11 years ago
woke up curled up next to Alfred in bed, he yawned and blinked a bit sleepily as he cuddled closer to him.
latest #291
11 years ago
smiled sleepily at that as he decided to just lay there like this for a bit longer.
11 years ago
glanced up at him and smiled at his expression. He carefully shifted to get out of his hold and slip from the bed, pausing to kiss him lightly on the cheek before he grabbed a pair of boxers and a sweater from
11 years ago
Al's dresser.
11 years ago
quietly headed downstairs to cook them both some breakfast.
11 years ago
hummed softly to himself as he cooked, making pancakes, eggs and bacon. He had the coffee pot on already and it was almost done.
11 years ago
startled a bit and looked over at him and smiled faintly. "You forgot clothes," he finished decorating two plates with food as he said that.
11 years ago
laughs softly at that as he turned a bit in his hold so he could kiss him on the cheek lightly.
11 years ago
pats him lightly on the shoulder. "Al... food is ready and so is the coffee."
11 years ago
smiles at him as he shifted to grab the two plates once he's let go. He set them out on the table before he poured two cups of coffee and set them down.
11 years ago
handed him a cup of coffee before he sat down with his own. He looked Al over and quickly smothered a laugh in his coffee cup.
11 years ago
smiles at him and takes a sip of his coffee. "Morning Alfred."
11 years ago
licked his lips as he took another sip of coffee before he tilted his head a bit. "Perfectly."
11 years ago
blinks a bit at that as he gave him a confused look before he realized Al didn't have his glasses on. "Ah..." he pulled them out of his pocket and handed them over.
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he started to eat a pancake. "I'm not that awesome."
11 years ago
smiles at him with that and settled on eating instead. "I could argue that you are."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes at that as he leaned over to kiss him on the cheek lightly. "I didn't want to wake you earlier... you looked comfortable."
11 years ago
shakes his head lightly as he sat back down in his seat. "Wouldn't have breakfast and coffee if I'd done that."
11 years ago
smiles a bit at that as he watched him, he was glad Al seemed happy with the food though.
11 years ago
blinks at that and looks a bit confused as he took a sip of his coffee. "Hmm?"
11 years ago
returns the smile at that as he gently curled his fingers around Al's. "You do too."
11 years ago
takes a bite of pancake with that. "I love you too Al."
11 years ago
finished his own food as he smiled at him, enjoying it.
11 years ago
leans back in his chair to watch him as he shook his head. "I'm good. Thanks though."
11 years ago
leaned up to kiss him, trying to keep it light but quickly failing at that. He just liked kissing him so much.
11 years ago
shifted to bury his fingers in his hair as he pulled him closer, he didn't want him to pull back just yet.
11 years ago
slowly pulled let go of him, breaking the kiss as he looked up at Al, "mmm you should put some pants on." He chuckled softly at that.
11 years ago
gladly kisses him back between quiet laughter. "Mm hmm unless you want me to jump you." He nodded.
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he finished his coffee and got up, kissing him lightly before he gathered the dishes.
Mattie is
11 years ago
cleaning the dishes when Al comes back down and he's almost done.
11 years ago
smiles at that as he leaned back into him a bit, enjoying the cuddling.
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he finished the dishes. "I picked last night, so you can pick today."
11 years ago
smiles at him with that, "sure." he tilted his head to kiss him lightly. "Can I borrow some clothes? I didn't bring any spares."
11 years ago
turns to give him a light hug. "Let's get going then."
11 years ago
laughs softly at that as he held onto him in return. "I used your shampoo."
11 years ago
nods with that and smiles at him. "I guess you do."
11 years ago
returns the smile as he kissed him back. "I slept well last night as well."
11 years ago
nods at that. "Lead the way."
11 years ago
follows after him, holding his hand lightly. He thought Al was being cute.
11 years ago
took whatever clothes Al handed over to him.
11 years ago
squeaks at suddenly being picked up and kissed, but he kisses him back happily and laughs. "Whatever you say Alfred."
11 years ago
grins at that and pulls back, getting changed quickly. "Not if I win one first."
11 years ago
laughs and nods at him, finishing with the sweater as he pulled it on. "Let's go then."
11 years ago
smiles as he follows him, he was glad Al seemed so pleased with this. "I know you do."
11 years ago
nods as he shifted to kiss him on the cheek in return. "I do like them and I want to kiss on the ferris wheel too."
11 years ago
smiled at this as he followed him out to the car, climbing into the passenger side.
11 years ago
smiles at him as he settled in and enjoyed the drive.
11 years ago
glanced down at their hands and smiled, holding his back.
11 years ago
noticed the blush and smiled as he leaned over to kiss him on the cheek lightly. "That sounds good."
11 years ago
nods a bit as he let him find a parking spot, watching him a bit as he held his hand.
