"make" is the factor here. So, no, maybe not.
On the other hand, if you know there is a potential that someone might but you do nothing to stop them, isn't that aiding anyway.
And I suppose someone might be 'pushed over the edge' so to speak.
I guess that is leaning towards the suicides from bullying.
My mum comes to mind with her comment about if someone stuck their hand in the fire would you do it, too. In other words she was encouraging us to make decisions for ourselves, not based on what others suggest
I'm wondering if the suicidee doesn't have more than one factor that pushes them over the edge. With a combination of factors the future can seem so hopeless that a person may not want to go on.
Don't we all have the "to be, or not to be" moments in our lives, that is a part of human nature. The question you are asking is if it is possible to "make" someone commit suicide. I guess there have been many
movies made on that topic.
yes- vulnerable people may feel pushed, but you can hardly be blamed if you did not realise their true emotional state while online. In person is a different kettle of fish. I have almost committed suicide.
The Beyond Blue covers topics like depression, By-Polar Disorder, Anxiety and Baby-Blue.
www.beyondblue.org.au/in... When I was researching the topic, about a year ago, I found this site quite informative.
when someone gave me a final piece of news that "broke the camel's back", but I didn't. Others might. But it's still a choice.
knows all the ins & outs & have help myself which is great at the moment. Others online have been accusing someone of pushing another person towards suicide
I'm sorry to hear that you were blamed for a suicide last year.
When I took my high school children to see Dead Poets Society, why back then. I left the cinema and asked my kids, "Who's fault was it that the boy died?"
harassed off FB by invective & I've been approached & accused at social gatherings IRL recently. I think these people are disturbed personality-wise. I avoid them & feel fine about it.
The answers were mixed. Some said the teacher's fault, some said the mates, others said himself, others thought his father. It gave me a great opportunity to discuss the topic with my children.
its good if you can get kids in a situation that allows them to think hard about topics like suicide as it gets things in the open without pain.
High school is a vulnerable time for such events as the future may appear daunting and hopeless for our young people. Young enough to feel powerless about their own decision making abilities
but old enough to access the means to carry such an act through.
There is such a focus on bullying at the moment because people don't realise how others perceive such communications. As cultures intermingle there is a vast miss-communication going on. Just holding your hand
up in the air, as if to stop traffic, has caused many a person to be shot at over the years, around the world. In Germany this same action mean to continue coming.
When someone suicides, everyone they know is effected. In their own grief the first thing they do is deny it with an "oh no", then they want to find a reason and a place to lay the blame.
Eventually they will ask themselves if there was anything they could have done differently that would have changed the situation.
When I was talking to my kids about The Dead Poets Society my focus was on the feelings of those left behind and how they feel. How the grieving process works with death. Especially as I could add a third
dimension to the topic, taking it away from the fact that my son was dying at the time, to the general topic of how people feel after a death, which every way it occurs.
I guess that in life as well as online my mums words still ring true, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
We can't be responsible for how others perceive our communications, that is their responsibility. But we can be careful by avoiding any communication that is intended to hurt, that is our responsibility.
The biblical term, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" fits nicely here.
I didn't quite that the quote right nor did I give its reference, my bad.
sorry for high-jacking your post but I guess you hit a nerve at this time.
Kay, it doesn't matter what the others say, unless they utter the words that you believe about yourself. If sh*t happens but you didn't cause it, their opinions are just that, their opinions.
oh god
no, it's never any body's fault except the person who makes that choice for themselves. and then (in my limited experience)...
it's due to a complete lack of hope and its an act of terrible desperation
I support what you've said
Grumba. Accusing someone of causing someone's suicide is a pretty serious thing to do.