Ksenia is
11 years ago
drinking tea at a cafe she found near by. Everything is weird, she's not happy. :/
latest #94
11 years ago
wanders into the cafe in hopes of finding espresso. She finds that Ksenia is there and feels a little nervous, yet excited to see someone she recognizes. She walks over to her table, "Salve!"
11 years ago
looks up and smiles a little. Her and the Italian might not be best friends but she was a familiar face. "Privyet Italy." She gestures to the seat across from her. "You are welcome to share my table."
11 years ago
nods and takes a seat,"Um, grazie. Are you okay?" She gives Ksenia a concerned look.
11 years ago
sighs. "I do not understand what is going on. Do you? You are in same situation as me, da?"
11 years ago
looks around, "Oh, the situation..." She nods and speaks quietly, "Si, apparently we're not in our own world. We're in a world where we have counterparts of the opposite sex." It probably sounds rather crazy.
11 years ago
bites her lip. "I do not like it. Have you met your counterpart? They're not.. evil versions of us, da?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, "No, I don't think they're evil. I have met mine. He's kind of an asshole though, sometimes." As if she's much different.
Ksenia is
11 years ago
relieved to hear that. "I thought we were in strange world with evil twins, like story books. Have you met my twin? He is not in his house and I don't want to stay there without asking. Perhaps it is okay."
11 years ago
shakes her head again. "No, I've never met him. I haven't been here long myself, so I haven't seen everyone."
11 years ago
rests her head in her hand and blows her bangs out of her face. "How does being country work? Am I still Russia here or am I just person? Are you still Italy?"
11 years ago
"I think so..." she sighs, "Just now there are two South Italys. I'm not sure how that works with meetings yet."
Ksenia was
11 years ago
worried about that. "It will be chaos if there is two of everyone. Especially if they do not agree with each other. Imagine, two Americas. Nothing will ever get accomplished."
11 years ago
hasn't thought about two Americas before. It sounded horrific! It was bad enough thinking about there being counterparts for her useless sisters! "Shit, you're right! This is terrible!"
Ksenia is
11 years ago
glad her and little Italy are on the same page. "It might be nice having two Lithuanias and Latvias. But two Americas is no good."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
glad her and little Italy are on the same page. "It might be nice having two Lithuanias and Latvias. But two Americas is no good."
11 years ago
doesn't really want two of anybody. "Y-yeah...Two is too much." She stands up, "Excuse me, I need to get an espresso." She wanders to the counter and orders one.
11 years ago
still has her tea so she's fine. She waits anxiously for Italy to return to her seat. It was funny that the two never really spoke before but now she was missing and needing the girl's company.
11 years ago
gets her espresso and returns to sit down again. "Mm, much better." She smiles a little and lets herself relax.
11 years ago
sips her tea, a little nervous now. "Did you find your sestra? I haven't seen my brats yet. I'm starting to get worried, it's very odd to go this long without seeing Belarus.."
11 years ago
frowns, "No, I haven't seen any of them, nor have I seen my counterpart's siblings. I think he's been kind of lonely." She wasn't going to admit that she felt a bit lonely herself.
Ksenia is
11 years ago
also quite lonely and isn't used to be alone really. "I hope nothing bad has happened to them. They are alright, da?"
11 years ago
smiles a little pathetically, "I hope so. No news is good news, right?" She sips her drink carefully.
11 years ago
doesn't really feel like having anything anymore. "Not with your sestra, she is not all there, da. But if Germany has not been seen that might good too. They're probably together."
11 years ago
looks shocked, "W-what?" What was she implying?!
11 years ago
waves her hands. "Who knows what trouble your sestra is getting into to." She realizes now she has said the wrong thing and looks down at the table. "S-sorry, I am worrying you, da? I did not mean to."
11 years ago
looks very irritated, "S-s-sorella with that German!" She sets her cup down on the table hard, "I won't stand for it!"
11 years ago
stares. "That is what worries you? That the German is doing something to your sestra?" Did she have a sestra complex, like Belarus?
11 years ago
fumes. "You just can't trust Germans! They might try to make her like potatoes or something!" It's obviously a bit more petty than any sort of sibling complex.
11 years ago
slowly starts tilting her head to the side, a little in shock. Here she is worry her siblings were dead and Italy was going on about food? "What is wrong with potatoes, they are good, da? I love potatoes."
11 years ago
starts at that, "Eh?! B-b-but they're gross! I don't understand why anyone would eat th-" she quiets down as she remembers whom she's talking to. "W-whatever." She takes another sip of her espresso.
