Madeline is
11 years ago
braiding her hair while watching TV.
latest #224
11 years ago
comes to visit, flopping over the back of her chair and pouting at her. "It's even colder here than in the US."
11 years ago
pauses, blinking over at here. "...we're a bit further North than you eh," she points out with a smile.
11 years ago
pokes her side. "How do you stand it?" She climbs over her couch and settles in next to her.
11 years ago
laughs softly and leans away, shaking her head. "I'm used to it," she smiles, pressing cold fingers against Alicia's arm. "See?"
11 years ago
makes a sound and pushes her fingers away. "Jeez you feel like ice. YOu should try and keep yourself warm at least." She puts Madeline's fingers into her hoodie pocket. "Your fingers'll fall off.
11 years ago
laughs a little, though she blushes slightly as Alicia tucks her hands into her pockets. "They won't fall off and you know it," she replies, sticking her tongue out and pulling away again.
11 years ago
sticks her tongue out in response- a mature pair they made. "They will so. They'll shrivel up and turn black." She huffs at her but does look up. "What'cha watchin?"
11 years ago
laughs at her, returning to braiding her hair and glancing at the tv. "Some made for tv movie, I think," she shrugs. She had only half been paying attention.
11 years ago
hums at this and turns to her instead, gently taking a hold on her hair. "Here. I can do that for you." she offers, humming. "It's boring to watch a movie if you're not interested."
11 years ago
blinks at this, dropping her hands and shifting to sit so it was easier to let Alicia do her hair. "Well we could put something else in if you wanted?" she suggests.
11 years ago
laughs and starts to work on the braid. "It's up to you I guess. You're the one watching borin' stuff just 'cause it's on." She shakes her head. "You get distracted easily.
11 years ago
smiles gently, just humming a little in reply. "I dunno, there was nothing on when I looked, so I didn't bother with much..." It was true she got distracted too easily, though.
11 years ago
shakes her head. "You're so silly Maddie. Let's at least watch something funny or action-y yeah?" She is a bit jealous- as always- while messing with her hair. Maddie's hair was nicer than her own.
11 years ago
hums, picking up the remote and flicking through to find something on netflix. "I'll try....
11 years ago
*" she mumbles, though the hands in her hair were already pretty distracting.
11 years ago
smiles at this, and she pecks her cheek. "How have you been? I really hate how cold it's getting. Maybe we should go on vacation. All winter."
11 years ago
blushes at the kiss, shaking her head. "We can't just up and leave for four months and you know it," she hums, looking up at her. "I've been god though, how about you?"
11 years ago
pouts at her and lets out a big sigh. "I know, but wouldn't it be fun...." She pouts just a little and finally finishes off her braid, reaching for her tie. "I'm as good as always."
11 years ago
smiles sympathetically at her, handing over the elastic. "Well, we could still go on a short trip if you wanted to... but you still have to help handle the election right?" Not that they were
11 years ago
central figures in this world, but Maddie figured it best to help.
11 years ago
smiels at her and nods. "Well yeah but the election stuff should be getting over with pretty soon ya know? And then like it'll be fun time. I deserve some fun time. ELection season means everyone fights and are
11 years ago
really mean to each other so."
11 years ago
hums softly at that. "Well, can't argue with that. Maybe after the election then?"
11 years ago
nods and plays with her braid. "Yeah! We can go somewhere nice and warm and relax on the beach for a bit longer yeah?
11 years ago
smiles, leaning back against Alicia now comfortably. "Yeah, sounds like a plan eh."
11 years ago
nods and cuddles in against her. "Yes. It sounds good to me." She smiles. "So what're we watching huh?"
11 years ago
hums softly, shrugging a little. "Mythbusters is on?"
11 years ago
perks up. "Oh hey yeah let's watch that I like that show." She beams. "I always wanna try some of these experiments. They're really cool right???"
11 years ago
laughs a little at her, changing the channel. "I think you'd be really dangerous if you tried these things," she points out. "Maybe if you asked really nicely they'd let you on the show," she muses
11 years ago
Amelia gives
11 years ago
her a huffy sort of look. "Nonsense! I'd be super careful and stuff. It would all turn out just fine!" She thinks about that for a while. "I wonder if that's possible. They wouldn't have any reason to have a
11 years ago
guest though probably."
