Ksenia is
11 years ago
enjoying the nice temperature outside despite the rain. That's what umbrellas are for after all!
latest #108
11 years ago
round himself wandering around the area, humming to himself. He never liked umbrellas, and loved rain, so this was fine for him.
11 years ago
catches a glimpse of him and just stares. He looked familar, who else did she know with such ridiculous hair...
11 years ago
noticed her look over and smiled, waving a bit to her. She looked a little familiar, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it.
11 years ago
looks around and sees that no one is near, so he's waving at her. Did she know him? He kind of looked like.. "Dorthe?"
11 years ago
blinked and laughed as he walked towards her. "Nej. Do ye know her though?"
11 years ago
nods, still staring at him strangely. "Da, she is the weird girl that shows up to meetings about the North. Denmark. Are you friends with her?" Did she wanted to know any of Denmark's friends?
11 years ago
chuckles as he tilted his head. "Ye can say that. M'her twin."
11 years ago
blinks. Did Dorthe ever mention a twin? They looked awfully alike though. "I have never seen you before."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I've not seen ye either. So ye must be new... What's yer name?"
Ksenia is
11 years ago
starting to get confused. New? "I am Ksenia Braginskaya, Russia. You are?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ahh. Makes sense..." He smiled and held out his hand. "I'm Søren. Or Kongeriget Danmark."
11 years ago
takes it hesitantly. He wasn't as weird as his twin, yet. "How are you both Denmark?"
11 years ago
hummed. "It's a long story. It'd be best to go to a cafe or somethin' to talk about it, and get outta the rain... Do ye know of a place near here?"
11 years ago
looks around. At least the geography was the same. "Da, there is a nice one near by around the corner. Follow me."
11 years ago
nodded and walked beside her, humming quietly to himself.
11 years ago
leads the way, looking at him every now and then. "You will explain things to me, da? I am very confused. Ahh, here it is." She walks over to the door to the dimly lit cafe. "Everything, da?"
11 years ago
smiles and nodded. "Ja, for sure. I'm never one to leave someone in the dark." He went inside and looked at the menu, wanting something warm to drink.
11 years ago
orders a nice chai tea, the flavour reminded her of Christmas. "Why did Dorthe never mention you? She's is a bit weird though.." She spots a table in a quiet corner. "We will sit there."
11 years ago
got a regualr tea and poured sugar and some milk into it. He nodded and walked over to the corner, sitting down and taking a sip of tea. "Mainly 'cause she didn't know herself."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
starting to get even more confused. She takes the seat across from him. "How did she not know? One should know about something that important."
11 years ago
leaned back and sighed. "Well, this is my world. I'm Denmark, and there's a Norway, Russia, Germany and all that. They're all male though, like me. Some how, our two worlds met... so now, our counterparts
11 years ago
are here too. That's why ye're here, and things are slightly different."
11 years ago
just sits there. He's kidding right? " Your joke is not very funny."
11 years ago
hums. "If I was jokin', I'd be laughin'. S'the truth though. Dorthe lived with me for a while. Some of the counter parts don't get along, like the Netherland's. I doubt they've been in the same house at the
11 years ago
same time..."
11 years ago
points to herself. "Do I have a twin?" She remembers her siblings and starts to get a little panicked. "Are my brats here?" It would be okay if Belarus wasn't here but she loves her big brother!
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, everyone has a twin. I've not seen him around though... Or Belarus. But I have seen yer Ukraine here, the male one that is."
11 years ago
sighs in relief. "I am glad then. I would not want to be here without Ukraine. But my twin is missing?" It was a little sad that her twin was not around, but it's not like she ever met him.
11 years ago
nodded. "He's probably just busy. But that means ye get his house all to yerself!" He smiled at that. "It's fun to have a huge house."
11 years ago
nods, a little sadly. "I have a big house just like that all to myself. I do not like it. My chair is not here either. I can't even find Lithuania or Latvia. Maybe if I forget about gas bill Ukraine will come."
11 years ago
chuckles a bit. "It does take some time to get use to... my house is too big for me, really. I had tons of room and it's just... me."
11 years ago
sighs. "I thought if I had big house everyone would want to live with me. It is nice house my twin has, da? Belarus can go live by himself, I do not want him in house. He can stay in other world too."
11 years ago
chuckled and nodded. "That's what I thought. But ja, his house is pretty nice. Probably still neat and tidy too."
11 years ago
does not want to live in this stranger's home. "I guess I have no choice, I can't go back, da?" She sips her neglected tea, thinking this all over. "Are you sure this is not joke?"
11 years ago
nodded. "No one has found a way back yet. And I'm serious." He leaned back in the chair. "It takes a bit to get use to, but really, it's fun after a while"
11 years ago
huffs. "Fun for you, everything is not right for me." Ahh, she was being rude and he had done nothing but help. "Sorry, this is just hard for me to understand. Do you know my twin, is he nice person?"
