12 years ago
Money problems :-( Can't seem to relax at all and I cry all the time. I still get money for going to school, but Joni isn't getting anything at all.
latest #23
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
I feel childsh for crying about the fact that we have to use the money I had saved from working this summer. It's only money, but I worked hard despite being in much pain.
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
I really wanted to do more of these laser sessions, and I also wanted to get this Wii U console when it's released -feels silly for being materialistic-
12 years ago
You need things to relax between everything, though. It's not selfish to need to unwind after all the stress and everything, Moonie. :c
12 years ago
If there's ANYTHING I can do, let me know. :c
I'm still willing to pay more for a commission, when I get some money again next month. Please let me pay AT LEAST $10 more. :c
12 years ago
It's worth that!
12 years ago
And you're drawing THREE characters plus a cat, I think that it would be fair to pay another $10-15 personally. I know it's a pitiful sum, but I know money problems well. :c
12 years ago
And you've helped me out through commissions when I've needed it.
12 years ago
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
Thank you. I'd feel bad if you'd send any more, though hugs Especially since I haven't been working on the picture the past few days ^^;
12 years ago
No worries, Moonie. Commissions take time, I understand that perfectly well. Sometimes you have to be in the right mood!
12 years ago
And it's not about how fast you did it, it's about the fact that it's a very high quality picture, and I feel it's worth a lot more. :c
12 years ago
And I'm going by JUST THE SKETCHES.
12 years ago
Honestly, I feel like I'm ripping you off by getting such a magnificent deal on a picture like that.
12 years ago
12 years ago
(At the very least, you're going to have to let me send you some things, if you won't accept money. xD)
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
As long as you have enough money for yourself ^^; you're so considerate (I need more hug emotes)
12 years ago
Well, it'll be after next month's convention (which is on the 17th) if you would like some money. If you'd prefer gifts, it'll be a little later since i need to make them first! \o/
12 years ago
But you shouldn't beat yourself up for being stressed about money or feeling like you're being materialistic. We all need things to unwind with. <3
12 years ago
And like I said, that picture that you're doing is worth a LOT imo!
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
I do intend to put much effort into it, so hopefully it'll come out nice enough
12 years ago
I'm loving what I've seen so far! c:
12 years ago
I'll get back with you soon after I'm paid in NOvember - hoepfully a lot sells and I can at least get you some more money for the picture, because I really think it's worth more! <3
Moontoon säger
12 years ago
Really not nesseccary but much appreciated ;w; Just not too much. But yeah, let's wait till november atleast ^^
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