11 years ago
sat on his porch, enjoying some tea as his dogs were playing at the front of his house.
latest #126
Ksenia is
11 years ago
not spying or anything of the sort. Never. >.>
11 years ago
sipped his tea quietly while spacing out and staring at his large...feet. One of his dogs, Ilya went over to her when she caught his attention.
11 years ago
tries to shoo the dog away quietly. If he sees her he might run off and she just wants to make sure he's okay! "Go away! I just want to make sure bolshoy brat in fine. Be a good sobachka!"
11 years ago
heard a bit of a growl and lots of barking from his pomerainian and went to see what was Ilya barking about. Yoakym, his more friendlier dog followed along too.
11 years ago
sees him coming closer and tries to shoo the dog more insistantly. When that fails to work she decides running might be the best idea. She turns around to run but trips on a tree root, falling onto er face.
11 years ago
frowns when he heard the sound and offered a hand to help her up even though he didn't know who she was yet. " Are you okay there Miss?" Yoakym tried to help her up too as it barked.
11 years ago
rolls over, tears starting to form. "I'm not here for bill so please don't run off da? I only wanted to make sure you are okay but everything is not same anymore and I came to your house and there was big_
11 years ago
breasted woman and it was scary and you were not here and I can't find Belarus and I actually miss him and I.. and I.." She was sniffling now and had to take deep breaths after saying that all so quickly.
11 years ago
blinks as he helped her up and smiled instead of usually trying to find an excuse to avoid bill collection since he was worried about. " It's been a while and I'm glad you aren't hurt."
11 years ago
throws her arms around him tightly, mostly as a way to make sure he didn't run but she needed the comfort. "Nothing is same, my chair is g-gone! I think I am scared.." She sniffles, wiping some tears.
11 years ago
chuckles and rubs her back lightly as he tried to calm her down. " We can always find you a new chair and look for brat after. Would you like some tea and cake first, sestra?" His _
11 years ago
_dogs seemed quite excited for the new gest since they haven't seen her before as he got them in this world.
11 years ago
nods, starting to calm down. She was acting a little silly. "You will not run ahead and lock door? If you won't I will have some, da." She pulls back and tries to straighten herself out. "Sorry Dmytro, if I am
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bothering you. I am only here on social visit, no business. Promise."
11 years ago
smiles more warmly as he patted her on the head like old times. " If I was going to, then I would have done it already. Besides, you're not holding a bill and I missed you a lot." He started to lead her_
11 years ago
_ back to the house, not doubting her for a single moment.
11 years ago
didn't have a bill on her, none of her stuff was hers. "Although it seems you and your twin are the same with money. But enough, I promised. How are you so relaxed Dmytro? Things are so.. different." She_
11 years ago
followed behind closely, not wanting to fall behind since he had larger strides. "When did you get dogs?"
11 years ago
looks over to her as he opened the door and stepped to the side to take her coat. " I'm not sure what twin are you talking about but I guess you are referring to the female Ukraine." He actually never_
11 years ago
_ met her in person. " And things here aren't really out of hand so freaking out isn't the best thing to do." He let his dogs roam the house after. " As for these two,_
11 years ago
_ I adopted them since Iceland couldn't keep them all."
11 years ago
hands it to him. Always the gentleman. "Spasibo. I did not meet her, I saw her from far. Her breasts are huge!" She feels a little chastised by him but doesn't get angry over it. "I will try to calm down, it
Ksenia was
11 years ago
just scary, I could not find you at first. I know we don't see each other much but I was worried something horrible had happened. The house I am staying in is scarier than mine. Come stay with me, da?"
11 years ago
smiles and lead her to the living room to serve some tea and cake for her after. " That is what I've been hearing from my boss and don't worry, I was quite startled at first when I came here. As for staying_
11 years ago
_ with you, I am worried that my boss might not be too happy about that as well as the dogs and the farming I have to take care of." He hung up her coat before heading to the_
11 years ago
_ kitchen to get the sweets and beverages for her.
11 years ago
slumps her shoulders in response, fighting the urge to pout at him. "It is not your boss really. It is her boss. So you should stay with me. What if my twin is evil and comes to hurt me?" She knows she's_
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trying to manipulate him and instantly feels bad. "He probably is not. I am being selfish girl again. America said he is pudgy though, am I pudgy?"
11 years ago
scratched his head after serving up the food onto the coffee table. " I still get paid by the same boss and I don't think the male Russia would hurt you." Well he would make sure that
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_it didn't happen. He sat down next to her after. " And you're not pudgy Sestra. Even Belarus know that you're the cutest." He teased lightly prior to pushing the cup of tea and plate of cake towards her.
