Dr. Danny says
11 years ago
latest #10
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Kind of considering changing my religion. I believe that all of the gods are the same one, so no real damage can be done if I switch, right?
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
But I'm worried about how my family and friends would react, as they are all mainly christian, and they don't really respect other people's beliefs all that much...
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
sigh I'm feeling like I'm committing blasphemy or something for even thinking about changing religions, but... Maybe if I mixed two religions? Idk.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
I'm just a bit sick of being a christian, I guess.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
I've been a christian all of my life, and I want to explore other religions a bit.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
I believe in God, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and such, but I don't believe much else in the bible.
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
Like, the devil, for example. I don't believe in him, and I believe that when people die, they all go to the same place, not have to be separated because of sins (which I honestly think doesn't make much sense,
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
as all of our sins are supposed to be wiped away and we're all supposed to be forgiven for all of our wrong doings, right?).
Dr. Danny
11 years ago
I'm just really confused, I guess?
Cameron says
11 years ago
for God so loved the world he gave his only son for whomsoever believes in him thats the major part will not perish but have eternal life
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