11 years ago
takes a sip of her tea, it's cold now. "Perhaps you have not had them the right way. You can make them many ways. French fries are potatoes too da." She pushes the drink away. "I'm sure she is not forcing your_
11 years ago
sestra to do anything she doesn't want to do. You Italians can be very strong willed when you want to be."
11 years ago
nods. That was true. "Si... still, I have to look out for my sister."
11 years ago
smiles. "Of course, as all starshaya sestras do. I used to watch out for little brother.. now I do more of watching to avoid him. So, where are you staying, with counterpart?"
11 years ago
"Yeah, I've been staying with him." She sighs. "It's a little difficult sometimes, but we manage."
11 years ago
smiles. "Of course, as all starshaya sestras do. I used to watch out for little brother.. now I do more of watching to avoid him. So, where are you staying, with counterpart?"
11 years ago
((Sorry for the double posting, it keeps freezing up on me D; ))
11 years ago
finishes the rest of her drink, no use wasting money. "I get house to myself. I forgot how empty it is, especially when it is not mine. But at least your counterpart is nice enough to shelter you."
11 years ago
nods again and kind of mumbles, "Si. It kind of took me a while to admit it wasn't my own home though." She blushes lightly at herself and sips her drink.
Ksenia wonders
11 years ago
if any of them took to this new place right away. "I hope you find your sestra, she is probably just as worried. You will let me know little Italy if you find out anything, da?"
11 years ago
sets her drink back down, "I will!" Now that she was finally coming across some people from her own world, she knew they should stick together. "A-and let me know if you find your brothers."
11 years ago
smiles. "Of course little Italy, we shall help each other. Like friends, da? We are friends now and friends help one another. Perhaps we should go shopping.."
11 years ago
perks up at the mention of shopping. It was something she really enjoyed doing. She was sure if being friends with Russia was wise, but... "Si, that could be fun. I'd like to find a new dress."
11 years ago
stands up, empty cup in hand. "I know some nice stores for dresses. You will like them. What is new dress for? Have you found a love interest? We can have.. umm.. girl talk!"
11 years ago
shakes her head, "There's no occasion! I just really like clothes!" A love interest! Like that would ever happen! She finishes her espresso and stands up. "Show me where these stores are then!"
11 years ago
throws her cup away and fixes her coat. "Where will you wear new dress? That is important to know before we go to store. If it is for evening I will take you to very fancy store."
11 years ago
tosses her cup too. "I was thinking of just a day dress, but an evening dress..." treating herself to something fancy sounded nice.
11 years ago
smiles happily. "I know great store, I get my nice dresses there. Do you remember New Years' dress I had on at party? Did you like it? The sparkly silver one."
11 years ago
looks impressed, "Yes, that was a very nice dress!" Of course she'd pay attention to fashion. "Let's go then!"
11 years ago
leads the way out of the cafe. "I saw similar dress on model at show and really liked it. This store has dresses similar to fashion shows, but not as expensive." Hopefully it was in this world too.
11 years ago
follows excited at the thought of this nice clothing store. "Ah! I can't wait to see what they have!"
11 years ago
goes down familiar roads, glad that nothing is changed. "Ahh, it is here! I am very relieved. Let us go inside, da? We will find you most beautiful dress. You are sure it is not for someone? I can keep secret."
11 years ago
shakes her head, "No, I don't have anyone to dress up for." She wanders inside and starts looking around, "Oh, they do have nice clothes here!"
11 years ago
smiles proudly. "We have nice clothes here. I do wear nice things under coat you know." She decides to look around too, just for fun. Maybe there wold be something to catch her eye. "Is there person you want to
11 years ago
_impress?" This is how girls spent their time right? She felt like she was doing this right.
11 years ago
flips through some racks of clothing, "Hm, no one in particular, but it would be nice to impress some cute men." She smiles and pulls out a long tomato red dress. "What about you? Is there anyone you want-
11 years ago
to impress?"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, I would like to unimpress my brat. Cute man would be nice." She looks at the dress. "Nyet, you have lots of red. Try new colour, be bold!!"
11 years ago
blinks at her, "A new color?" She sets the dress back and pulls out a green dress that seems to match her eyes. "Your little brother is kind of scary."
11 years ago
laughs. "I know. If he ever shows interest in you you will really see how scary he is. That green dress looks good, it matches your eyes. But you can pick one with a shorter hem line, you have legs for that
11 years ago
kind of dress."
11 years ago
looks between the dress and Ksenia. "You think so?" She looks over the dress again, then sets it back and looks for a shorter one. "I can run fast if he ever shows interest." She doubted it would happen though.
