Amelia has
11 years ago
heard that scary Russian lady has been spotted around and is 'battening down the hatches' so to speak.
latest #150
Ksenia is
11 years ago
not a scary Russian lady! She has gone to America's house to see if she had anything to do with this :/
Amelia has
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absolutely nothing to do with anything, nuh-uh! She is peaking out from behind her curtains suspiciously. Bl
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knocks on the door, looking over at the moving curtains. "I see you America. Open the door."
Amelia is
11 years ago
caught now and she's not quite rude enough to not at leat open the door. She sighs and goes slowly to the door, opening it just enough to poke her face out a bit. "What are you doing here Russia?" She tries
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to act nonchalant.
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smiles sweetly. "Can I not visit a friend?" No point in acting rude off the bat, then she would never get any information. Patience, patience had won her many battles after all.
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just narrows her eyes suspiciously at the sweet smile. "You have a weird definition of friendship if you think we're friends." She regards her closely for a moment before crossing her arms under her chest- to
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maximize her cleavage of course- and lets her in.
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sighs, the gesture does not go unnoticed but she ignores it. "I will cut pleasantries then. Do you have something to do with all this? I know we are not friends, da. But I want to go home."
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arches a brow at her and huffs. "Have anything to do with what? I don't know what you're talking about." She tosses her hair, as always, feeling not quite pretty or lady-like enough next to the other woman.
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tilts her head, frowning. "You know what I mean America. Twins or counterparts or whatever they are. Did you have something to do with this? Thought it would be fun joke?"
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blinks at this and pauses. She laughs, tension broken. "Aw heck no. I mean, yeah sure, I'd totally make a dude version of myself cause that's hot but like, two of all other nations? Pfff, that's just crazy."
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slumps her shoulders. That was not the answer she was looking for. "I was hoping you did, but then again, you would probably have no idea how to reverse it. You usually don't think that far through."
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shrugs and hums. She arches a brow. "If I created something, I'd at least know how to kill it," she says. "It's like the sci-fi principle." She pauses, realizing that she looked sad. Even if she didn't get
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along with the girl, she didn't like seeing anyone sad. "But don't worry too much. They all seem like nice people." She hesitates. "Want a cup of tea?"
Ksenia is
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a bit shocked at how things like that just flowing freely from the other girl's mouth. "D-Da.. you can manage that?" She removes her shoes since this seemed like an invitation inside. "I have only met the other
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_Denmark, and he is just as weird. You haven't seen the other me, da? Have you met the other you?"
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turns as the other starts to take her shoes off, leading her down the hall. "Yeah. I got insta-tea too if ya don't like iced sweet stuff." She hums and taps her cheek. "Oh I think I met Denmark. Too tall for
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life with crazy hair? I met dude America. He's an American dreamboat I guess. As expected." She hums. "I met dude Russia once. He's a bit pudgy I think?" ((This was the last Russia but if we get a new one
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I'll change the answer next time x3 ))
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blinks, poking her stomach. "Pudgy..?" She shook her head, that was him, she was a different person! Did she look pudgy? It's the thick coat! "What is 'American Dreamboat?'. I am not familiar with this.
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laughed when she poked her stomach. "Well you're not chubby," this at least she'd admit. "But even on him it was more... cute than anything. So weird." She makes a face. How could someone be so cute but so
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weird?? "American dreamboat- I dunno like dreamy good looks and he looks good in a football jersey. Baby blues and a heartbreaker smile." She smirks and arches a brow as she sets a glass of ice tea in front of
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her. "Does that sound like your type?"
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actually thinks about him. "I don't know if I would want to be with someone so handsome. Girls will always be looking at him, da. You would never feel complete comfort. Why would I want heart break smile as_
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well, why is he breaking hearts? Your boats are good looking in this country because I do not get boat part." She lets out a deep breath, she said that all way too fast. "Why do you ask me if he is my type?"
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rolls her eyes and laughs, sipping her tea and pushing a glass towards her. She sits on her countertop. "So? Love is way more fun when it feels a little dangerous. If he's good enough to make the girls jealous,
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then that means he's pretty awesome." She pauses. She didn't know where the boat part came from either. "I think it was from an old song or something." She shrugs and laughs. "Cause I could tease ya for havin'
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a taste for wonderboys, duh."
