Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
morning all. Rightly or wrongly I'm probably going to be spending most of the day preparing to help Sam revise for his chemistry exam
latest #46
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
rather than doing my own study. He really needs to get a C in this but it's all doouble dutch to him and his teacher is no help!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
that's exactly my point...should I do this much, am I holding their hands too much. 95% of me says not, Sam needs every kick he can get ;-)
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
you're doing the right think getting your studies out of the way now while they are young Maddy Lou! I 've found less and less time since
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
both are at secondary!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
How's your project coming along? (I read a couple of papers yesterday but they weren't that relevant so I need to find more!)
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
no problems :-)
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
you are right about finding something that catches your interest for learning to happen. He sat up late last night watching a programme
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
the trenches at Ypres, he was glued to it! He's doing History as one of his exams so despite the programme ending at 10.45 I let him watch
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
it, something relevant to his exam might come of it!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
the trouble with chemistry is that alot of it isn't experiments and hands-on so it's hard to understand. Ask him about an experiment they've
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
done at school and he remembers it all...ask him for an empirical formula and he'd have to look up how to do it
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago would I, and I have a BSc (rofl)
Eingang wonders
15 years ago
what Sam will do later in life when confronted with things he finds difficult?
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
now you're scaring me Eingang! Hopefully maturity will play a part!
Eingang says
15 years ago
I suspect there's a fine line between helping people find the path and encouraging co-dependency.
Eingang says
15 years ago
I can understand wanting the best for your child but what does happen to them as adults?
Eingang says
15 years ago
mind, I'm not a parent! I'm just wondering, especially seeing the difference between me and my brother, and…
Eingang says
15 years ago
Mr. IBM and his younger sister.
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
there is a fine line Eingang, you're right. I do encourage independence but when I can see that if I just sit back he will too I'd rather
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
'butt in' and give him more guidance. My daughter is different, very self-motivated with her school work, she's like me while Sam is like
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
hub. Hub came out of school with one CSE. Luckily it hasn't stopped him from doing well. He did an apprenticeship with British Rail, sussed
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
that he was going to go nowhere and moved to London Transport. He worked his way up to management. Unfortunately Sam sees that this means
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
qualifications aren't the be all and end all!!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
Right, enough thought from me, I have a ton to do today!
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
should I send you some good luck with that?
Eingang says
15 years ago
errrggg... I've been down the road of not being a FT employee before and having troubles. Frankly, I never managed to resolve them.
Choccieaddict says
15 years ago
sounds complicated!
Eingang says
15 years ago
I've heard that before too and it didn't work. )-: it's mostly loot now for me because Moodle resolved the issue.
Eingang says
15 years ago
my problem was I couldn't get a VPN token to use the intrrnal network. I couldn't update the course web site or release/fix content
Eingang says
15 years ago
even though I was the course chair. Moodle's all web-based & not hidden behind the internal firewall, so I can do that.
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