Fried says
12 years ago
Disney buys Lucasfilm, promises to make Star Wars 7 in 2015. Discuss.
latest #25
Mehter says
12 years ago
Fried says
12 years ago
You mean you're not excited to see Mickey play Luke?
Fried says
12 years ago
I just read an article that says Disney is planning on pumping out a new Star Wars movie every 1-3 years after 2015. uuugh.
Mehter says
12 years ago
Well, if George Lucas doesn't have a big hand in them they might be alright.
Fried says
12 years ago
I'm sure he'll have a hand in it as long as they'll allow it
saintamour says
12 years ago
imagine if JJ did a Star Wars reboot...
5teVe0 says
12 years ago
I really like what JJ did with Star Trek, I could only imagine what he'd do with Star Wars.
Mehter says
12 years ago
They should set it 40 years after episode 6 and just use the entire original cast.
E_1 says
12 years ago
I'm all for Geezer SW
Mehter says
12 years ago
Except Chewie :-(
saintamour says
12 years ago
he'd be like 4000 years old in dog years.
Mehter says
12 years ago
That and he died when a moon crashed into him
Mehter says
12 years ago
beenplumb says
12 years ago
say it ain't Stamoooooooor
DrScientist says
12 years ago
I heard about this earlier, but I'm not really sure what to think of it. Although I think the next three episodes are all long overdue, it would be awesome if they were done right.
DrScientist says
12 years ago
So they'll probably suck. I don't know how you try and cast someone as luke skywalker now. Unless you totally reboot the whole series, which could be interesting.
beenplumb says
12 years ago
I'm pulling for Joss Whedon to take the wheel
DrScientist says
12 years ago
E_1 says
12 years ago
Joss ain't gonna happen. He's already behind the most successful franchise ever, and has signed on for Avengers 2, also slated for 2015.
DrScientist says
12 years ago're telling me there's a chance...
saintamour says
12 years ago
I'm rooting for Uwe Boll
DrScientist says
12 years ago
Or Jeph Loeb.
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