Alias says
11 years ago
And I had been doing so well too...
latest #26
Kirvee says
11 years ago
Kirvee says
11 years ago
Alias says
11 years ago
Alias says
11 years ago
I haven't been doing much of anything.
Kirvee says
11 years ago
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Is it hard to sit down with that?
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Is it healing up ok?
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
oh wait you just posted more about this goes to read
Kirvee says
11 years ago
Kirvee says
11 years ago
I derped and thought those were initials vfdvjkdbfvdj
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
More update on your health and stuff, Alias? We care what's going on with you!
11 years ago
Alias says
11 years ago
Alias says
11 years ago
erm, it's basically healed up now. I've been pouring my life savings into the hospital, since I've had to go in every three days so that the cyst can be repacked.
Alias says
11 years ago
because it closes up from the bottom, and you can't just leave it open, or else it'll come back.
Alias says
11 years ago
So it took a while, but it healed. And yeah, I couldn't sit so well or lie on my back.
Alias says
11 years ago
It's supposed to close up in the next few days, and then I should be set. Though if I get another one, that means I have "secreting tissue" that will need to be surgically removed.
Alias says
11 years ago
there we are! full update
Kirvee says
11 years ago
Aaaah I see D=. hug Glad you're doing better~!
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Aw sheesh. I repacked my husband's wound everyday for weeks. I'm surprised they didn't convince your Mom or someone to do it for you.
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Anyway. Um, have PH chapter 78? Cause it's pretty climactic and all that.
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
And there's some important Gil/Oz stuff going on too that I think you would approve of.
Alias says
11 years ago
Well my mom never came in with me so she didn't get that option. She definitely would have chosen it.
Alias says
11 years ago
Though i really doubt she would have been painstaking enough. She helped me redress the bandage once (because she passive-aggressively insisted) and she basically just SLAPPED the gauze on there
Alias says
11 years ago
which is like digging a knife into my flesh. She tries, but it isn't quite the same unless you know what the pain feels like when you mess up. So I just let the doctors do it.
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
I remember tucking the gauze into the hole with a chopstick. It worked!
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