12 years ago
Practically falls into his bed after sending off his article, burying his face into the pillows.
latest #135
12 years ago
Rolls over with a groan, wondering who could at his window of all places. Climbing out o his sanctuary of pillows he goes to answer his_
12 years ago
His window, blinking in surprise as the outlander stares back at him. he's quick to open the window, 'W-what are you doing?!?'
12 years ago
Blinks a couple of times, taken aback by the sudden burst of Alfred's
12 years ago
*of confidence in Alfred's demeanour. 'I guess... But it's also what guys do to get into girl's knickers mate...' He grins, 'You could have_
12 years ago
Just asked.'
12 years ago
Turns fairly red with the kiss to his cheek, a han coming up to touch his cheek. 'It's not really something you can get back,' he replies_
12 years ago
Turns fairly red with the kiss to his cheek, a han coming up to touch his cheek. 'It's not really something you can get back,' he replies_
12 years ago
With a soft laugh, smile warm. 'You have to e the weirdest hero mate.'
12 years ago
Shakes his head, smiling brightly. 'Now I can write an article about how The Outlander has the hots for me...' He steps back, 'Do you want a cuppa?'
12 years ago
Laughs as he clears one of the few chairs in the room of books, dumping them on the floor. 'Here, you can sit here.' He puts on a kettle,_
12 years ago
'Is tea okay, Mr. Outlander?'
12 years ago
Wonders if he's done this as revenge for the constant teasing. He rubs the back of his neck, 'Do you take milk?' he asks, cleaning a couple_
12 years ago
Of mugs.
12 years ago
Nods, soon whipping up a bloody good cup of tea if he can say so himself. If Alfred new his way around coffee, Will knew his way around tea.
12 years ago
Hands him the mug, 'Busy night?'
12 years ago
Grins, 'Maybe I should start up a tea shop then... Give up journalism.' He sips his own tea, sitting on the edge of his desk.
12 years ago
Laughs in response, 'It'd have to be more than minimum wage, with promises of partnership stakes in the shop in the future.' he plus a hard_
12 years ago
12 years ago
Shifts when the other stands, wondering if he was getting ready to leave. He was ready to take the cup either way, 'It wouldn't be as_
12 years ago
Exciting but my mum would be happier...'
12 years ago
Grins, 'I am, even if random men are knocking on my window.' He turns to face the other, 'I would offer you the chance to stay but there's_
12 years ago
Only one bed.'
12 years ago
Blinks... This Alfred is seriously different... He nods, kind of thinking of sex but he's sure Alfred would right him at some point. 'Why_
12 years ago
Not, I can save on heating.'
12 years ago
Sips his tea. 'Do you need a change of clothes or would you rather just stay in what your wearing?' he asks, placing his tea to the side and
12 years ago
Sliding off the counter to clear the bed of yet more books and some other junk.
William has
12 years ago
always liked Alfred... He finds the suit a little dorky but the heroes overall presence is impressive. He looks through his drawers for a pair of shorts, throwing over some Football shorts, 'Will they fit?'
12 years ago
makes the bed to make it somewhat presentable for his guest before changing into a pair of trackie bottoms himself. He drains his cup of tea as he decides on a t-shirt as well, soon sitting on the edge of the_
12 years ago
bed as he waits for the other. It sounded like a skill, squeezing out of that outfit.
12 years ago
tries not to gape a little too much at the guy who walks through the door. How could he have not noticed the sheer muscle on the guy before, he shakes his head. 'That hair gel won't come off, will it?' he asks_
12 years ago
instead of saying something stupid, reaching up to touch it.
12 years ago
can sense the tension in the other, quickly running a hand over his hair to touch it. He was rather fascinated by the colour, if he was honest. 'Do you think he could whip up some blue stuff for me?' he jokes,_
12 years ago
trying to break the tension with a cheeky grin.
12 years ago
blinks a couple of times, cheeks flushing. Not at the kiss, but at the compliment. He'd never been complimented on his smile before. He can't help but smile a bit more, catching Alfred's lips in an equally_
12 years ago
chaste kiss, 'Well your isn't half bad either mate...' Although his eyes, if Will had to point at anything, were probably Alfred's best feature.