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sips her drink cautiously, she could never completely trust the other nation. "Boy like that would never like girl like me. They prefer a girl like you. I would not want dangerous love, I get that enough from_
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my brat. The tea is good too." She takes another sip. "You sound like you have crush on yourself."
Amelia thinks
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about that. "I dunno- pretty shy girl. You fit the bill for, like, romance movie junk." She laughs at this and shakes her head. "Naw, Alfie's a cutie, but he seems a bit naive and sweet." She shrugs again. "I
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don't mean like dangerous like the person is dangerous but emotional and exciting and well today we're going to go sky diving just 'cause we can. Doesn't that sound awesome??"
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shakes her head fuiously. "I do not want to go sky diving again!"
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laughs loud at that and shakes her head. "It was bad the first time cause ya didn't know how. I guarantee when you do it right it's way fun. Maybe hang gliding instead. You should go hang gliding."
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thought Americans were weird before, now they just sound crazy. "I will paint dolls instead, it is peaceful. You should give it try." Maybe the other girl would actually calm down and they could get things done
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_at meetings for once. "Why you tell me all this? It does not matter if he is type or not, if he is America he will treat me like you do. Except less breast pushing, you know I like men da? Not interested."
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rolls her eyes. "Paintin' can be fun sometimes but it shouldn't be all you do. There's a million fun things to do out there." She laughs and shakes her head, hopping down from her seat. "As always, you sound
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like a sheltered schoolgirl." She grabs a snack from her fridge. "I'm showing off my breasts so that you know that mine are like, totally better than yours. Hardly a sexy invite." She is munching on an apple
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looks down at her own chest. "There is competition?" She squeezes her arms together to accentuate them and frowns. Another thing she was left out of it. "Sorry I misunderstand, you just do it very much. What is
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prize for competition. I would very much like a trip to an island somewhere warm. I can save it for winter."
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laughs. "Everyone wants a trip to somewhere warm, sister. Ain't gonna happen." She shrugs. "No prize. I just like to know that mine are better and I want you to know too." It somehow gave her an ego boost. She
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huffs a little, almost pouting as she turned her face away from her. So there!
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smiles brightly. "Do not worry America, I never compare self to you. Except as measure of sanity perhaps. I am sure there is people that think your breasts are very nice." How silly of her! Breats were not _
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something to be compared to others! "I like mine the way you are so you should too. Unless you want that surgery your country is so fond of.."
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smirks at this. "Oh little Russia calling herself sane. "Plenty of people think my breasts are stellar." She pauses, a bit of an edge to her smirk that said there's a bit of a suggestiveness to those words. "If
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I wanted a surgery like that I'd certainly get one. Nothin' wrong with makin' yourself more comfortable in your own skin." She finishes off her apple and tosses the core.
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finishes her drink, she does not want to be rude. "Is this how, what are they called.. ahh girl friends, how girl friends talk with each other?" She had pictured more about crushes and doing each other's hair_
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and less about cosmetic surgeries and breats. "This is very strange conversation to have with guests for me. It is good people think your breasts are 'stellar' da?"
11 years ago
leans against the counter and laughs. "I guess? Girl talk has never been my strong point." Maddie was her exception to this. "I wonder if it is all that weird. You're just..." she waves her hand as if she's
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looking for the world. "Straight-laced?"
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furrows her brows. "Straight.. laced? What does that mean. You always speak in such odd manner. How did this whole conversation start again.. " It didn't matter what she talked about with America, it always_
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went in some other direction. "Something about boat I think. You still positive you know nothing of this?"
11 years ago
laughs at this and comes over to lean against the table next to her. "Straight laced means prim and proper, hun. It's not me trying to accuse you of anything." She pulls on a lock of her hair. "I don't know
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anything. Seriously. If I did I would so totally brag about it."
11 years ago
nods her head agreement. "You are right about that, you brag about many things. Prim and proper... it is because I am lady, da. But perhaps I will try to have more fun like you do. Maybe I should get little_
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cat. That seems very exciting, da? But what if my twin does not like cat.."