11 years ago
eagerly takes a bite of the cake. "I do not want Belarus to think that, do not encourage him Dmytro! He's getting more pushy with age." She sips the tea and attacks the cake. "You do not have to stay with me, I
11 years ago
_would like you to though. I would not force you to stay with me either like before. It was not that bad, living with me, da? I took good care of all you."
11 years ago
chuckles faintly as she smiled to her. " He knows his limits, but I guess things have been quiet lately that it might be nice to be around company again..." He mused while_
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_ petting his pomeranian that settled on his lap. Ilya was a bit of a tempermental dog however.
11 years ago
looks over at the dogs. "I like dogs. I had one, remember da? He got very old and he passed away.. he was happy dog though. That is the one thing I do not like as nation." She reaches over to pet the friendly
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dog. "I was very sad when that dog passed away. I wish they could live as long as us."
11 years ago
nods as he frowned briefly but Ilya seemed to be nice towards her. " They can if they are considered a part of ourselves." He did notice his dogs aged a lot slower compared to other animas.
11 years ago
animals* ((Ahhh speeling))
11 years ago
holds a hand out to the other dog. "Yes but it still died. I had it for decades.. maybe I should get one. But if you come to live with me then they can be my dogs too!" She looks down at her empty plate. "Can I
11 years ago
have another slice? I have not really eaten, I would feel bad eating stranger's food, if it is other me."
11 years ago
watches as the dog plopped itself on the other's lap before getting up and getting more cake for her. " Well if you put it that way I don't see it as much of a problem but I will have to inform my boss of it."
11 years ago
smiles brightly at him. "You can stay forever if you want! If not then please stay until my twin comes. That way I am not surprised in night by him." She pets the dog softly, smiling at it. "Now your are my
11 years ago
sobachka too! I will take good care of you. "Belarus can even stay if he comes.. at the other side of the house."
11 years ago
put a large slice of cake in front of her before tending to his larger dog, Yoakym who wanted to play with her too. " I guess that sorts things out." He was worried about letting their brat in the house though.
11 years ago
takes a large bite of the cake. "We do not have to do everything I want to do either." She takes a swig of her tea to wash down the cake so she can take another bite. "I will be better behaved. And no bills."
11 years ago
chuckles at that, " All right but if there is ever a bill on my desk, you know the drill." He joked lightly before getting his own cup of tea.
11 years ago
nods. "I will burn it and fire who ever made such an error. " She finishes off her slice and looks down at the empty plate sadly. "Dmytro.. " She had ran out of money the day before and she was really really
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hungry. "I think you took a bite while I was not looking."
11 years ago
blinks as he looked at the plate and raised a brow. " I already ate earlier..." He was confused. " I can get you more if you want."
11 years ago
smiles, holding out her plate to him. "Spasibo bolshoy brat~" This was nice, his place was very cozy. "Did you want to stay here? Even though it is smaller it is nicer, da? I know you are not one for grand
11 years ago
things. I want you to be happy though."
11 years ago
went to get some more tea and other sweets for her and returned with a rather large platter of goodies. " I want to leave that choice up to you, sestra." He nods knowing what choice the other made, the_
11 years ago
_ other didn't mind typically.
11 years ago
smiles, grabbing some snacks. "To my house, there is more room for dogs." She finished her tea and forgot to ask for me, so she took a little sip of his. "What if your twin comes looking for you? Will you have
11 years ago
to go away? It was so weird, that her chest was so large. Mine isn't that big at all.. if it was I think Belarus might be more of a problem."
11 years ago
didn't complain as he poured more tea for her after. " Well, the female Ukraine has never bumped into me and we never seem to have a problem with one_
11 years ago
_ another. However..." He glanced at his chest shyly before tending to his dogs, " I think your size is less painful when running."
11 years ago
looks at his chest. No, it was scary to think of. "Her poor back. Yes, very much so." She sips her own tea this time, grazing through the snacks. "Need any help with your dogs? I should make myself some what
11 years ago
useful if I'm going to sit here eating all your sweets." Hums, starting to slow down on the food. "I wonder what a female Belarus is like?"
11 years ago
nods as he let Ilya curl up on her lap seeing that the dog liked her. " It's fine but..." He tugged at his scarf slightly, " I do believe maybe finding out wouldn't be perhaps a wise decision."
Ksenia thinks
11 years ago
about two Belarus' stalking her. She grabbed his hand, frowning. "On second thought let Belarus find his twin. Maybe he will marry her and go far. Very far away..." What a nice thought, being able to do things
11 years ago
without Belarus skulking around. She could run through a field a sunflowers and not worry when she hears a rustling.
