11 years ago
is this even called a grade? (angry)
latest #14
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
your goal next sem is to be a half scholar! (party)
abbiexD sinasabi
11 years ago
Okay,so I really have to do it.
But could you help me do it?
abbiexD sinasabi
11 years ago
Not in a way that I have to copy your answers,haha.
abbiexD sinasabi
11 years ago
is that even possible when it's becoming more difficult? (nottalking) I'm losing hope.. to pass.
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
Of course I can help you do it!
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
I'd be happy to.
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
And yes, in a way that you won't have to copy my answers.
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
we can be study buddies! (LOL)
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
defnitely possible! don't lose hope.
rHiYheLLe sinasabi
11 years ago
we have EUROPE to look forward to! xDD
abbiexD sinasabi
11 years ago
chARieLLe: rofl. (LOL)
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