't want to impose."
11 years ago
chuckles softly, shaking his head. "It's up to you mon chou. What would you like to eat?"
11 years ago
stares for a moment as he tried to think about that, "anything you cook is good. I haven't had your cooking in so long." He was kind of easily pleased.
11 years ago
hums softly at him. "Ah, are you sure Matthew? I'll make somethign delicious then."
11 years ago
nods and smiles, "if it's not a problem."
11 years ago
nods, pulling back a bit. "Alrigth my son," he smiles, kissing his forehead before getting up to go cook.
11 years ago
looks pleased with that, "oh could I help you?"
11 years ago
((He found out about via you two having sex on the couch! It was a shock to his system :T /defending the guy with the stick up his arse.))
11 years ago
((Francis is just teasing for the sake of teasing =u= ))
11 years ago
smiles brightly, nodding. "Of course mon chou," he rpelies, standing and helping Matt up off the couch before heading to the kitchen.
11 years ago
got up, thanking him for the help. "What can we make?"
11 years ago
hums, peeking in the fridge to see what he had. "Do you like ratatouille?" he asks, noticing he had a lot of fresh vegetables to use.
11 years ago
nods and smiles, "oh that would be good!" he smiles a bit. "What can I help with?"
11 years ago
smiels, pulling out what he needs and setting it on the counter. "Can you start cutting the vegetable up, please?" he hums, going to the pantry for the rest of what he needs.
11 years ago
moved to start cutting up the vegetables and smiles at that. "Sure."
11 years ago
smiles pleasantly and thanks him, pulling out the skillet as well and turning on the heat. He hums softly to himself as he gets everything ready, before turning and grabbing a second cutting board to help.
Mattie is
11 years ago
humming to himself as he smiled over at him, slowly working on cutting the vegetables.
11 years ago
smiles back at him, holding himself back from tearing up while cutting an onion.
11 years ago
looks over at him and blinks a bit before he snickered.
11 years ago
pouts at him when he hears the snicker, though really it just makes him look a little more pathetic. "Do not laugh at your papa Matthew, it is rude~"
11 years ago
grins a bit as he leaned over to dab at Francis' eyes. "Not rude, how often do I get to see my papa on the verge of tears?"
11 years ago
purses his lips, though he closes his eyes and enjoys the gentle touch. "It is a point of pride not to cry, Mattew," he hums. "But yet onions seem to get me still, even after so many years." He finishes
11 years ago
off with it, pushing the chopped onion to the side.
11 years ago
smiles and finishes chopping the carrots up. He pushed them to the side and nodded. "Pride kills the best of men."
11 years ago
hums at him, washing his hands off before continuing on to other things. "Matthew, when did you become so philosophical," he smiles teasingly.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that as he worked on something else and laughed. "I do not know."
11 years ago
chuckles softly, taking what he had and placing it in the skillet now, turning on the heat. "It suits you, really."
11 years ago
finished with the vegetables and grinned. "Je prends votre parole, mon papa."
11 years ago
smiles back at him. <<Good boy.>>
11 years ago
nodded as he watched him cook. <<Smells good so far.>>
11 years ago
hums happily to himself, adding the rest of the ingredients and taking a breath. <<Mm, I have to agree with you there. Can you please set the table?>> he asks with a smile.
11 years ago
nods and moves to set the table, finding everything easily enough.
11 years ago
finishes up cooking, humming to himself pleasantly as he does. He lets it simmer for a moment, digging out a couple bowls for them. He dishes it out, adding a bit of decorative herbs to the top
11 years ago
before bringing it over to the table. <Thank you my boy~>>
11 years ago
smiled over at him and sat down at the table. "You should give me some recipes that I can make for Al."
11 years ago
nods at this, going back to the kitchen for wine and glasses, pouring them each some before finally taking a seat. "Oh, I can do that. I have a collection of favourite recipes I am sure I could give you
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photocopies of," he smiles.
11 years ago
brightens at that and nods, "oh that would be wonderful!" He thanked him for the wine and took a slow sip enjoying the taste. "I could give you some wine from Quebec, it's not as good as yours but it is getting
11 years ago
better all the time."
11 years ago
smiles a tthe thought, and nods. "Oui, I would appreciate that as well. Merci Matthew~"
11 years ago
returns the smile as he set his wine glass down and thanked him for the food before trying some. He hummed softly at the taste and smiled, "it's delicious, much better than Arthur's..." He paused and bit his
11 years ago
lip lightly. "Sorry."
11 years ago
blinks at the comparison and can only laugh good naturedly, shaking his head. "Mon cher, anything is better than England's cooking."
11 years ago
smiles, relieved as he nodded. "That's true."
11 years ago
chuckles softly, shaking his head. "I do feel bad that you had to grow up accustomed to his food... I am sorry, Matthew."
11 years ago
shakes his head, "non. I did learn to cook. I think Alfred is the one that suffered in the cooking department."
11 years ago
smiles sympathetically at that. "Well, just make sure he stays out of the kitchen, then."
11 years ago
nods as he took a few more bites of food. "I'll try."
11 years ago
chuckles softly, quiet a moment as he eats as well, finding the quiet comfortable.
11 years ago
enjoyed it as he ate, it was nice to do this sometimes.
Francis was
11 years ago
always happy to cook for him, if he ever wanted it. =u=
11 years ago
would probably bring Al along next time or something.
11 years ago
would be happy to have them~
Mattie will
11 years ago
make sure to do that then. He took another sip of wine and smiled at him.
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