11 years ago
flushes at that as he kissed him back lightly and nodded. "Lead the way."
11 years ago
smiled at him as he got out and held onto his hand, pulling close to steal another kiss.
11 years ago
flushed in return as he cuddled close to him, liking this. "I love you too."
11 years ago
laughs lightly at that as he looked up at him and nodded. "It's perfect." He tilted his head a bit to look over at him. "Romantic."
11 years ago
followed him through and took his wrist band from him, putting it on. "Don't we always have fun?"
11 years ago
nods and smiles at him as he took his hand again. "I like that idea."
11 years ago
followed after him and smiled, he couldn't help but think Al was adorable. He is more than happy to help him live out any cute little fantasy he wanted.
11 years ago
smiled over at him and waited till they were at least out of sight of the ride operator before he leaned closer and kissed him lightly. "Al you are so cute when you're excited like this."
11 years ago
hummed softly at that as he slid his own hands to Al's shoulders and kissed him again, longer this time.
Mattie is
11 years ago
completely distracted by the kiss, slowly wrapping his arms around Al now as he shifted closer to him.
11 years ago
flushed darkly as he he felt the ride move and he took the chance to break the kiss and catch his breath.
11 years ago
nods at that as he leaned closer again to give him a hug. "Mm it was good."
11 years ago
shrugs gently as he shifted when the ride stopped. "I ran last night's date, your turn."
11 years ago
nods and moves to get out when their ride is over. "I like the sound of that plan."
11 years ago
laughs softly as he followed, "with you anything is fun."
11 years ago
nods as he smiled brightly at the kiss. "Oh I do think so."
11 years ago
follows him and smiles at that, "yes." He stole a quick kiss from him before he asked the guy for a blue cotton candy for himself and let Al order his own.
Mattie is
11 years ago
holding Al's hand still as he smiled at him, he thought this whole outing was already pretty fun.
11 years ago
looked around as well and pointed to one booth with his cotton candy. "How about that one?"
11 years ago
followed after him taking a bite of his cotton candy and smiling at him. "They are."
11 years ago
hung back to hold his cotton candy for him as he watched, enjoying the show.
11 years ago
laughs and nods as he smiled at him. "Completely cool."
11 years ago
grins at him as he took the bear, handing over his cotton candy. "Thank you."
11 years ago
tilted his head to kiss him on the lips lightly. "What next my wonderful man?"
11 years ago
smiles at that and nods, "how about more rides?"
11 years ago
laughs softly and tucks the bear under his arm so he can grab Al's hand. "Rides it is then!"
11 years ago
follows him closely laughing still, "alright."
11 years ago
blinks at the ride before he grins. "This one always reminded me of that one time when I was logging, WAY back before we really talked."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he smiled at him, "nope." He leaned in and kissed him on the lips lightly. "It was a fun adventure though."
11 years ago
grins back at that and steals another kiss. "I wouldn't mind getting some wood in the car later either." he laughed with that and pulled away, taking his hand and tugging him towards the ride.
Mattie gives
11 years ago
him another smile as he got them a spot in the short line. "I'll hold you to that."
11 years ago
hugs the bear Al had bought him as he held onto his hand.
11 years ago
set the bear in one of the cubies and looked at Al when he offered to help him in. "I should say that to you later." He smirked a bit before he nodded and took his hand.
11 years ago
smiles as he climbed in. "Later, I want to go on every ride with you."
11 years ago
flushes darkly at that, he hadn't been expecting it. "Everything?"
11 years ago
shivers at that and smiles, "keep that up and we'll skip some rides."
11 years ago
laughs and lightly pinches him before the ride comes to the top of the hill. "Nuh uh."
11 years ago
smiles at that as he shifted, oh he loved drops like this.
11 years ago
throws both his hands up into the air as he laughed, enjoying it.
Mattie is
11 years ago
leaning against his lightly, laughing just as much.
11 years ago
smiles and nods, "it's a good one."
11 years ago
thanked him as he got out and took the bear back leaning in to kiss him again. "What next?"
11 years ago
nods at that, "roller coaster sounds good and I don't want a repeat of what happened at Greg's."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes a bit at that as he grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a roller coaster. "I'll agree to the car."
11 years ago
shrugs a bit as he smiled back, "place doesn't matter. I'll only do it with you."
11 years ago
flushes lightly and nods, "if you want to." He tilted his head to kiss him on the cheek.
11 years ago
grins now as he followed him into the line. "Mm fully clothed?"
11 years ago
raises a brow, "I don't know... I just want to be with you." He nodded. "That one time with the toy was fun though, I think you did get more from Francis."
11 years ago
laughs a bit and flushes again as he wrapped his arm around him. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, I'm innocent."
11 years ago
nods, "I do think so." He smiled at that, "completely innocent."