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rolls her eyes but smiles. "Oh I'm honored to be in a lady's presence then." She laughs and stands up straight, going for another snack already. "I'm sure Big Guy likes cats. You could like, try that out if
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you like. It's not quite surfing or rock climbing or anything but if you have fun..." She shrugs.
11 years ago
holds out her cup. "Could I have another if possible. More exciting than new pet.. I use to play Russian roulette was I was a bit younger. Have you ever played that game before? You can play it with guns, or_
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vodka. Vodka one is best, it is less messy. That kind of excitement though?"
11 years ago
takes her cup and nods, getting her another glass and handing it over. 'Well see, that's what I mean. You sure can hold your liquor can'cha?" It wasn't necessarily always Amelia's strong suit. "But yes, that
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sort of excitment is good too."
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laughs, cradling the cup. "Nothing like you. Were you not one who puked in the large vase at England's during New Years`?" She hums, taking a small sip. "I don't think I have ever gotten sick. You need brats, _
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you learn to keep up with them. Dmytro is best drinker maybe. Ahh, he is like boat you talked about!"
11 years ago
flushes and shrugs. "It wasn't my fault I got roped into drinking so much. 'Sides, Maddie can hold her drink better too, and I'm still like woohoo tequila makes my clothes fall off." She blinks and thinks for a
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moment. "Oh I know Dmytro. He's that super cutie isn't he? He's proper too. Makes hitting on him more fun."
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smiles very sweetly, too sweetly. "Stay away from my brat, da? Wouldn't want you having accident in Steppes, that would be most unfortunate da?" She drinks the tea, continuing to smile at the other nation. "It_
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gets very dangerous out there. I am just looking out for you, as friend."
Amelia gives
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her a very sweet smile back. "Calm your tits sweetheart. I never said I liked it, just that I hit on him." She shakes her head. "It's like you've never heard of casual flirting before." She has no idea what a
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"Steppes" is but her lack of geographical skills are hardly a new thing.
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hums. "Really? No, I do not do this casual flirting, what is point. And you are bothering Dmytro then, that is not allowed." What if she had hurt his feelings? She clenched the cup tighter. "You could be
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hurting people like that, but you do not think of other's feelings, da?"
11 years ago
laughs softly and leans down a bit. "Casual flirting isn't going to hurt his feelings. I'll show you what I mean." She leans forward, stroking the tips of her fingers along her jaw. "You're looking really
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cute today sweetheart. It's good ta see ya." Then she pulls back and straightens. "Casual. Innocent. No feelings hurt and everyone gets to go home happy.
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flinches from the touch. Now she is angry, thinking of her doing that to her Dmytro. "If you ever touch my brat like that I will personally teach you how to play Russian roulette the hard way. Not everyone is
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like you, so flighty and fun. Some people are innocent."
11 years ago
laughs at this and shakes her head. "You're so strange. Dmytro is a fun guy. And he's never said he's upset when I flirt with him." She arches her brow and shakes her head. "Your siblings will hate you if you
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try to run their lives."
11 years ago
turns white. "N-No.. they would not hate me. They love me. I am just protecting them. He is nice boy, he would not say if he was upset anyways. They would not hate me." The cup breaks in her hand, causing her
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to jump in shock. "I am very sorry! I will help you clean this and go. I hope the cup was not significant to you, I am truly sorry if it was."
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arches a brow at her, though she jumps too when the glass shatters, glass and tea everywhere. "Jeezus christ on a cracker, lady what's wrong?" She comes over almost instantly- hero instincts kicking in- to
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first, swoop her up out of the glass and set her down a few feet away. She goes back to start cleaning the glass, pushing her hair behind her ears. "It's no biggie really. Do you need a change of clothes?" She
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isn't sure how wet she got but she's distracted from their conversation by the mess.
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looks down. "Da.. but that can wait. I am very sorry. I did not realize I was doing that until it broke. I will help you clean, is there something I can get to help?" She feels horrible about doing that, just
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the thought of them hating her.. "I can get broom or vaccuum or something like that. I am so sorry, again. I will buy you new one!"