12 years ago
answers by kissing him, tugging on his bottom lip as his eyes shut. A hand moves to Alfred's knee to keep balance as he leans into him more. 'And the way your eyes light up,' he admits, not quite meeting his_
12 years ago
eyes. Will was good at people, not feelings.
12 years ago
*pulling people
12 years ago
makes a sound into the kiss, not quite of protest but surprise. He responds in kind though, attempting to dominate the kiss as he leans more into it. He squeezes Alfred's knee as the kiss breaks, 'I guess..._
12 years ago
don't go getting big headed though, mate.'
12 years ago
smiles, eyes warm as he shakes his head. 'No need to thank me, it's my pleasure.' He presses a kiss to the other's shoulder, still a little awestruck by the amount of muscle the guy was carrying. 'Do you want_
12 years ago
to get under the covers before I actually have to turn on the heating though?' he prompts, a small shiver running through his body. Being an Aussie he was a wuss when it came to the cold.
12 years ago
climbs in after the other, fitting snugly into the space left by the other, even when on his side. 'So,' he starts, not quite sure where to put his hands. 'Were you born with these muscles?' he asks.
12 years ago
hums, not surprised by the mild spike of jealousy upon hearing those words. William is into his sports, but only manages to maintain a lean frame more suited for Cricket or the like.
12 years ago
easily settles into a comfortable position against the other, hand skimming a path up his side before moving to rest on his back. 'Lucky bastard,' he murmurs, no malice in it.
12 years ago
hums, not able to argue that point. His back is a bundle of knots, as expected of a journalist and he leans into the touch appreciatively. 'You seem to have it under control though, no reports of broken limbs_
12 years ago
12 years ago
melts under his touch, fingers curling against Alfred's back as he all but purrs at the attention. 'You sound more and more like Clark Kent by the day...' he says with a smile, 'Thankfully though you seem a_
12 years ago
bit more content.
12 years ago
12 years ago
Is like putty in his hands as he makes his way further up his back, making a small noise I the back of his throat. A hand moves to squeeze_
12 years ago
Alfred's shoulder, tucking his face into Alfred's neck to escape the nuzzling and to press a kiss there.
12 years ago
Nips on the spot playfully, a soft groan falling from his lips as the other works on his shoulders. A hand slides into Alfred's hair,_
12 years ago
Tugging lightly.
12 years ago
Pulls back to do just as asked, keeping the kiss chaste. He wouldn't push Alfred into anything he didn't want to do... Especially after_
12 years ago
How timidly he's asked for the kiss.
12 years ago
Deepens the kiss when he notices the other's attempts, shifting to nudge a leg in between Alfred's as his hands explore the skin available_
12 years ago
To him.
12 years ago
Moves with the shift, hands still exploring as he shifts his leg against Al. He softly moans in response to the small sound, sucking on_
12 years ago
Al's tongue.
12 years ago
Slides a hand down, slipping it under the ed of his shorts to squeeze his upper thigh as the other hand teases a nipple.
12 years ago
12 years ago
He nibbles the tongue after the first reaction, pressing tighter against the other.
12 years ago
breaks the kiss to breath, messily kissing along his jaw. He grips the other's hip as he grinds down in response to the roll, gasping against his throat. 'F-fuck.'
12 years ago
bites onto his throat, licking the wound afterwards as he continues to grind down on him. A small sound of surprise escapes his lips in response to the grope.
12 years ago
bites on his shoulder this time, sucking the spot afterwards. His grinding becomes more restricted as Alfred pulls him closer. 'Christ, you're fucking hot right now mate,' he murmurs, kissing his way to_
12 years ago
Alfred's mouth before kissing him hard on the mouth.
12 years ago
deepens the kiss quickly, definitely enjoying the fact that he could dominate it and explore Alfred's mouth easily. Both hands move to tease his nipples, playing with Alfred's body as he slows down the pace of_
12 years ago
his grinding - planning on snaking a hand in between them so that he c0uld take Alfred in his hand.
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