sees him crawling on the ground for some odd reason. "Irie-dono...?"
"dono....Basil-san have you seen my glasses?" accidentally bumps into Basil's leg
steps back a bit to give him some room. "Ah no...did thou lose them?"
sits down before he can hurt himself "y-yes, I can't seem to remember what happened to them"
bad for him. "Would thou like some help finding them?" He offers a small smile even though he knows he can't see it.
"that would be great, thank you Basil-san!" Irie smiles wondering if he's even looking the right way
He nods, sweatdropping a bit as he's talking to a lampost...he takes his arm, helping him up. "Then, dost thou hath any idea where they could be at all?"
"Um, I remember standing there" pointing down the street "then the next thing I notice is that I'm on the floor...I might have fallen asleep" chuckles sheepishly
sweatdrops, knowing how easily he falls asleep in mid-action and sighs. "Then perhaps we can start from up there." He leads him up the street, keeping a tight hold on his arm so he wouldn't trip.
"Thank you Basil-san, I really owe you one" Stumbles over grate, and hears a crunch
shakes his head. "Do not mind-...." He pauses when hears the crunch too. Uh oh...he looks down, hoping that wasn't what he thought it was.
"Um, that wasn't..." gulp
blanches. Yep...there they were...Shoichi's glasses...pretty much useless now..."ano...well..." he frowns, feeling completely useless now...
"well? so it was my glasses?" he groans
bends down to pick them up and hand them to Shouichi so he could feel them and maybe get a close look at them seeing as he was nearsighted.
"defiantly my glasses" sighs "thank you Basil-san, I've found my glasses" he grins awkwardly trying not to sulk.
keeps frowning, knowing he's actually really upset about this. "Dost thou hath any spares...?" He asks carefully.
"this was my spare, my mom accidentally vacumed over my other ones...well I'd better make my way home" thanks Basil and walked away and trips.
flinches from the sight. He runs up to make sure he's alright and help him up again. "At least allow me to help thee home..."
"thank you, but do you know where I live?" being almost blind he couldn't help Basil with directions other than the odd, turn left at the barking dog.'s true that he really didn't have a clue. "Ano...maybe if thou told me the street, I will know it...?"
"it's XXX street, an apartment complex fifth floor, it should say 'Shoichi' on the name plate, we live pretty close to Tsuna"
(ano...his last name Irie...)
thinks 12 years ago
he knows where that is. He'll make sure to get him there.
(thanks, my mistake ha ha ha)
nods and starts walking in the direction he's pretty sure it's in, slowly, so Shoichi can keep up.
"sorry for being a bother Basil-san, I should have just stayed home but my sister wanted pudding" rubs his temple
smiles. "Thou cares for thy sister a lot, dost thou not?"
chuckles "not really, more like she forces me to do things cause I'm the only male in the family"
laughs at that thought. " might be a great responsibility..."
(have to go for night, oyasumi)
just keeps smiling as he guides him along.
Arrives at apartment with the help of Basil and shuffles forward careful not to trip and inconvenience his helper once more.
helps him up to the door and frowns, wondering if it's locked.
senses the unease from Basil "don't worry, my family never locks the door unless everyone goes out" turns the handle and cautiously opens the door.
relieved. Who knows how long they'd take to find his keys. He helps him to the living, which was pretty easy to find since it was right there and to sit on couch.
Laughs "Thank you Basil-san, without you I'd probably still be crawling on the floor"
nods, even though he probably couldn't see it. "I just...wish there was something I could here. I don't know how I could leave thee so vulnerable, even it is thy own home..."
chuckles and scratches his cheek. "I guess I'll just lock myself in my room"
frowns. "But there must be something thou can do about thy glasses..."
"wear magnifying glasses?" then laughs at the thought
just stares, not getting the joke. "But...that will not work if it is not thy prescription. In fact, it could make thy eyes worse!" /being totally serious/
shrugs, not many seem to understand his sense of humor "just thinking up random you have any ideas Basil-san?"
placing his finger on his chin in thought. "Dost...thou hath contacts...?"
knew it was probably silly to ask at this point, but maybe he forgot if he did...?
smiles sheepishly "I'm too scared to wear them"
. "But that may be thy only option right now. What if thou had help?"
"I'd be /does/ one help another with applying contacts?"
isn't really sure but...he knows how to do it! He's seen Dino-san apply them before. ^^
maybe he can only put one on and stay like that (applying contacts for the first time is scary!!)
thinks 12 years ago
if he can manage with one, he can manage both...he'll be moral support. ^^ (Oh I can imagine, my friend refuses to even try...)
Sighs and stands "the contacts are in my room, it's labeled Sho-chan" (Putting them in isn't too scary, it's pulling them out that scary)
nods and helps him up the stairs. His room had his name on it so he easily found it, along with the contacts on one of his drawers.
takes in a deep breath and feels his way around to the hall to get to the bathroom to wash his hands before inserting the contacts. He heard Basil-san following behind him
if he needs that special liquid for contacts he's seen Dino-san use.
nods and feels around the cabinet "can you see the clear bottle with a blue cap?"
looks around and finds it after opening the mirror cabinet. Checking the label to make sure, he hands it to him.
"Thank you" pops open the cap and unscrews the lids and pauses..."hm..." reaches in and feels the plastic on his finger tip before drawing it out and soaking it with the lens care liquid
brings the lens to his eye, using one hand for the lens and the other to keep his eye open, after a while he was successful in applying one lens.
watches carefully, keeping very silent so as not to surprise him and make him poke his eye out.
looks at Basil before back to the contact lens case. "I think having half the vision is enough don't you think?" he asked, a weak stomach ache attacking his middle.
thinks 12 years ago
if he leaves it like that, his eyes will get worse or he'll hath a big headache later...
would rather had a head ache than trying to take the contacts out later but understands Basil-san's point. So he tries the other eyes with more difficulty than the first.
wonders 12 years ago
how that can since he can actually now...
(strangely the second one is always harder than the first...o.O)
"thou art almost done..." he encourages.
ends up poking his eye before actually applying the contact. He turns to Basil finally able to see clearly. "thank you for the support Basil-san"
smiles brightly. "Of course. I am glad thou is able to see now. Thou should work on getting another pair of glasses soon."
nods, "maybe I should go to those shops that have 1 hour services"
never heard of those before...
smiles, they are very useful places where they cut your glasses in one hour
thinks 12 years ago
that is indeed convenient...
knows of one place in the Namimori shopping district that has One hour services and decides to go there. "what will you doing now Basil-san?"
didn't really have anything planned for the rest of the day, except doing paperwork.
"would you like to come with me to the Namimori shopping district?" he offers
"Eh? Sure." He smiles, surprised that he offered.
paperwork doesn't sound fun so why not experience Namimori Shopping District?
laughs. It really isn't, but some one has to do it...His Master was always lazy busy.
sweatdrops, he also wants Basil to experience Namimori himself rather than by the words of Iemitsu-san.
actually has a few times with other people and by himself...
Sighs in relief "so you don't think people buy things by weighing bowls of rice to weights and pay with small gold or copper coins?"
He asks since he knows of Iemitsu-san's way of explaining can be out of the current era
laughs. "Irie-dono, I hath learned some time ago that most of Master's words of Modern Japan hath been false." He smiles.
Blushes with embarrassment "sorry Basil-San, I wasn't ..." trails off