North Italy is
12 years ago
watching fish swimming in a pond.
latest #11
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"
North Italy
12 years ago
North Italy
12 years ago
looks back at Austria and smiles. “watching the pretty fish swim~“ he points at the water.
12 years ago
hums looking to where he pointed.
North Italy
12 years ago
reaches out to Austria to gently grab his sleeve. "watch with me~" he says as he lightly tugs on the fabric, smiling.
12 years ago
looks down at the tugging than at Italy's smiling face. He sighed, a gentle smile graced his looks. "Very well." He saw no problems.
North Italy
12 years ago
~s smile widens. he wraps his arm around Austria‘s. “look there‘s a. pretty blue fish~ but i dont know what its called“ he says as he points at the swimming fish in awe.
12 years ago
looks over at the blue fish. "Judging by the appearance and the fact it's on it's own. It's Japanese Siamese fighting fish, Betta." He says.
North Italy
12 years ago
gasps in awe at the fish but more at Austria‘s knowledge. “really? wow thats so cool~“ ^^
12 years ago
shrugs. "It is," he says continuing to watch the serenely of the water and colorful fishes swimming about.
North Italy
12 years ago
Laughs childishly. "ve~ I want a pet fish now~ hey Austria can we get one?~". he asks, turning to look at him in excitement.
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