11 years ago
hums, arching her brows in doubt. "Sure sure. Just wanr me ahead of time so I can get far away eh?" She laughs a little. "Yeah maybe, but you coul see if you can help behind the scenes."
11 years ago
pokes her. "You'll be my assistant of course. All scientists need an assistant to help them." She smiles though. "Maybe I could do that hmm..."
11 years ago
laughs and leans away, shaking her head. "Oh no, not a chance. Too dangerous for me, thanks."
11 years ago
laughs when she leans away and gets arms around her, dragging her back and pouting at her. "We'll be safe, I promise!"
11 years ago
giggles and lets herself be pulled back in, though still shaking her head. "With you around? Hmmmm.."
Amelia gives
11 years ago
her the hero smile. "Yeah. I'd make sure nothing went wrong. I'm like super A plus at science."
11 years ago
hums at her again, slumping against her comfortably. "Giant robot to save the earth," she reminds her. "Not really top notch science there hun."
11 years ago
grins at her. "Awww, come on, yeah it is. It's just like we don't have enough technology right now to do it! I mean, Japan is trying to make large robots too. Those would be super helpful."
11 years ago
shakes her head, looking back at the tv. "If you say so. It's a pretty unviable idea though."
11 years ago
still looks proud of herself. "You're just jealous you didn't think of it."
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Riiiiight. That's it."
11 years ago
tickles her side and laughs. "Hey now don't be rude. I hear that sarcasm."
11 years ago
gigles, trying to squirm away. "Y-you were supposed to!"
11 years ago
laughs and keeps tickling her. "Ugh! You're the worst sister. Where's your sister-support for my awesome ideas??"
11 years ago
gasps and squirms, trying to push her away. "M-must've lost it, sorry!" she giggles, trying to tickle back.
11 years ago
almost squeals when she tickles back and catches her wrists. "Well ya better find it. You're being to silly right now."
11 years ago
laughs when her wrists are caught, trying to break free though she's glad for the break to catch her breath. "You're the one tickling me," she protests, sticking her tongue out.
11 years ago
sticks her tongue out back. "Only cause you're being so mean to me!"
11 years ago
grins back at her and shakes her head. "You just have silly ideas eh"
11 years ago
pouts at her and huffs before moving to lay across her lap. Fine then she'd just use Maddie as a chair. "They're good ideas."
11 years ago
blinks down at her, laughing a little but relaxing back and letting Alicia stay. "If you say so."
11 years ago
pouts up at her. "It's true. Now let's watch TV. It's much more fun than teasing me."
11 years ago
hums softly. "I'm not sure about that, but okay~"
Amelia gives
11 years ago
her another look. "Well now you're just being Lil Miss Sassy, ain'cha?" she pokes her. "I thought Canadians were polite.
11 years ago
giggles and squirms a bit at the poke. "We are, unless it's to our neighbours. You know that."
11 years ago
sticks her tongue out. "By which you're just tryin' to say I'm an exception right?"
11 years ago
laughs at her, shrugging. "Yeah maybe eh."
11 years ago
gets comfortable. "Well see? You're just a silly person and I'm not going to take you seriously then." She turns her eyes to the screen, faking being huffy.
11 years ago
sinks back against the couch as well, hand falling to the back of the couch comfortably. She smiles, pausing a moment before looking down at her sister again. " know I know you're not actually
11 years ago
huffy, right?"
11 years ago
looks up at her and grins. "You know I'm not actually huffy either right?" she leans up and tucks Maddie's hair behind her ear. She winks.
11 years ago
blinks at her, and laughs, though her cheeks turn a little pink at the gesture. "That's what I said."
11 years ago
laughs softly. "Well I have to pretend to be the one to tell ya. Otherwise you got me all figured out right?" she cuddles down against her lap though, giving her a little secret amused smile.
11 years ago
returns the same smile, laughing a little. "You're ridiculous," she replies, patting Alicia's head.
11 years ago
nuzzles into the pats and hums happily. "I'm not! I just don't want to ruin the mystery too soon~ You think I'm mysterious and sexy right?"
11 years ago
arches a brow. "...yes sure, why not," she smiles down at her. Though really she doubted there was very much mysterious about the other.