11 years ago
patted her hand gently and smiled, " Well I'm just worried for your safety as well as for Belarus to not do anything dangerous." He didn't think their brat was around lately.
11 years ago
smiles at him. "I know you probably tried your best to deter him, da? Maybe we can train your dogs to be guard dogs!" She pets the dog in her lap, scratching behind his ears. "Do you think you'll be ready to
11 years ago
come over tomorrow. I will manage somehow tonight. I just bought some vodka, maybe I will stay up all night."
11 years ago
frowns in response to that, " Are you sure you won't be staying for dinner?" He knew her drinking habits weren't the best but drinking on an empty stomach wasn't_
11 years ago
_ good either. " I can pack up everything by tonight if you're worried about some we don't know showing up."
11 years ago
brightens up at that. "I can stay for dinner? I did not want to impose on you, I have already eaten your snacks." She really wanted him to come with her tonight but that was asking too much. "I do not want to
11 years ago
rush you Dmytro, tomorrow will probably be better for you, da?"
11 years ago
smiles gently in response. " Of course, but I prefer the extra company especially since I forget and make too much sometimes." He glanced over to the puppies. " And don't worry about rushing me, I'll be fine."
11 years ago
laughs. "You are very silly sometimes! I would love to stay for dinner though." She was a bit excited, it had been awhile since she had his cooking. "I could stay here tonight and help you in morning? Would
11 years ago
that be better for you?"
11 years ago
nods to that, " I should still have some clothing that will fit you and I would love the extra help." He went to clean up a bit as one of his dogs followed him.
11 years ago
grabs the empty platter and follows him too. "Even if it is too big it would still be fine. Do not worry about that, no Belarus remember?"
11 years ago
thanked her promptly as he washed up all the dishes before getting some ingredients to make dinner with. " Yes but its a bit of a habitual thing whenever I lend_
11 years ago
_ you my clothes. Belarus seems to have a knack for taking even before I have the chance to take it back."
11 years ago
remembers when she used to just wear hand-me-downs. "Just give me shirt, your pants are always too big for me. Do you need any help with cooking? I'm not that bad at it."
11 years ago
lets her help him as he set everything up. " I was thinking of making something simple tonight like spahetti and meatballs with some soup on the side."
11 years ago
nods. "I can make soup, borscht? I can do that!"
11 years ago
nods, " I'll leave that up to you then. If you need anything just ask me and I'll get it for you."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
already rummaging around to get everything. She doesn't find the vodka she's looking for, but that is what her flask is for. She sets some broth and beets in some water to simmer adding a dash of vodka while
11 years ago
he is not paying attention. It needs vodka!
11 years ago
usually left good wines and beers in his cellar. He was more preoccuipied with getting the veggies all cut up and preparing the meatballs.
11 years ago
adds some veggies into the soup as the red from the beets starts to dye the water. Another dash of vodka goes in. "Brat, do you have girl you like?"
11 years ago
coughed before looking at her oddly, " Pardon me?" He seemed quite surprised and possibly flustered but in truth should have expected such an odd question from her.
11 years ago
looks over at him. "Girl you like, male Denmark is going out with our Sweden.That is why I ask." She stirs the pot slowly, smiling at how nice the soup was looking.
11 years ago
shook his head as he went to prepare the other food. " I've never really paid much attention really, but I do like sestra if that's what you are asking." He was clueless really.
Ksenia is
11 years ago
quite happy with that answer. "I like you too brat. I am glad there is not other girl. Do you think you could date or love a twin of someone we know?" Just a little bit more vodka and it will be perfect..
11 years ago
shook his head again in dismissal, " I don't think so really. It seems to complicated." He also like his plants and dogs more...
11 years ago
thought that too. "We think a like. That is okay, you always have me if you get lonely. So do not worry!" She waits till he is distracted again to add more vodka and sips the broth. Almost perfect! She adds a
11 years ago
bit of salt and pepper to it and a tiny bit more vodka. "The soup is nearly done!"
11 years ago
would question exactly how much vodka did she add if he knew but instead he set up the bowls for the other to pour the soul into when it was completed. " All right, I'm almost done_
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_ with the spaghetti and meatballs." He has a feeling that she would eat a lot.
Ksenia will
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probably since she did not eat at all yesterday. She makes sure the veggies cooked before adding the last bit of vodka needed. She poured the soup into bowls and smile. At least she could do this to repay him.
11 years ago
"Soup is served! I hope you like it."
11 years ago
smiles back with a content nod, " Do you mind just adding the sauce and veggies to the pasta while I go set up the dining table?"
