Amelia is
11 years ago
feeling SUPER AMERICAN and she's going drinking. Elections were always best when they were over and no one was fighting anymore.
latest #163
Madeline has
11 years ago
a feeling her sister is going to go crazy tonight, so she's come to visit both to congratulate her... and to keep her safe.
Amelia has
11 years ago
already started the drinking, partying with her citizens. When she sees Madeline, she waves and works her way over to her. She grabs her up in a tight hug and gives her a happy kiss on the mouth. "Maddie! Did
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ya watch all the awesome news that happened today???" Her cheeks are flushed a bit from the alcohol.
11 years ago
smiles and waves back as Alicia spots her, giving her sister a big hug in return. She startles a=t the kiss though, cheeks going red as she pulled away in embarrassment. "A-Alicia!" She scolds, before sighing
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and shaking her head. "Yeah, I was biting my nails the whole time, hopeful that you weren't about to screw yourself over," she smiles to show she's at least somewhat kidding. "....I see you've been
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celebrating already."
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giggles at the scolding as is still hugging her close. "C'mon now my people are pretty smart yeah?" She's dragging her toward the bar. "You're far to sober Maddie. We should fix that!"
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struggles against her a little, though eventually gives in and lets herself be dragged. "Really I don't think I need to be drunk too eh?" she protests, cheeks still a little pink.
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throws her arms around her shoulders, bumping her hip against Madde's. "What's wrong in just a few beers? No drunk, no no just a little Maddie.~" She's already being handed a whiskey by the bartender- he knew
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her- and she takes it pressing it against Maddie's lips.
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stumbles a little with the bump but catches them both, smiling a little at her sister but shying away as the drink is pressed to her lips. "N-not really a fan of whiskey," she protests.
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pouts at her and takes it, downing it way too fast for her. She puts the glass down. "Well that's just ridiculous Missy. I bet ya'd enjoy it if ya tried it."
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rolls her eyes, amazed at how easily the shot went down for Alicia. "Vodka, if any shot," she hums. "And how many of those have you had already??"
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grins at her and orders that for her, and more whiskey for herself. "Plenty! I dunno a number but it's all been awesome!" She is leaning on her a bit though. "I think we should like dance or something!"
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sighs, having to build herself up to take the shot before downing it, shuddering at the taste. "You're drunk as a skunk, " she replies, noticing Alicia leaning on her. "Sure you can dance?"
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grins and just starts tugging her out to the dance floor. "I can totally dance Maddie. I ain't even a teeeeensy bit drunk." She winks at her, trying to be 'suave' and go for a 'tipsy but not drunk' vibe. "Let's
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dance." She pauses and furrows her brow, poking her cheek. "Skunks don't get drunk."
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stumbles as she's tugged out, trying to catch herself and making a face at Alicia once they stop. "Mhm. At least you're not drunk enough to forget that fact," she says a little sarcastically, though she
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smiles at her.
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laughs at her and kisses her cheek. "I'm super smart 'kay?" She grabs her and tugs her close and starts to 'dance' with her though really- like most Americans, it was just a lot of 'sexy' bumping and grinding.
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blushes a little at the cheek kiss, and reluctantly starts to dance, trying to favour keeping a little breathing space between them for decency's sake. She wasn't drunk enough for that kind of dancing yet.
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doesn't have a personal space bubble anymore and she's definitely invading Maddie's. She doesn't realize that she is trying to be decent but she does realize the other girl needs more drink. "Wait here," She
Amelia says
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against her ear. "I'll getcha something."
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blinks when Alicia stops, blushing a bit as the other leans in. "W-wait Ali I don't-" she sighs, giving up as the American already was disappearing into the crowd. She stays where she is, dancing a little
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awkwardly... since this was Alicia's citizens, she wasn't familiar enough with them to strike up conversation if she was being ditched.
Amelia is
11 years ago
gone for maybe several beats too long. And that sudden wooping cheer near the bar definitely didn't mean she was flashing the bar. Definitely not. She was getting free drinks so what could she do??
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definitely starts to feel forgotten, making her way off the dancefloor to save herself a little embarrassment. She startles at the sudden cheer though, looking up... and seeing it's in the direction Alicia
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disappeared to. "...this can't be good," she mumbles to herself, trying to push through the crowd to find the source.