11 years ago
arches a brow back at her and cuddled in close to her then. "Good. Do you have any plans for this week huh?"
11 years ago
pets her hair absentmindedly. "Uhh not really, maybe some shopping and such."
11 years ago
closes her eyes at the petting- that felt really nice. "Mmmm I'll go with you then. It'd be fun."
11 years ago
hums softly. "If you wanna, guess that means I'll have to do your Christmas shopping later then," she smiles.
11 years ago
perks up again, eyes coming open. "Ooooh what were you gonna get me? Presents? What kinda?"
11 years ago
laughs at that and shakes her head. "I can't tell you! That would ruin the fun."
11 years ago
pouts and puts her arms around her, looking up at her sadly. "Aw please tell me? I'm curious now!"
11 years ago
shakes her head again, patting Alicia. "Not a chance!"
11 years ago
can't hold the pout for any longer and grins. "Awwwww why not! It's fun like this too right? Please!"
11 years ago
laughs at her. "You're not getting it out of me! Besides, I haven't even bought it yet."
11 years ago
laughs and falls back onto her lap. "Well when you do then." She smiles up at her, nuzzling her face against her thigh just a bit.
11 years ago
flushes a little as Alicia nuzzles into her lap, humming at her. "we'll see," she replies, though she has no intention of telling her.
11 years ago
smiles at this and looks back up at her, wondering if she was going to get more hair pats now- she was a vain little thing. She liked the attention a lot.
11 years ago
relaxes a moment, before realizing she was being stared at. She looks down at Alicia, giving her a questioning look... she hadn't realized what was being asked for.
Amelia gives
11 years ago
her a little pout and nuzzles just a little again. She was hoping she'd just get it- asking for head pats seemed desperate!
11 years ago
blinks down at her, still not fully getting it and patting Alicia anyways...though she intentionally messes up the other's hair this time.
11 years ago
gasps at this and pouts. "I just wanted pats why are you being so rude." She puffs up her cheeks and push her hands away.
11 years ago
laughs a little at this, letting her hands be pushed up. "..oh I see then. You're needy eh?"
11 years ago
huffs. "Not needy. I was just enjoying it but you stopped." She puffs out her cheeks a bit.
11 years ago
giggles, petting her again. "Needy little girl~"
11 years ago
settles down in her lap and huffs softly. "I'm not needy or little."
11 years ago
giggles a little, humming at her. "If you say so."
11 years ago
huffs a little but just enjoys the petting. She smiles happily. "I do say so." She is happy though at all the attention.
11 years ago
laughs gently, shaking her head. What a ridiculous sister.
11 years ago
curls in a bit closer, liking the warmth too. If Maddie kept this up Alicia would take a cat nap right there.
11 years ago
can see that Alicia's getting tired, so she relaxes back against the couch, fingers still playing with the other's hair pleasantly.
11 years ago
makes a little happy sound that she keeps going, lips barely parted and eyes closing. Not even Mythbusters could keep her awake at this rate.
11 years ago
glances down at her, smiling fondly. She's not really sleepy herself though, so she just settles herself to let Alicia have a nap like this.
Amelia is
11 years ago
curling tight around her now, the warm drawing her in. She dozes, just napping on her lap like that.
11 years ago
keeps playing with her hair, looking down and watching her sleep with a fond smile. It was hard to resist the American's charm.
11 years ago
sleeps peacefully for a while before finally blinking her eyes open a little and stretching. "Maddie?" she asks, as she curls in closer, fighting being awake.
11 years ago
had tried to zone into the tv instead of watching Alicia... though that had proved difficult. She blinks down at Alicua, smiling softly at her. "Good morning sleepyhead," she greets gently.
Amelia is
11 years ago
moving to wrap her arms around her torso, burying her face against Maddie's tummy. "'m sleeeepy," she murmur back, latched onto her good.
11 years ago
laugs a little at that, cheeks a little pink. "You just woke up," she points out, patting her shoulder.
11 years ago
just stays wrapped up close for now. "I wanna snack," she whines. "Please."
11 years ago
hums softly, leaving her hand on her shoulder comfortably. "I can't get up when you're curled around me," she smiles.
11 years ago
whines again. "But you're so warm. It's hard." After a few short moments she finally does sit up though and rub at her eyes.
