But I promised myself to get a bunch of other stuff out of the way first.
s-stop staring at me like that, aaah
that won't make me post any faster!
I'm actually still working now |D
so you being slower would be better for me /shot
I can't stalk if you don't post!
Bijou-jou? Nice name thar :3
Spinel, Bijou. Bijou, Spinel.
Bijou reminds me of Hamtaro back in the day. 8Dc
it was about... hamsters, right? I vaguely remember something like that.
Weeell, glad to meet you there~
feel free to add me if you'd like to |D I don't bite people :3
I'm a cute, innocent, harmless girl <3
fff you're not Juvia, that's too much!!
The stalking and then the -sama
I just went straight away and enable the- OOOPS I SAID IT.
Oh, and I'm Tara! I actually don't play any FT characters in games yet but I do play a character in S_C
omg I thought this was all Spinel
kekeke. no worries!
I play Mithos Yggdrasill from Tales of Symphonia in S_C.
Yup! They spoke once when Lucy asked about magic.
butyeah. Feel free to add me as well if you wish ta!
Hijacking plurks happens everyday here 8D
Hee, all good! I love reading what goes on it other people's plurks. Or, uh, mine in this case
If it's not too inconvenient for you, haha
ffff I feel like what I typed up is way too tl;dr
I just logged in to my Lucy account |D
sdlfkjasdf I'm so nervous
I know the feeling, but don't be o/
I'm gonna make a rather fast tag as a place holder
Hope it's to your liking~ ;D