Mattie gives
11 years ago
him a sly grin as he got into the coaster and nodded again. "I do."
11 years ago
laughs as he looks over at him, "I can keep playing innocent if you like."
11 years ago
laughs a bit, "I shall keep that in mind."
Mattie gives
11 years ago
him a wicked smile at that as he nodded, "we'll see."
Mattie is
11 years ago
quickly distracted as well, laughing a bit as he held fast to the handles.
Mattie is
11 years ago
grinning and laughing through the whole ride. He's enjoying everything that's happens.
11 years ago
can't help but look over at Al as the ride lets them off. As soon as he's free of the restraints he pulled Al closed and kissed him.
11 years ago
wrapped his arms around Al as he took a moment longer to kiss him before he pulled back. "Mm that was good!" He chuckled as he took the bear and apologized to the staffers.
11 years ago
kissed him again when he tilted his head to catch his lips. He walked with him, heading away from the roller coaster. "What next?"
11 years ago
laughs a bit at that as he paused to steal another kiss. "I want to do that too."
11 years ago
sighs against his lips, "alright." He couldn't not cave in.
Mattie gives
11 years ago
him a disbelieving look as he walked with him. "Yes just kisses."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes as he walked with him, keeping an arm around Al's waist. "We shall see."
11 years ago
laughs a bit as he is pulled down into the boat. He smiled and kissed him lightly. "I do love you, so much Al."
11 years ago
wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer, enjoying the gentle kisses.
11 years ago
moaned softly into the insistent kisses, he let his hands rest on Al's hips, shamelessly pressing close to him.
11 years ago
lets him have control over the kiss, not minding a make out session right now. He melted at the hand in his hair, having Al play with his hair was his undoing.
11 years ago
slid one of his hands to Al's lower back before he had to break the kiss to catch his breath, resting his forehead against Al's lightly.
11 years ago
gently stroked his back as he laughed lightly. He blinked a bit when the sun stung his eyes. "Mmm Alfred."
11 years ago
laughs softly and nods, he pulled him along off the ride. "I want more kisses now."
11 years ago
nods and smiles at him as he wraps his arm around him in return. "More than ready to bail."
11 years ago
laughs softly as he follows him to the parking lot. He held his hand now, holding the bear in his other hand. "When we get back to your place I want to admire every inch of you."
11 years ago
laughs softly and drops the bear as he kissed him, pulling him closer. "Every inch."
11 years ago
moaned softly as he rolled his hips against his before he broke the kisses. "Home, now I want to undress you." He chuckled breathlessly.
11 years ago
moans softly as he pulled away and he got into the car, he watched Al as he waited for him to get in as well.
11 years ago
laughs as he held his hand lightly and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "I love you too Al."
11 years ago
nods as he shifted in his seat and let him focus on driving. "Good."
11 years ago
smiled into the kiss before he pulled away and got out of the car. He pulled away and climbed out of the car and grabbed the bear out of the car before he headed to the front door, not waiting for Al.
11 years ago
glanced over at him and grinned as he waited for him to get the door open. He held the bear between himself and Al on purpose.
11 years ago
laughs softly as he followed him in and looked over the bear's head at him. "You won me this bear, I'm just treasuring it."
11 years ago
smiles at the kiss and slowly drops the bear, wrapping his arms around his waist. "I can work with that, so just kissing?"
11 years ago
shakes his head as he pulled close to him and kissed him again. "No I want to enjoy every inch of you. I just want to know what you want."
11 years ago
smiled as he slid a hand down the back of Al's pants. "Mmm... I want you too." He stole another kiss lightly, "bedroom?"
11 years ago
kissed him with a soft moan, pressing close as he groped him again. He was more than happy to give him as many kisses as he wanted. "As long as you promise to fuck me more than once." He grinned a bit at that,
11 years ago
"you're great."
11 years ago
flushed darkly and moans as he wrapped his legs around his waist. He kissed him back deeply. "Then bend me over what ever you want." He was long passed being embarrassed about that kind of thing as he kissed
11 years ago
him eagerly.
11 years ago
tilted his head for him, giving him more access to his neck as he gasped, Al's words made him dig his nails lightly into his back. "Y-Yes let's, god please."
11 years ago
tightened his hold on him when he pulled away from the wall and was carried. "You're just as hot," he stole another kiss from him. "So hot and you're all mine."
11 years ago
gasped a bit as he almost whined at not being able to touch him, but the kisses are plenty distracting and he keeps his legs around his waist for the moment.
11 years ago
slowly loosened his legs around him as he kissed him again, his hands went to pull at Al's pants as soon as they were free. "Please what Al?"
11 years ago
moans softly as he got his pants over and slid his hand into Al's pants, giving him his wish. "Anything you want."
11 years ago
grins at that as he continued to make himself as distracting as possible, lifting his hips for Al to get his pants down.
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