11 years ago
chuckles softly, relaxing until Alicia finally decides to pull back. "What shall I make for dinner?" she hums, realizing she was hungry too.
Amelia thinks
11 years ago
abou tit seriously for a moment. "Corndogs would be good."
11 years ago
nods, givign her a smile as she gets up to go to the kitchen. "Gotcha, be back in a second."
11 years ago
nods and curls into the warm spot Maddie left. "Hurry back," she mumbles, still getting herself awake.
11 years ago
takes her time, heating up some pogos for them both and grabbing some pop as well before heading back downstairs. "Snack's on," she announces. "I put a pot of water on for KD too, but that'll be a bit yet."
11 years ago
looks up at her when she comes back and tilting her head a little. "Oh okay cool." She pauses. "What's KD again?" She knew Maddie had told her this many time but she always forgot.
11 years ago
hands her the plate and plops back down on the couch, shaking her head. "Kraft Dinner, Mac and cheese?"
11 years ago
blinks and nods.. "Oh right. Mac and cheese. I think it's cute you call it that." She is really happy thuogh. "Thanks Maddie."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "It's what it's called!" she defends, humming at her and stealing a corndog. "You're welcome."
11 years ago
gasps at her. "You thief!" She says trying to lean in and take a bite off of it anyways to be a jerk.
11 years ago
laughs, yanking the dog out of reach. "Hey, I made em!" she grins.
11 years ago
pouts. "Oh but you gave that one to me! How rude!"
11 years ago
(isn't actually angry though).
11 years ago
giggles, sticking her tongue out and taking a bite before offering it back to her with a cheeky grin.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes at that cheeky grin and though she doesn't actually take it back she does take a big bite out of it since well She was offering right?
11 years ago
laughs at that, settling back against the couch now happily.
11 years ago
swallows and grins at her. "IT's good, thanks." She looks happy now.
11 years ago
smiles, "you're welcome eh. What do you wanna watch now?"
11 years ago
smiles back and nodded. "Yes please!"
11 years ago
giggles. "That wasn't a yes or no question hun."
11 years ago
blinks and looks up. "Oh I thought you meant wanna watch Mythbusters now. Is it on? DIdja tivo it?"
11 years ago
blinks at her. "No I watched it.. there might be another episode on though, they do that a lot.."
11 years ago
smiles at this. "Well let's check then. If not we can watch something else."
11 years ago
nods, passing her the remote. "Here, you can see what you want."
11 years ago
smiles and takes it, flipping through the channels and humming a little as she looked.
11 years ago
finishes off the pogo, watching the channel list go by.
11 years ago
flips it to a cartoon and finishes her corndog as well. "what about that Mac'n cheese huh Maddie?"
11 years ago
hums at her, getting up to go check. "Yeah yeah, be right back," she smiles, disappearing upstairs again.
11 years ago
laughs and hops up. "here: I'll get us some drinks yeah?"
11 years ago
smiles at her, leading the way up to the kitchen. "Sure, that works."
11 years ago
grins and followd her, humming as she goes. "Whatcha want?"
11 years ago
smiles, reachign the kitchen and glad the water's boiling. "Pepsi please," she replies, dumping in the macaroni.
11 years ago
nods and goes to poor them both a glass, humming in a happy upbeat way.
11 years ago
stirs the macaroni, before taking a seat at the counter and taking her glass. "Merci~"
11 years ago
grins at this. "Wow getting all fancy on me~ using sexy French on me~" She laughs.
11 years ago
scoffs at that, shaking her head. "Hardly my fault if you get seduced by French," she hums, sipping her drink.
Amelia gives
11 years ago
her a playful pout. "I can't help that it's sexy."
11 years ago
smiles at her. <<So this turns you on, then? That's very cute,>> she hums in reply.
11 years ago
does turn rather pink as she starts to speak in French and though she used to know a bit now its mostly gibberish. "Wow Maddie. GOnna seduce everyone with your sexy voice huh?"
11 years ago
laughs a little, liking the look on her face. <<Maybe, would you be jealous?>> She's not sure how much Amelia knows.
11 years ago
moves close to poke her cheeks, ears pink now too. " Are you teasing me
11 years ago
? What are you sayin Missy?"