Amelia is
11 years ago
leaning against the bar, shirt pulled up to her collar bone, revealing herself to the crowd around her. She's only barely covered- little pasties over her nipples- blue with big white stars over them. She's
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looking pretty smug as the people around her clamber to buy her a few free drinks. By the time Maddie's close, she already is moving to take them from her.
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stops dead when she sees Alicia, cheeks burning red in both embarrassment and second hand shame. "A-ALICIA!" she scolds, hurrying forward to step in front of her and hide her from the view of everyone
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around and to pull her shirt down. "W-what are you doing??"
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looks up at the sound her name and gives Maddie a little wave. "'m gettin' us some free booze, Missy~" she teases winking at her. "It's good see?" She has two glasses in her hands and another is sitting on the
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counter next to her.
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can hear the groan of the crowd as she tugs Alicia's shirt back down, shaking her head. "Y-you're flashing the whole bar!" she scolds under her breath, cheeks still red.
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leans in to murmur back, unsure why they were whispering but following suit. "Well, yeah that's the point. They give ya free booze for that shit." She giggles and pulls back.
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frowns at her, shaking her head. "That's incredibly distasteful and you know it," she sighs, glancing back to see that most of the crowd has dispersed... though a few hopefuls still seemed to be watching.
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pouts back at her. "Who cares?? You sound like Annie. Psshhhh distasteful." She passes her a drink. "Here; rink up 'n you'l feel better."
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sighs, quickly downing the shot and shaking her head. "Ugh. No more of that oaky?" she sighs, wondering how badly the night would continue if Alicia was already like this. "I can't believe you planned
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for that too."
Amelia gives
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her a naughty little grin. "I have some more things planned too." She leans close and murmurs against her ear. "I haven't had my drunk make out yet either. I'm so excited." She laughs and downs hers before
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she's trying to tug her out to the dance area again.
Madeline gives
11 years ago
a scolding look, though she blushes red and her expression betrays her embarrassment at the thought of what's to come. She stumbles as she's tugged again, though this time trying to pull Alicia
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back. "N-no, wait..! I think it's better if we went home.." she suggests, not wanting the entire party to see Alicia being scandalous.
Amelia gives
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her a pout, fingers sliding over her wrists. "Oh please, just a lil dance?" She tugs again and gives her the closest thing to the hero smile she can come up with when she's this drunk already.
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flushes still, frowning a little at her. ".....o-one dance, then I'm taking you home," she offers.
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smiles at this and compromises to get Maddie to dance with her. "Okay okay, let's do it." She is starting to bumb and grind to the music, grabbing Madeline close.
Madeline is
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glad Alicia didn't argue with her, reluctantly following her out and dancing.. still a bit too sober for this but giving in to let Alicia dance how she wanted- a-after all, it was a compromise. ////
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turns, grabbing Maddie's wrists and pulling them to her hips. She molds her back against Maddie's front, grinding her backside against her thighs and trying to get Maddie to guide her a bit with her hands.
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blinks in confusion at first as Amelia starts to pose her, though her face turns bright red and she tries to pull away once she clues in. "H-hey!" she scolds, trying to escape.
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puts a hand up and around her head, turning a little, to bat her eyelashes at her. Her voice is slurred a bit now: "Maddie c'mon dance please." Her other hand is still on wrist- trying to use that to keep her
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11 years ago
gasps as she's only tugged closer, face feeling like it's on fire. "A-Ami..." she protests still, feeling uncomfortable with doing this... especially on a crowded dance floor. "T-this is more of
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a lapdance than anything...." she mumbles.
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doubted- or at least didn't realize- people would watch. She laughs and she slides her body against her. "Still a dance, Maddie~" she says. She slides her fingers into Maddie's hair. She has her other hand on
11 years ago
Madeline's wrist, encouraging her to touch her hips while she grinds against her.
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whimpers softly, reluctantly dance with her despite her embarrassment. She mostly let Amelia control though, unable to do much more than awkwardly wiggle to the beat and keep her
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eye around the crowd for people doing too much watching. One dance, she reminded herself mentally.
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realizes hazily after a while that Maddie's only sorta dancing too and she finally turns, one leg going between Maddie's so now she can grind against her thigh instead. This way, she could have a bit more
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influence in how she was moving and dancing. "C'mon Maddie," she murmurs, hands sliding up her arms and then down her back. "Daaance." Her voice is the tiniest bit whiny.