11 years ago
chuckled and shook his head. "It's fine, ye're not the first person I've told. Like I said, it takes some gettin' use to. And ja, he's nice. To me at least. We've had some history in the past, so..."
11 years ago
leans forward a bit, intrigued now. "History? So he is good person, da? Does Lithuania and Latvia like him?"
11 years ago
nodded. "We've helped each other in a few wars, nothin' too personal. And I think he is... M'not sure what Lithuania and Latvia think of him. I don't run into them often."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
a bit disappointed. "My Lithuania and Latvia don't like me too much. Dorthe doesn't mind me I think. She is very weird though. Are you guys very alike?"
11 years ago
smirked and nodded. "We kinda are. We never fight and all that." He sipped his tea and leaned on the table. "M'sure we'll get along though."
11 years ago
takes a gulp of her tea, hissing a bit from burning her tongue. "Like friends, da? We are friends now?" Maybe this new world wasn't so bad if she could make friends here easier than her world.
11 years ago
smiles and nodded. "Ja, of course! If I'm friends with my fellow nations, then I'm friends with their counterparts. In most cases, at least."
11 years ago
isn't about to tell him Dorthe and her aren't exactly friends. "Are there not so nice twins here?"
11 years ago
sighed. "It's hit and miss." He finished off his tea. "Like, Swede and I... our history is enough to show that we hate each other. Yet I'm datin' his counter park. Talk about irony, eh?"
11 years ago
laughs a little. "Even in my world the two don't get along that great either. But you like her, da? She is very pretty." She sighs a little, sipping her tea. "It is tough when everyone is very nice pretty. When
11 years ago
it is all girls things get.. messy. I am called Ice Queen, but it is tough having China as a neighbour. She is very cute girl, very annoying."
11 years ago
nods a little. "Ja.. I would be lyin' if I said I didn't like Astrid for her looks. I think things are kinda better this way though, there's a nice mix of men and women. So it's not too biased anymore."
Ksenia thinks
11 years ago
this could be worse. Their twins could also be girls. "Do not worry, I am not judging. I understand men like pretty girls." She finishes her tea just as it was going cold. "Does your Sweden not like this?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I've not seen him in ages. He's either locked himself up far North or shipped himself away in an IKEA box to some unknown land."
11 years ago
laughs loudly at that, picture the Sweden she knew in an Ikea box. "What a funny thought! I thought maybe he might be angry with you and start fight. Is my twin attached to anyone?"
11 years ago
smirks and shrugged. "I don't think so. He kept to himself mostly, and doesn't normally talk about his personal life."
11 years ago
hoped that her twin might be more social but they sounded pretty alike. "We are alike then. I must tell you since we are friends that I am not actually friends with your twin. We do not speak much."
11 years ago
shrugs. "That's fine. We're friends now, that's all that matters." He smiled a bit and wrote down his cell number, handing it to her after. "If ye ever need to talk or want company, I'm almost always free."
11 years ago
looks at it. "It might not be proper for me to take it. I do not want to anger Sweden. If you have other girls texting you she might be upset."
11 years ago
chuckles. "She's been on a business trip for a long time. And she knows I'm loyal to her. Besides, I'm a talkative and popular guy."
11 years ago
worries a little bit still, she is a bit old fashioned. "If you say it is okay." She takes the paper hesitantly and adds it to her phone. Not that she had tons of contacts. "It is alright to call or text?"
11 years ago
nods. "Either way I'll probably answer. And really, it's okay. I won't be hittin' on ye or anythin'."
11 years ago
blushes a bit, that wasn't what she was worried about! "I know that!" She snaps. Ahh calm, be calm. "If Belarus shows up can I call you to get rid of him? You can use whatever measures you wish."
11 years ago
chuckles and nodded, not at all phased by her snap. "Ja, sure. I'm good for gettin' rid of people too."
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "I was kidding, but it is nice to know a friend would help. I can deal with him. If you see Ukraine can you tell him to come see me. I don't want to stray far from the house for now."
11 years ago
nods. "Understandable. Things should still look the same, mostly. A few things might be outta place, but the only difference when Dorthe got here was the pictures around the house were of my family, not hers."
11 years ago
never thought of that. She could get a good look at her twin then. "My chair is not here though. I love that chair. The groove is all wrong. But I guess I will get new one. Am I the only one so thrown off?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Yer Norway, she didn't believe me at all. It took a few months and her findin' her Iceland to understand."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
glad she's not the only one taking this so weirdly. "It is quite a shock, I guess I won't truly believe it until I see two twins together."
11 years ago
nodded. "There's quite a few around, and some do hang out. I think Dorthe and I are together the most though..."
