Gommyommy says
11 years ago
I learned a valuable lesson. always wear a mask when spreading dusty stuff over the lawn. I spent two days thinking I was going to die.
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
dolomite lime. organic fertilizer. my lungs itched and burned for two days. I was dumb doobie doo dumb dumb.
Alias says
11 years ago
I don't know what that first thing is, but is this something like an allergy problem?
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Probably. What really freaked me out was the aspergillus fungus I may have breathed. Because those things can cause a kind of fungal infection/pneumonia.
Gommyommy says
11 years ago
Anyway, seems to be mostly better now.
Alias says
11 years ago
aspergillus fungus...