I'm good. We are on friday schedule with an assembly. lame. I finished the dvd. I just bought the 3 dances.
I know we don't really have the money, but I figured it would be ok since I get paid in two days. I hope you don't mind.
What assembly do you have?
pep assembly and stupidest video awards
My ear is starting to bother me again. Grr... and I had CRAZY/WEIRD dreams ALL night!
They really need to get our profile up on it's about love.
thats so annoying that they haven't done it yet.
There is a giveaway on Pioneer Woman today... three $500 gift cards to Apple.
I tried to go there but that part is blocked at school.
I will have to enter for you.
In the longterm, eternal sense, do you think the Internet is a positive or negative development for mankind?
Positive by far. We can't really help the fact that there are idiots out there that pervert a good thing.
Thats like questioning if the printing press was a good idea?
I don't mean to sound rude, but thats how it came out.
You want that last part on there too?
i didn't realize that was for the drawing
Ooo... whoops!
thanks for the email address
This is your number! 4960
i looked up inkleys and the NY place
Hmm... So in the long run... depending on shipping... NY would be better.
Although... we never got 8x10's for dance pics.
Just the med size. 5x8... is that right?
NY and Inkleys both charge a dollar for 5x7 but shipping is cheaper from NY via FedEx
plus Inkleys will charge tax
so I asked Kathy what they normally charge and she said $10-12. but i think we can do it for about $6. What do you think?
Maybe 8?
As long as it will cover it all.
What is your photo package going t be?
a 5x8 and a couple wallets?
I didn't do wallets because they print a sheet of 8 uncut for $2
I could but then I have to raise the price
I don't know. I don't go to dances anymore.
What do the students want?
I asked rachel since she is in here and she says they usually pay $20 for 2 5x7 and 2 to 4 wallets
but that also includes a group picture
Its the FFA and DrillTeam that are doin g the dance
I told them that group pics would just be another $6 per couple
I would probably do 2 5x7 and 4 wallets... but that is just me.
And then if they want group, they can pay extra.
How much should i charge for the 2 5x7 and 4 wallets
How much is it going to cost you?
cause I could do that and create something in photoshop that fits an 8x10 with just wallets and then print it as an 8x10
You could leave them all attached and that would be much easier.
so if i did 2 couples (4 wallets per couple) thats an extra $1 plus shipping and work
wich would be $2 added to the cost so a total of $8
so it will cost you 4 per couple, plus shipping?
ya and shipping is $12 for the order so as long as I do it all in one order I pay really nothing per couple for shipping and
we still make money and are economical
So if you charge 8, you would make 4 dollars a couple?
The dance is from 8:30 to 11:30 or something like that
not a lot but some play money at the very least
Ok, its a done deal. 2 5x7 & 2 Wallets for $8