11 years ago
grins at her, leaning away from the poking. "No no of course not~" <<Just giggling at how cute you are~>>
11 years ago
gasps when she keeps going in Frenac
11 years ago
French, cheeks red. "You're teasing me so much right now!!" She squishes her cheeks with her palms.
11 years ago
giggles at the cheek smooshing, wiggling away. "Of course I am, this is fun!"
11 years ago
makes a face at her. "Hey you should behave seriously. I made you a drink and everything."
11 years ago
grins back at her. <<And thank you very much for it, though I'd prefer it from your own lips~>> She was maybe chaneling Marianne a little now.
Amelia is
11 years ago
red again, despite not knowing what she's saying. She tries to act like she isn't affected now though, since Madeline was so clearly teasing. "Y-you're being sillY!"
11 years ago
giggles happily at this reaction, reaching out to pat her head. "Cute~~"
11 years ago
puffs out her cheeks at the headpat and pushes her hands away. She huffs and gets her some food and grabs her drink. "Come on silly woman, we're missing the show."
11 years ago
giggles, hopping down to finish up the food and getting her own. "Yeah yeah, what even did you switch it to?" she asks, making sure the stove's off before following her down.
11 years ago
shrugs and thinks about it. "Oh some cartoon, idk. It looks cute so whatever."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, plopping down on the couch when they're back downstairs. "So it's really important we don't miss it eh?"
11 years ago
nods and looks up, grinning. "Well of course. We can't miss all the cute stuff."
11 years ago
laughs a little, humming at her. "Oh I see then."
11 years ago
nods and smiles. "Yep, that's about the size of it." She turns her eyes to the screen as she starts to eat.
11 years ago
smiles, nomming her own food and going quiet as she tried to figure out what was happening.
Amelia is
11 years ago
, as always, immediately immersed in what she's doing. She liked it- though she didn't necessarily know what was going on yet either. She is laughing at all the appropriate bits and having fun.
11 years ago
smiles to herself and just wathces quietly, enjoying the other's enoyment of it.
11 years ago
finishes off her food. She leans against Maddie a little when she finally is done, just watching the show now.
11 years ago
eats slower, letting her leans against her. Eventually she finishes too, cuddling down against her.
11 years ago
hums softly and moves to drag her in close now that she's done eating and ready for some good cuddling.
11 years ago
laughs a little, though letting Ami drag her in and snuggling against her for warmth.
11 years ago
enjoys snuggling like this. "Do I get to spend the night? Since I've been so well behaved after all."
11 years ago
hums at her, as if deciding. "Yeah maybe, if you want to."
Amelia gives
11 years ago
a fake scoff and scrunches up her nose. "Where's the excitement? You're supposed to be like hell to the yeah Amelia; You're awesome."
11 years ago
laughs at this, humming at her. "I don't know man, you're kind of a trouble maker," she teases.
11 years ago
huffs at this. "I'm totally fun! When am I not fun?" She tickles her sides and giggles. "You're so rude."
11 years ago
giggles and pushes her hands away, shaking her head. "I'm not rude, you're the one that invited yourself over," she grins.
11 years ago
laughs at this and cuddles in close. "I didn't invite myself over. I asked if I could stay. That's different Maddie."
11 years ago
hums at her, patting her head. "Sure sure."
11 years ago
laughs and squirms. "Hey now you're being really bad! pattin' and stuff. You're so silly." She nuzzles their faces together and gives her a tight hug. "Silly."
11 years ago
flushes a bit and laughs, pushing her away playfully. "You're ridiculous you know that, eh?" She hugs her back, smiling softly.
11 years ago
beams back at her and moves back a bit at the pushing. "I do what I can." She winks at her and looks happy. "D'ya wanna do fun stuff tomorrow."
11 years ago
nods, humming softly. "Sure, what do you want to do?"
Amelia thinks
11 years ago
about that for a long time. "I dunno. Maybe we could go find a nice park or somewhere with good food."
11 years ago
hums softly, nodding at that. "That could be nice, I hope the weather's good for it."
11 years ago
nods. "Right? It's getting colder and colder and soon it'll be terrible going out at all."
11 years ago
laughs a little. "Not necessarily terrible, we just need more clothes. I more meant like rain or snow or whatever."
11 years ago
scrunches up her nose. "Oh right. Canadian. You think freezing your butt off outside in the winter is fun."
