dougeller wonders
15 years ago
why everyone else got an ash cross and I got a big ash dot. Maybe the priest thought the Church would be better off if I were Hindu.
latest #19
cuaguy says
15 years ago
me gots a smudge
JlovesR says
15 years ago
I got a plus sign :-P
Mike L
15 years ago
Perhaps you fidget too much
dougeller says
15 years ago
mikel1: lol
15 years ago
a broad big black smuuuuudge
dougeller says
15 years ago
I went to a church near my office that I'd never been to. Seriously wacky mass. Priest insisted on explaining the mass as he went along.
dougeller says
15 years ago
"Now what I like about this part is..."
dougeller says
15 years ago
weird part was when the deacon did the ablutions. He dumped Jesus out of the EM's "bowls" into the ciborium like he was a bowl of cheezits
dougeller says
15 years ago
imagine that sound broadcast over the entire church by the deacon's mic.
Adoro says
15 years ago
I attended Mass at work, and Fr. gave me a REALLY BIG cross! lol
Adoro says
15 years ago
I had to help dist. ashes, and some people got smudges in a design that suggested a cross...I tried, i really did!
Adoro says
15 years ago
I discovered it's harder than it looks!
dougeller says
15 years ago
AdoroTeDevote: So I shouldn't pursue a Hindu life? Thank goodness! I was hoping it was all a big misunderstanding. <whew> :-)
TheRovingMC says
15 years ago
doug they r planing ur funeral again
Adoro says
15 years ago
Please don't become Hindu! You wouldn't like it, wouldn't be able to eat beef!
CurtJester says
15 years ago
for 9 years I have always wanted more than a smudge. At least a cross shaped smudge would make me happy.
JoyfulMom7 says
15 years ago
I got very nice cross on this my very first Ash Wednesday! :-)
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