11 years ago
waves her hand, having picked up the bigger pieces of glass. "Can you get some papertowels sugar? That'd be nice." She wasn't noticing know how flustered and upset she was. "Don't worry about it. It was just a
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cup. There are tons others like it."
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practically runs to the kitchen to get the paper towels and runs back. "Here you are." Luckily she grabbed them with the other hand. She went back into the kitchen to rinse her injured hand off. "It was not
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important cup? Sometimes people have memorable cups. I have a few at my house."
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takes the papertowels and soaks the tea up, also using it to gather up the small pieces of glass. When she's done, she carries the whole lot of it to the trash. "It's not important. I have some glasses I like
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but this one is fine." She shrugs and moves back toward her, ready to offer her clothes again when she notices her hand. "Oh, you're cut!" She reaches over, gently taking her wrist and leaning in to look at it
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closely. "Sit down sweetie an I'll go get the first aid kit." She jogs off toward her bathroom.
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does as she's told, looking down at her hand. "It is not that bad." She feels bad that she didn't do more to help out. "I am not very good house guest am I?" She says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. "Do
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not let everyone know I did this, then I would never be invited anywhere." This was quite embarrassing though, America being the logical one for once. "I will still buy you new cup, please let me."
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sits down across from her, taking out an alcohol swab and opening it. "This'll sting," she mumbles as she starts to clean the cuts, making sure there is no glass stuck. She's leaning over her lap a bit,
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examining her hand closely. "No problemo, hun," she says, still distracted but responsive. "You really don't have to though. It's not a big deal." She cleans her cuts and moves to cover the cuts with bandages.
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resists the urge to pull her hand away when the alcohol touches her cuts. "I want to. It will make me feel better about the whole thing." It was starting to feel a bit better, at least the feeling was coming
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back to her hand now. "Thank you for helping me with this. I could have managed but it is best to get these things attended to right away, da?"
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shrugs a little but smiles. "It's your life. Do what you want." She finally gets her all bandaged and she examines her hand one final time before pulling away. "Yes, it's better to take care of it the right way
11 years ago
. It should be fine now though."
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wiggles it to make sure it's not too tight. "Spasibo, it looks fine. You are reliable when you want to be." She looks down at her clothes, it isn't that bad. "I think I should go before I do more silly things."
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nods a little. "I'm a hero, after all. I can handle things like this." She blinks. "Are you sure you don't want a new set of clothes? I don't mind lending you some."
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shakes her head, getting up. "I think anything you have is too flashy for me. Besides, what if my breasts look better in it and people see. You don't want that, da?" She was teasing. She just didn't want to be
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more indebted to the other nation. "If you find anything out you tell me."
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laughs at this. "I own sweats and shit too. It's not all skimpy." She shrugs though and lets it go. She wouldn't force the other to change clothes. "Alright. Though really, I'm comfy as is so I doubt I'll have
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anythin' ta tell ya.
11 years ago
11 years ago
frowns. "You do not want to go back?"
Amelia thinks
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about it for a long time. "Well I do and I don't I guess? My sister is here. Many of my friends are here. I would rather just, I dunno, get settled in with the people I care about instead of risk being parted
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from them instead."
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didn't think of it like that. "But how does this work. Are we still nation then? There can not be two of everyone at council meetings. Nothing would get done with two of you.. or anyone else for that matter."
11 years ago
laughs softly. "Well we're not quite the same though either right? Alfie is hardly a carbon copy of me- there are similarities ya know? But like, we're different people. Let's be hopeful- maybe more hans make
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hands* make for lighter work."
Ksenia thinks
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more Americas makes for a stronger headache but stays quiet. "Alfie, that is your twin's name? Do you know what mine is named?" She hoped to meet hers soon. "They are not evil like in movie da? You promise?"
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laughs. "His name is Alfred, but Alfie is kinda a cute name too right?" She smiles and things. "Ivan? I think. He's this real big guy with a scarf and big coat." She thinks about it. "I don't think they're evil
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at all. Weird but that's not bad."