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gasps, cheeks going redder if possible as Amelia slips a leg between hers. "T-this isn't dancing.." she protests weakly, shyly moving with her despite her embarrassment. She could feel the stares, surely
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wondering who the hell she was to be turning down a dance like this.
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giggles at this and shakes her head. "It's dancin'. I've danced like this at clubs a bunch." She slides a hand up to mess with Maddie's hair. "Innocent Maddie." She keeps moving as the song starts to fade.
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flusters worse still, but leaves her hair messed up with a sigh. "N-not innnocent.. this is just very inappropriate for a political party..." she mumbles, glad to hear the song ending and trying to pull
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back now, thoroughly embarrassed.
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laughs at this and shakes her head. "Well it's a celebration for political shit but we're still at a bar silly." She leans foward and gives her a kiss on the cheek, moving to stay close and lean against her. If
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she didn't get Amelia from the dance floor now she'd get tugged in for another dance.
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hums at her, flustering still at the kiss. "W-well whatever, t-time to go now.." she answers, trying to tug Amelia by the wrist off the dance floor. Her song was over after all."
11 years ago
((minus the " at the end))
11 years ago
stumbles after her and giggles. "So strict Maddie. I haven't even found someone to get sugar from." She's too drunk and happy for to much resistance though.
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huffs a little, trying to make her face stop being red. "Y-you can find some sugar in your home kitchen," she answers, purposefully taking it the wrong way to hopefully keep Alicia from trying
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to find someone for makeouts right then and there.
11 years ago
laughs and gropes her butt. " in my own kitchen? Wow how sexy. Ya really know how to treat a lady huh?"
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yelps in surprise at the grope, hands covering her behind and cheeks red again. "T-that's not what I meant and you know it," she huffs.
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grins and has an arm thrown over her shoulder. "Huh mean what Maddie? I didn' say anythin'." She leans against her as they walk out into crisp cold air.
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hums at her, still huffy. "You're ridiculous," she sighs, trying to hold her up best she can as she made her way to the car.
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laughs and nuzzles her cheek. "Nawwwwww I'm fun." She stays close as they walk.
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blushes lightly still, opening the door with some difficulty and depositing Amelia in the passenger side. "Sure sure you are. Buckle up."
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plops down in the seat. "Ohhhhh buckles huhhhh." She tries unsteadily to get it buckled and it takes several minutes before ahe finally manages to click them together.
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takes that time to close the door, come around the vehicle and climb in, waiting for Amelia before starting it up.
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hums as they get started leaning over to play with Maddie's hair- which was better than a lot of other nonsense that she could start. She siiiiighs. "So pretty."
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glances at her, but knowing from experience, she lets the girl play with her hair. "hmm," is her only reply, focusing on driving home and hoping there were no ride tests tonight. She had had a couple shots,
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after all.
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isn't really too concerned about anything, just messing. she does turn on the radio at some point though, wanting the sound.
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blinks over at her when the radio flips on, but she's mostly quiet on the way home. She finally pulls in to Amelia's home, parking the car and climbing. "C'mon drunko, you're home," she hums
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fondly, opening the passenger door for her.
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pouts at her- the drive hadn't sobered her but she was a bit quieter. Which meant she was plotting with that drunken mind or she was sleepy... the twinkle in her eyes hinted at the former. "Help me out..." She
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reaches for her after unbuckling.
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assumed she was sleepy though, missing the twinkle in her eye while concentrating on unbuckling her and pulling her out of the car. <<You're a great useless lug when you're drunk eh>> she mumbles
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softly, helping her out.
Amelia gives
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a little hum and hugs in against her. The soft mumble is very nice and she nuzzles her nose into her hair. Her hazy drunken mind was already telling her to drag her to the door, push her against it, and
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kiss her mouth- so she does. Eagerly.
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shuts the car door and locks it behind them, doing her best to help the assumedly sleepy drunk inside. She's startled by the sudden energy, gasping as she suddenly finds herself pressed against the door with
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Ami's lips pressed against hers. She panics, pressing up further against the door in an attempt to escape, both embarrassed and confused. "!!!"
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had told her she intended to have drunken make outs today and Maddie was the best option after all. She doesn't sense her hesitance and presses forward as she tries to escape. She nips at her bottom lip, trying
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to get her to open her mouth.