Ksenia hopes
11 years ago
her twin and her get along nicely. "It must be nice to get along so well. Did you refer to her as your sestra?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "That'd be too weird. There's a different connection we have from my brothers, and her and her family."
11 years ago
nods. "I understand, I have my brats, what would their twins be to me? It would be very weird, another family just like ours. Kind of scary actually.."
11 years ago
nods. "Ye could say sister in laws. Or just... by their name. I call yer Nor a friend."
11 years ago
hums. "This is all still pretty confusing but I think I understand it a bit better. I would like to see my brats first though before I see any twins. Maybe this is like second chance, to be better person."
11 years ago
nodded. "I'd just try visitin' them. That's the best way to find out yerself."
11 years ago
pales a little. "No, I can not do that. Just to show up.. no, I could not."
11 years ago
smiles and patted her hand. "It's okay. I'm sure they'd like to see ye. They might be scared in this new area."
11 years ago
pulls it away swiftly. "I do not know where to even look. I went to go see Ukraine and there was some weird big chested girl hanging around. It was scary so I ran back here."
11 years ago
smiles. "That's my Ukraine. She's quite gifted in the chest. But she's just as nice and innocent as yer Ukraine."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
in shock. Her brat's twin?! "That is Ukraine? But... they don't look anything alike. Her chest.. why isn't my chest.. what?!"
11 years ago
chuckles. "Who knows. Some things are different. Either way, their personality is the same."
Ksenia gives
11 years ago
him a blank stare. "Both completely undependable?"
11 years ago
nods. "It's kinda sad. They need someone to talk to really."
11 years ago
groans a little. "That is his own fault. I would go visit and he would run away! Most of time I wasn't there for the money he owed me either!
11 years ago
sighed. "Ye should go visit regardless. I'm sure he'd like to know ye're alive and okay."
11 years ago
looks away, pouting a bit. She won't admit that it hurts her feelings everytime he runs off so that's why she doesn't want to go. "He probably knows where I am. If you see him you can tell him too, da?"
11 years ago
nods. "Sure, no problem. I might drop by on my way home then."
11 years ago
tries to hide the hope that her brat will visit her. "Tell him I'm okay too, he might be worried. I don't want him to worry. Tell him Belarus is not with me either."
11 years ago
nodded. "I will, for sure." He looked outside and smiled. "Don't be scared to walk around, either. The land is the same."
11 years ago
looks at the door. "It looks the same but feels different. I am sure I will get used to it. In time, da. I guess I should be going, I don't want to barge into house in dark in case my twin is there."
11 years ago
nodded again and got up. "Want me to walk ye home, just so ye don't feel too vulnerable?"
11 years ago
gets up, brushing her coat off. Vulnerable? Is that how she looked right now? "I will be fine, I am Russia, strong country. But if you feel like it is your duty as a man I will allow it."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Not as a man, but as a friend. I know this is a big change, so I wanna be with ye. Ye know, just in case." He walked out of the cafe, holding the door open for her.
Ksenia feels
11 years ago
a little bit better. She did not want him thinking she was a weak girl. Never again. "Thank you. You are good friend. The house is not far, I do not want to take up much of your time."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I'm in no rush." He didn't see her as weak, just out of place.
11 years ago
smiles at him. "Thank you for taking time to explain everything. I appreciate it and I will repay the favour. After I get sorted out I will repay your kindness."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ye don't have to. I just like helpin' out."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "I will. Maybe one day you will need help from Russia, da. Then I will be able to help you. I like being big country, I want to help everyone. Sometimes countries don't realize they need it."
11 years ago
smiled. "I'll keep that in mind then. S'always good to be friends with a major power of the world."
11 years ago
beams. "Power, da, that is what I have. There is the house, I hope it is alright for me to stay there. Maybe I should find hotel.."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "It's fine. I doubt Russia would come in the middle of the night and kick ye out."
11 years ago
didn't even think of that possibility! "You are sure, da? I would not want that to happen. Maybe hotel is best after all."
11 years ago
chuckles. "If he does, call me and I'll bring ye to my place. There's more than enough room for ye."
11 years ago
turns red, men say the crudest things! "I will take my chances here. Thank you for walking me to the house. I will take my leave now. Dasvidania." She gives him a curt and runs to the door. The key was hidden_
11 years ago
in the same place she hid hers, weird. "Have a good night, Denmark. Thank you, again."
11 years ago
((*curt nod, i need to make sure I type words, not just say them in my head D; ))
11 years ago
smiled and waved. "Farvel, og godnat! Sleep well~" He turned and headed home, figuring she had things under control.
11 years ago
((Pfft don't worry one thing with Dorthe and I is we constantly misspell and leave out words. I didn't even notice the nod wasn't here, but I read it in my head.))
11 years ago
goes inside. He really is as weird as his twin D;
11 years ago
((okay i'm glad =w= ))
11 years ago
couldn't help it, it was the Danishness in him~
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