11 years ago
nods, grabbing a spoon for the sauce. She gives it a taste and adds a dash of vodka or two. Then she plates the spaghetti as asked and adds the sauce. "Do you want dash of vodka in your borscht?"
11 years ago
shakes his head as he gathered the utensils and set up the table neatly. " I'll be fine without it." He went to feed his dogs after the table was set.
11 years ago
adds a dash to each soup anyways. He doesn't know what he is missing. She brings the food over to the table for him and waits ever so patiently to eat. She went to pour herself a glass of vodka but the flask
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_ was empty now. Oh well, she could drink water. "Hurry before it gets cold!"
11 years ago
nods as he helped her serve the food. " Sit down so we can eat then, sestra." His dogs were busy munching away already.
11 years ago
sits down swiftly and attacks the bowl of soup with great ferocity. "I did good job with soup, give it a try!" It did more vodka though in her opinion, but everyone has different tastes after all. "The
11 years ago
spaghetti looks good too. Thank you for dinner!"
11 years ago
blinks as he sat down and ate neatly. He did bring out some wine seeing it was something to celebrate about. " It's...good." There was a bit of an oddly familiar taste of alcohol but he didn't question it.
11 years ago
notices this and points to the bottle. Since she's less hungry she starts to eat like a lady again. "Want me to pour?" She was pleased by his compliment and took a bite of spaghetti. "This tastes very good, you
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are good cook brat. I wish I had you as personal chef."
11 years ago
nods as he pushed the bottle and glasses to her. " Go ahead." He smiled more after, " Don't forget that I can cook for you whenever you want now, you know." He was going to live with her after all.
11 years ago
pours them both a glass. "But you have life besides cooking for me. What if you get busy? I will get spoiled from your food again." She sips the water, great quality of course. "Where did you get this?"
11 years ago
smiles after as he let the glass of wine sit before eating some more. " I always have time for you sestra, you know." Well except when he's being chased to pay bills. That_
11 years ago
_ was a completely different story. He looked over afterwards, " I honestly don't remember but its been sitting in my cellar for a while." Must've been the old age.
11 years ago
beams at him. "I will make more time for you brat, sometimes I get busy being big country but I will make sure I make time." She finishes off her soup, starting to feel warm inside. Vodka was so great sometimes
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, it made everything taste good. "You are very forgetful sometimes. But that is good, you might have had this earlier then. Maybe I should get wine for house, I only have vodka."
11 years ago
shrugs innocently after, " If you ever need help I'll do whatever I can. Though these old bones might not be too helpful however." He took a sip of wine after. " I can always _
11 years ago
_go to the liquor store to get more wine if you need."
11 years ago
tilts her head. "Old bones? You do not look like old man. You do not look very old at all." She didn't want her brat feeling useless! "I will make sure there is things you can do to make feel useful." She sips
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the wine again, trying to decide if it was worth making room in her liquor cabinet for. "Does all wine taste like this? If so I will allow it in cabinet."
11 years ago
chuckled at her reaction, " I am still older than you, sestra." He noted before taking another sip of wine. " There are plenty of other flavours and types of wine too. Though I admit I prefer warm brandy."
11 years ago
stares at him. What blasphemy was this?! "Brandy? You prefer brandy over vodka? Are we even relatives, Dmytro?"
11 years ago
laughs at her amusing reaction. " In comparison to wine sestra." He figured he should have pointed that out initially. " Don't worry. I would never find any other alcohol or liquor better than vodka."
11 years ago
nods. "I would think we were not really relatives if you said you liked something more than vodka. Like little orphan picked off side of road." She digs back into the spaghetti, glad that her hunger is finally
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going away. She was starting to feel full even. "You really think soup is good, da? I think I learned recipe from you."
11 years ago
shakes his head in response as he finished eating eventually. " If I was an orphan, we would have figured that out a while back with Kievan Rus'." He sipped his wine quietly," And yes, the soup was declicious."
11 years ago
smiled in response. It was a bit silly that after all these years she still needed his approval to feel good. "Nyet, I know I you are not orphan. We all look too much a like for such coincidence. And that was_
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not such bad time. I always got to be warm between you two." She takes another bite of her food, feeling comfortably full now. "You are best cook Dmytro, I feel very much better now."
11 years ago
smiles warmly as he nodded. " You were always the smallest one before we found Belarus." He was starting to reminisce about the old times when their family was much larger. " And thank you for your_
11 years ago
_ compliments, Sestra." He often found himself to have a lot of time to do things and cooking became a hobby since he was so used to taking care of everyone else in the family.
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