SDSherry says
12 years ago
Google Apps training in Casper, WY! This is so much fun!
latest #10
dmantz7 says
12 years ago
you are making a career our of GAFE training. Congrats and I wish I could sit through one.
SDSherry says
12 years ago
I LOVE teacher Google Apps. It's free. It's collaborative. It's easy. What more could you ask for? Oh, and did I mention it's FREE?
SDSherry says
12 years ago
dmantz7: You are such a great user yourself, I doubt there is anything I can teach you!
dmantz7 says
12 years ago
SDSherry: we will not know until our next f2f opportunity.
SDSherry says
12 years ago
I hope that's at ISTE - unless we can find something sooner. I will be at Podstock this year!
dmantz7 says
12 years ago
SDSherry says
12 years ago
Are you going to make it to ISTE? San Antonio is closer than the other ISTE locations to you.
12 years ago
ya'll better be at ISTE.....
12 years ago
wish our teachers would get on board with GAPPs....still having kids use MS Word for papers
SDSherry says
12 years ago
shirky17: That's just sad! :-(
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