mrald says
12 years ago
I'm doing my first mom-to-mom sale this weekend. Pumped to get some of this stuff out of the house. Also selling some of Dad's star wars figures. Hope no one catches me.
12 years ago
Have fun! Hope you sell everything!!! :-)
Fat Boy wishes
12 years ago
you luck!! (goodluck)
mrald says
12 years ago
After purchasing some girls 10/12 shirts, and Lego, and paying for the table, I raked in $50. Then I got guilted into splitting it with AB, since most of the stuff I sold was hers.
mrald says
12 years ago
Still, it was nice to unload some of that Little Tykes stuff, and pretty ponies, and toddler toys.
DesertKiWi says
12 years ago
go dad!