11 years ago
chuckles at that. "I have spade and that does not deter him." She pulls out a deep blue dress with a low neck line. "What do you think of this for me? Too much breasts?"
11 years ago
blushes when her opinion is asked, "Ah, i-it looks good on you. You don't get to show off skin too much, do you?"
11 years ago
studies the dress. "Nyet, it is too cold most of time. Rest of time I am usually just home by myself. I will get it then, since friend has said it will look good on me. Spasibo!"
11 years ago
smiles at her, then pulls out a shorter green dress. "Here we go. I think I'll get this one."
11 years ago
tilts her head as she gives it a long look. "I think you would look very good. That is best dress for you. I saw similar one on model and you have same build. It will look great on you."
11 years ago
blushes at the compliment, "G-grazie! I-I will use it for a special occasion!" She hurries up to the register to purchase the dress before her face turns tomato red.
11 years ago
follows after her. "I am glad you find dress you like. Perhaps your sestra or Spain will find you nice date so you can impress him."
11 years ago
smiles nervously, "Ah, si, I suppose so. Though I don't trust Spain to hook me up with anyone decent!" She buys the dress and clings to the bag.
11 years ago
pays for her dress, trying to remember how the two nations got along. "Are you not already with Spain? You are often together."
11 years ago
blinks at her, "What? N-no! She and I are just friends!"
11 years ago
looks at the dress, it would be a shame if it just hung in the girl's closet. "What about a male Spain? She is pretty so counterpart would look good too, da?"
11 years ago
stares at her for that suggestion, "W-w-what? I-isn't it a little early to think about that??"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "No, that dress deserves to be worn. It is not like you need to go tomorrow. But make plan for future da, it would be shame if no one got to see you in that."
11 years ago
nods, blushing lightly, "S-si, I do want to wear it sometime." She awkwardly stares down at the floor.
11 years ago
smiles, glad she was able to help her new friend. "Or anyone really, it does not have to be Spain. I am very glad you have come shopping with me little Italy. Do you need to go anywhere else?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, "No, I didn't have any other plans." She looks back up at Ksenia, "What about you?"
11 years ago
laughs. "I do not know what to do here at all. Paper work? None of it is for me. What do you do here? It might give me ideas."
11 years ago
pouts, "I offered to help clean the house just so I wouldn't get bored. I was thinking of starting a garden maybe... Aside from that, I've just been going to the cafe so far."
11 years ago
never thought of a garden. "I should clean house, da. It is quite dusty. I wish I could start garden but it is too cold here now, maybe next year."
11 years ago
nods, "Yeah, it's a little out of season for a proper garden right now." She smiles again, "I do enjoy shopping too."
Ksenia is
11 years ago
very happy her new friend had fun. "You come back to visit new friend Italy. We will do this again, da." It sounded less like a request and more of a demand. She could be a little pushy sometimes.
Chiara feels
11 years ago
a little nervous at that demand, but nods just the same. "S-si, I think that should be okay." Friends with Ksenia... what was she thinking? It was nice to hang out for a bit though.
Ksenia is
11 years ago
very smiley and happy. "You can bring sestra! We will all be girl friends! And then I can come to house for vacation, da?" Italy's place was much warmer than hers. Ahh she wanted to go~
11 years ago
smiles a little. Ah, would Italy be able to handle Ksenia vacationing there? "Ah yeah, if I ever see my sister... I'll let her know."
11 years ago
clasps her hands together happily. "Perfect! We will have fun, da? Maybe we can go to beach. I will clean house though, they you can come visit and have dinner next time."
11 years ago
blinks, surprised at the invitation. "O-okay. I-I guess give me a call sometime." She could try to return the invitation, but she didn't think Lovino would be too happy.
Ksenia gives
11 years ago
the other nation a tight hug. "We will be good friends, da? I hope to hear from you soon little Italy. Make sure you wear dress!"
11 years ago
tenses when she's pulled into the hug, "T-t-too tight!" She tries to laugh, "S-si! I will wear it!"
11 years ago
pulls back, a little shocked. "I am very sorry! I forget how little little Italy is! You should drink vodka, make you strong like ox. I will go now then, you take care little Italy!"
11 years ago
nods and waves at Ksenia, "A-arrivederci! See you later!" There no way in hell she'd drink vodka.
11 years ago
smiles cheerfully, waving as she goes the other direction. "Dasvidaniya little Italy! Have safe trip home!"
11 years ago
keeps waving until Ksenia disappears, then hurries for home.
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