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whimpers as Alicia presses forward and pins her even better, gasping softly and parting her lips at the nip. She was trying so hard to resist... as much as she wanted to, Amelia was drunk and
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this wasn't right...but it was too tempting. She mostly freezes up in surprise though, reluctantly kissing her.
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slides a hand into her hair and is shoving a knee between her legs: her other hand sliding up her body: not too scandalous but still really intimate. It wasn't making out without the intimate touching right?_
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She is taking as much as she can while she's getting away with it. The alcohol was spurring her on.
Madeline is
11 years ago
slowly melting against her, though she makes a soft squeaky sound of surprise against her lips as that knee wedges between her thighs. Her own fingers find their way to cling
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innocently at Amelia's shirt for balance, head feeling dizzy from a different type of intoxication.
Amelia has
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them utterly molded together now, finally one hand sliding between their bodies to grope her chest. She breaks from her lips to kiss down her jaw, breath hot and smelling of alcohol.
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can't help it, she moans at the grope, panting softly as Amelia pulls away. Her cheeks are bright red though, and when the stench of alcohol hits her, she remembers why this can't be happening.
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"A-Amelia, I-I..." she trails off, unsure what to say as she tilts her head, the hot lips upon her neck making her mind blank a little.
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gropes her again when she hears her moan like that, grinning against her neck. When she hears her name she shivers and says, "Yeah baby, say my name that's it..." But, rather abruptly she freezes and jerks away
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making a dash for the bushes. She barely makes it there before she starts emptying her stomach between the bushes.
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pants softly, squirming beneath the gropes and debating if she really should let this continue- it might be her only chance, of course. "W-wha-" she manages as suddenly she's left pressed against the door, the
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cool air hitting her before she realized what what happening. She feels her heart drop a bit... and her stomach clench up at the sound. Sighing, she sighs and unlocks the door, heading inside to find
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a bucket and towel for her.
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would probably stil remember this in the morning as well, sadly. She generally remembered the times that she ended up puking. She stays in the grass after she stops, too disoriented and unsteady at the moment
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to move around too much.
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comes back after a moment with a warm facecloth and a bucket for her. "Here, I'll help you to bed," she sighs, moving to help Ami up carefully, hoping the puke itself was over. She'd leave cleaning the
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bushes to tomorrow.
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looks up at her but holds still for a moment before rising slowly. She feels a lot better now, actually smiling and taking the clotch to wipe her face clean. "Wow, that was unsexy." She leans agasint her as the
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other helps her inside. "Thanks Maddie."
Madeline is
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trying not to let her expression show that she's disappointed, simply nodding in answer. "You're welcome," she mumbles, closing the door behind them and leading Amelia carefully to bed to get
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her situated. "Was that all of it?" she asks, hoping the answer was yes. And maybe also hoping Amelia didn't remember this tomorrow.
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wouldn't notice it in this state probably. "I think so..." She lets the other lead her and she goes willingly and easily. When she's in bed she climbs slowly and curls up. She reaches out, finding and grabbing
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Maddie's hand. "Love you Maddie," she mumbles gently. It was clearly getting hard to stay awake.
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tucks her in, placing the damp cloth over Amelia's forehead. She sighs softly and pats her hand, before pulling away to let the sleepy girl sleep it off. "Love you too," she mumbles, going to find a
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bucket to put beside the bed just in case.
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slowly starts to drift off. She'd be really hung over in the morning. She does sleep rather well though, no waking up to puke or anything like that.
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knows that Amelia would be upset if she wasn't there in the morning so she dotes around, cleaning up a bit and finding herself a pair of pjs to change into before climbing into the guest bed. Usually she'd just
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sleep in the same bed on nights like this to make sure the other was okay but... well she felt a little too awkward for that tonight. She eventually drifts off too, after a long bit of musing on how soft
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Amelia's lips were..
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actually wakes up before Madeline the next morning- but that was on account of how badly her head was pounding and how queasy she felt. She was surprised to find Maddie not there, but she can't do anything
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about that at the moment. She grabs her bucket and drapes a blanket over herself as she stumbles downstairs. She sits down on the living room couch though, not quite making it to the kicthen for coffee- so she
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ts there half awake and angsts about how badly she feels.