11 years ago
tries to picture this person but just pictures a bear wearing one of her hats with a scarf on. "Ivan huh. Maybe I should get a scarf. But he is pudgy.. maybe it is just his coat. Russian men a built bigger too,
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more sturdy." Maybe that was the type of guy she liked, America's boat didn't sound that appealing to her.
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laughs softly at this. "I never said the pudgy was a bad thing. He's a Big Guy. I thought it was actually pretty cute." She'd found him appealling too: though weary of him because like- he's Russia and that's
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totally a reason to be suspicious. "He's like big and broad and stuff and just a little chubby." She giggles- she really did find it cute.
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blinks. "This is quite odd, standing here, listening to you talk about a male me and being attractive." Kind of disturbing really. "Did you flirt with him too?" Oh god, she doesn't want to know that information
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, what if they had did more?! "This is getting very messy..."
Amelia thinks
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about that. "Well I don't think I flirted with him." She taps her cheek. "I do wanna pinch his pudge though. It was really cute." She laughs and puts her hair behind her ear. She grins. "Maybe if it upsets you
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so bad I'll flirt with him next time though."
11 years ago
just stares at the other girl. "That is like flirting with me. Are you going to flirt with everyone I don't want you to just to upset me?" That gave her an idea. "Make sure you don't flirt with my other brat.
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I'd be really upset if you went and did that or took him on a date.."
11 years ago
grins and shrugs. "Well I do like to flirt. Flirting is pretty fun. If you tried it out sometime I'm sure you'd like it." At her words she makes a face. "Okay, no, I tried flirting with that guy but he, like,
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doesn't have enough of a sense of humor. He just stared at me like I was dumb. I like it better when they get blushy and stuff."
11 years ago
sighs. There went one of her plans. "Could you keep trying then? He is challenge, da? You love challenges. Flirting huh, but I do not know anyone to flirt with. What if they don't like me and I flirt with them.
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Then I would look very silly. The only man's number in my phone is Denmark, but he has girl friend. I am not bad person."
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doesn't really understand why the other is encouraging her to flirt with her brother. She shakes her head. "But he doesn't seem like a fun challenge. Challenges should at least be fun." She taps her chin and
Amelia thinks
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about it. "Just find someone else to flirt with! It'll be fun! I mean there are single dudes out there."
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hums, deciding to tease the girl some more. "Your Alfie then. Is he single? Maybe I should find myself boat and you said your Alfie is boat, da?" Not that she would go through with it he was probably just as
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bad as Alicia. But it would be fun to see her reaction.
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grins at her and doesn't actually mind that too much. "Well well, didn't know your taste trended toward American men. I could give you little Alfie's number. I'm sure he'd be delighted that a pretty little lady
Amelia wants
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to chat him up."
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can't believe America thinks she is serious. "I do not, I was just saying that to make you mad. You are very obtuse sometimes. Regardless if I am girl, if I am Russia he will not like me. Unless we suddenly get
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along in this world. Besides it would be strange if I sent him message without ever meeting him."
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would've gotten angry, perhaps, if she'd threatened to hit on the Canadas but Alfred was an adult. He could handle himself. "Obtuse? Naw, man, love is love. Sometimes, ya know, we're still just people
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regardless of the politics. There are def some people I don't agree with politically that I'd like a piece of." She grins at her and taps her cheek. "Well, I'll let you meet him first then you can decide."
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sighs, no stopping her now. "Sure, I will meet him. Give me phone call and I will come by. It will be great to meet this boat." She wipes herself one last time. "I shall take my leave now. I am still very
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sorry about the cup. When I met your Alfie I will bring one."
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grins at her and nods, patting her shoulder. "No problemo. Don't worry about it too much yeah? Feel better. I'll tell Alfie a total doll is into him." She wanted to see how they reacted to each other. This
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would be total fun.
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goes to the door, giving the other girl a look. "I am not 'into' him. I do not even know this person. Do not set up our meeting based on lies. Thank you again for bandaging my hand, I really do appreciate it."
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laughs at this and shrugs, just grinning at her still as she starts to leave. "Sure, sure, take care of yourself."
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nods at her, going out the door. "Dasvidaniya America."
11 years ago
waves. "Bye bye!"
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