11 years ago
grins at her. "Wanna go skiing this year?"
11 years ago
pouts at her. "Skiing is so cold! WHy do you like that so much?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's fun! You get to fly down a mountain and stuff."
11 years ago
huffs. "Well I mean there are plenty of other fun stuff that's cool like that too."
11 years ago
grins. "Yeah like hockey! Or snowboarding. Or snow forts!" ...*A *
11 years ago
rolls her eyes and shoves at her arm. "Why do you always think snowy icy sports first?
11 years ago
laughs, faking falling over dramatically at the shove. "Because you're lame and like running around in the hot sun too much.
11 years ago
11 years ago
laughs at her and pokes her now that she's down. "What? No the sun is totally fun. Don't be a jerk.'
11 years ago
giggles, sitting back up. "Yeah, when you're not at the equator," she teases.
11 years ago
pushes her over again and moves to sit on her. "You're so rude. You like the beach and stuff too so it's not like you hate going out with me in the summer."
11 years ago
gasps and squirms as Amelia sits her butt down on her, sticking her tongue out. "I get burned less up here though than in like Texas in the fall," she replies.
Amelia thinks
11 years ago
about that. "But Texas is really fun. Don't you like it?" She's messing up her hair now.
11 years ago
flusters at the hands in her hair, trying to shoo her away. "Hey don't be rude! And Texas is too hot," she complains.
11 years ago
laughs as she struggles but Amelia is on top so she has the advantage. "I'm not rude. You were teasing me and now you're surprised I'm teasin' ya back."
11 years ago
pokes her sides, huffing at her. "Yeah but you didn't have to mess my hair up, you just finished braiding it," she replies, though she's not actually mad of course.
11 years ago
smiles at her and huffs, rolling her eyes. "Ugh, so high maintenance." She leans down and pecks her forehead. "I'll fix it jeez." She grins at her and climbs off of her finally.
11 years ago
flushes a little at the peck, though she grins as Amelia gets off of her. "Thank you," she replies, sitting up and... quickly pouncing on her to lay on top of her instead.
11 years ago
gasps in surprise as she's being pushed down and laid on instead. "Hey now! You're being so rude!" She is laughing though under her and pushing at her.
11 years ago
giggles, laying down fully on top of her. "Comfy~~" is her reply, wiggling a little.
11 years ago
laughs too and squirms as she wiggles. "Rude! Rude!" She tugs on her messy braid. "What are you planning!"
11 years ago
laughs still, shaking her head. "I'm not planning anything~" Really, she just wanted to lay here and tease Amelia. =u=
Amelia is
11 years ago
figuring she's going to get revenge and her hair will end up as wild as Maddie's. "You're being silly then?" she asks, still suspicious.
11 years ago
hums, looking contemplative. "Noooo, of course not..."
11 years ago
narrows her eyes at her but she's smiling. Well might as well make the best of it. She cuddles her down against her comfortably.
11 years ago
cuddles down against her happily... and then reaches up to mess up her hair.
Amelia is
11 years ago
happy at fist then she gives a little quiet squeal and tries to catch her wrists. "Maddie!!"
11 years ago
cackles happily, letting herself get caught now that it was mission accomplished. "Oui?"
11 years ago
holds her wrists in place abover her and puffs her cheeks just bit. "How rude! You're supposed to be polite!"
11 years ago
giggles, admiring the way Amelia's hair now fell in every which way around her face. "Hey, I learned t from you eh!"
11 years ago
scrunches up her nose and sticks out her tongue at her. "I didn't teach you anythin' Miss so don't blame me."
11 years ago
pokes her tongue in retaliation. "I still blame you~"
11 years ago
licks her hand. "Well it's just silly to blame me."
11 years ago
flusters and messes her hair up again huffily. "Nuh uh!"
11 years ago
huffs at her and pushes at her hands, trying to flip them over now. "yes it is!"
11 years ago
giggles and wrestles with her, trying to keep control. "Not at all, it's perfectly logical," she huffs.
11 years ago
| The game is on now. She's fighting back now and trying to wrestle her down now. "No, you're being ridiculous! It's true!"
11 years ago
gasps and grins, trying to wrestle against her but slowly losing thanks to the difference in strength. "Nuh uhhh I'm not being ridiculous at all!"
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