12 years ago
groans as rubs his head. He feels like he's been taking a siesta for far too long...
latest #44
12 years ago
hums to herself while making some food in the kitchen. For some reason she feels quite hungry and a single tomato just didn't seem like enough.
12 years ago
sighs and pulls on some pants, not bothering with a shirt. It had been quiet lately, he hadn't seen his brothers or any of those weird counterparts around. He wanders downstairs and glances over at the kitchen-
12 years ago
when he smells something good. "Hey, fratello? You should make some for me too, ya bastard."
12 years ago
blinks at the voice she heard. "...'fratello'?" Who the fuck would dare to call her that? is her first response. Her second being when the hell did one of her sisters let a man in the house? She peeks out of-
12 years ago
the kitchen, "I'm not making shit for yo-" She stops when she sees him. Something seems peculiar about him. Or familiar maybe. No, that's ridiculous!
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow. Either one of his brothers managed to somehow get a girl or this was one of those counterparts. Who's though, he didn't know. He wonders whether or not to be nice to this random girl... "Oh,-
12 years ago
sorry... Are you one of Seborga's little friends?"
12 years ago
frowns at him. "What? W-who said I was friends with her?!" She feels a bit nervous, but tries not to let it show. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!"
12 years ago
actually thinks about what was said carefully for once. Her... so she was a counterpart then. He frowns at her next statement. "What... this is my house!"
12 years ago
pouts at him. Was he drunk and thinking he was at his own house? He didn't seem drunk. Maybe it was one of Seborga's pranks. "N-no, this is where I live! That's why I'm making food here!"
12 years ago
Seborga was obviously trying to make him angry again... "Dammit, this is my house, which is why I've been taking a siesta here and... oh, I don't know, living here!"
12 years ago
looks him over. This just wouldn't do! "I'm sorry, but we can't both live here! It's just not right." She narrows her eyes at him, "One of us has to go, dammit!"
12 years ago
sighs and scratches the back of his head. He really wanted to yell and holler and curse right now but she was a girl so he'd refrain at least a little longer. "Look, assuming this isn't one of Seborga's stupid-
12 years ago
plans to be a real country, you're probably one of the counterparts because everyone else knows who I am and where I live. I live here, by the way. What country are you?"
12 years ago
"Counterparts?" What the hell is he even talking about. He knew about Seborga, but yet he didn't know who she was! How insulting! She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm Italy. South Italy!"
12 years ago
knew this had to be a joke now. "Dammit! Next time I see him, I'll..." He grumbles under his breath before looking back at her. "Look, I'm sorry he dragged you into this, you can finish cooking whatever and-
12 years ago
then you can go tell him his stupid joke isn't working."
Chiara feels
12 years ago
absolutely confused now. Why is this man referring to Seborga as 'him'? Her confusion shows on her face. "What are you talking about? I don't understand you at all! Who are you?!"
12 years ago
sighs to himself, getting more annoyed. "I'm South Italy, dammit!!"
12 years ago
stares at him for a moment, then slowly an awkward smile appears on her face. "Ha... hahaha! Like that could ever be true!" She would've continued laughing, except she finally remembers her food in the kitchen-
12 years ago
"Shit!" She hurries back to the stove and curses to herself, "It's fucking ruined!" She turns back to glare at Lovino, "This is your fault!" It wasn't, but it's easier to blame others.
12 years ago
follow her to the kitchen and glances at the food. "How is it my fault? You were the one cooking, dammit!"
12 years ago
"You distracted me, that's why!" With some irritation she disposes of the ruined food. "I'm not hungry anymore anyway." Another lie, but she was too troubled to worry about food. She sighs and swipes a tomato-
12 years ago
then sits down at the dining table. Something just didn't feel right. This was her home, wasn't it? Where was she if it wasn't? She stares at the tomato, rubbing its smooth skin while wondering what to do.
12 years ago
grabs a tomato as well, all this arguing was making him hungry, dammit... "Look, if you're one of the counterparts, you're probably just confused. There's two of every country now, apparently."
12 years ago
glances at him, then looks away towards a window. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would there be two for each country?" She grumbles and rests against the table. "S'bullshit."
12 years ago
shrugs. "I have no damn idea. I've met a few, though... Even met my brother Italy's female version once too..."
12 years ago
"Sorella..." she frowns, almost wishing that her foolish sister was here. "Whatever. Let's forget the South Italy stuff since that shit can't be true!" She takes a small bite from the tomato, "I'm Chiara."
12 years ago
blinks at her. So that Italy was her sister.... Maybe this was Seborga's counterpart. She couldn't be his, though. Mostly because he hadn't even considered that possibility yet. "I'm Lovino." He takes a bite.
12 years ago
snorts. "That's a stupid name." She nibbles at the tomato, trying to stay calm and at least enjoy her favorite food for a bit.
12 years ago
twitches, getting annoyed again. "It is not, dammit! It's a perfectly good name. What the hell kind of name is Chiara anyways? Not one I'd want to have. I-If I were a girl that is."
12 years ago
huffs at the insult, "Well, it's a good thing you're not a girl, because this name is too good for you, dammit!" Hungrily, she stuffs the rest of the tomato into her mouth.
12 years ago
scowls at a wall. "Chi, yeah right. If I were a girl, I'd have the best name of all of them."
12 years ago
finishes consuming her tomato and looks back at him to observe him, "Oh? And what do you consider to be the best name of them all?"
12 years ago
pauses to think it over. "Uh... maybe Lovina?"
12 years ago
places a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing. This man was an idiot as far as she was concerned. There was no way he could be South Italy too. "S-sure, whatever!" She calms down a bit. "So what-
12 years ago
do you propose we do with this dilemma we have concerning where we live?"
12 years ago
scratches the back of his head. "I don't know... If you have no where else to stay, I guess you can stay here. I don't think my brothers would care."
12 years ago
stays quiet for a moment before replying, "Yeah, I guess I can let you stay here. Just make sure you don't do anything questionable!" She will deal with this situation for now. She still had a more to learn.
12 years ago
decides against pointing out that this is his house. She was finally calm and he didn't want to have to deal with an angry girl again. He finishes his own tomato grumpily.
12 years ago
smiles a bit, "That was a good tomato." She wonders if she will ever come across any other crazy people claiming this whole counterpart nonsense. Probably not, right? She stands up and smooths out her skirt.-
12 years ago
"I think I'm going to go to the store. I noticed... we were short on a few things while I was cooking." She's not going to mention the food she ruined needs replacing too.
12 years ago
nods and looks away from her. "I guess I could make something for when you get back... Maybe it'll lure my brother out, too."
12 years ago
nods in return. She wouldn't have to cook again and that sounds just fine to her. "Va bene. I'll be back later then." She turns and heads out the door to go shopping.
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