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had left the coffee machine ready- all Amelia needed to do was hit a button. A little bottle of Asprin sat next to it too. Meanwhile Maddie was sleeping soundly with pleasant dreams in the
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guest room, for once not disturbed awake by Amelia's waking.
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sits on the couch for a long while vegetating before the need for water (and pills) become too strong. She gets up and goes to the kitchen, happy to see that they things she needed was already there. She downs
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the pills with water and moves on to the coffee machine- oh that was easy then
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11 years ago
starts to wake up with the smell of coffee, coming to slowly and sitting up. At first she's confused, not recognizing her surroundings, but the memories of last night hits her and she just
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groans quietly. She stays where she is a moment, before reluctantly getting up and heading downstairs to join her undoubtedly zombified sister.
Amelia is
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nibbling on a pop tart when the other comes down. She doesn't expect Maddie to still be there but when she appears she gives her a little head bob of acknowledgement. The caffeinne and the pills needed a bit of
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time before she was anywhere close to alive.
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nods back at her, walking past her for a cup of coffee herself before plopping down beside her. She resolved silently not to mention last night, just in case the good graces had let Amelia forget it.
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leans against her when she sits down. "Mornin Maddie. Sorry I grabbed your tits so much last night." That was a good way to start. "Thanks for not letting me die."
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face goes red at that, and she stares down at her coffee. "So you do remember..." she mumbles, taking a sip. >///>
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yawns and nods. "Course I do. It'd be sad to forget. It was a good make out." She sighs. "Sorry I puked."
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hums at her, still blushing. "...i-it's fine. I'll clean out the bushes later." She sighs softly. Of course Alicia would think nothing of it.
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does look over at her and pouts her lips a little. "Who've you been kissing, Missy, to get good? Have you been keeping secrets from me huh?" She gently pinches her side.
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gasps at the pinch, shooing her hand away with a huff. "I haven't been kissing anyone," she answers.
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leans in close to her face, arching her brows high. "Are you sure about that? Cause like it was a really good kissin' session." She pullls back after a moment still watching her.
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leans away, frowning at her. "I've not been kissing anyone," she inists, crossing her arms. "Remember how no one usually even knows I'm there?"
Amelia thinks
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about that and leans back, giving her a teasing smile. "Well I guess everything is awesome when you're drunk." She's trying to lighten the mood. She doesn't like that people don't notice her- well sometimes she
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doesn't like it and sometimes it makes her feel like she doesn't have to worry about the other girl as much.
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blushes a bit, frowning down at her coffee. "Record time from compliment to brushing it off," she mumbles to herself against her mug. "On second thought, you can go deal with your
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mess in the bushes. It's your house and mess after," she huffs.
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laughs softly and moves to wrap her arms around her, cuddling in against her. "Mmmmm it was a joke," she says at her huffiness. "You're all awkward and blush-y this morning. And you slept in the guest room and
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everything. I was trying to lighten the mood. I don't want you to stop hanging out with me cause I'm a hand-sy drunk."
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frowns down at her, but doesn't move, sipping her coffee. "I would've gone home but I was too tired," she lies. "I should go now, there's things to do." Though really she just wanted to escape now.
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pouts a bit more, not realizing why she was so uncomfortable. "Come on Maddie: it's not like we didn't practice kissin' on each other back in Victorian days. I'll keep my hands to myself. I'm sorry I touched
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up on ya like that."
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blushes a little darker, dregging that memory up. "I-it's fine, I just have things to do today," she replies, setting her coffee mug down and trying to pull away. "I'll text you later or something okay?"
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pouts at her and let's her pull away, too tired and head-achey to find her too much on it. She falls over her table top and gives her the most long suffering expression that she's got. "Is it that important
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really?" She sighs and finally takes her eyes off of her face, turning her face to bury it against her arms. "Text me later then."
Madeline is
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surprised that Amelia lets her go, and she can't but feel super guilty with the look her sister gives her. "....feel better eh," she comments, forcing herself to turn away and head out. As guilty as she
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felt, she didn't think her heart could take hanging around Amelia today. She just really needed to be alone.
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had figured the look would've worked to get the other to stay so when she goes to leave anyhow, it's Amelia's turn to be surprised. "She must really be upset that I kissed her," she says to herself aloud as the
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other is gone. "I said I was sorry...." She sighs and shakes her head. Maddie would forgive her eventually.
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