looks at the cover, sipping his coffee. "Y'know, that's a crappy pic..."
Turns to face him, frowning a little, 'I'm not a camera guy mate, all I had was my iPhone on me... All that matters is that you can see him_
And the quality of the article.' He's probably a bit too defensive... But it is his first headliner...
laughs, shrugging. "You're the new journalist of these lands, huh?
Narrows his eyes in suspicion. 'Maybe... Why? I'm not telling you my sources!'
shows him his badge. "Come again...?" he laughs, pocketing it and then sitting down next to the other. "Name's Gabriel Henriques."
Turns a little red when the badge is flashed, quick to apologise. He's not quite gotten a reliable police contact yet so he's on his best_
In hopes of winning the older man over. He makes plenty of room for the other, holding out a hand. 'William Keanes.'
nods. "I see... " he hums, taking a mental note of the newspaper the other works for. Well, he could use some contacts at the press too, especially if it included not publishing some things...
Might object to being told what he can and cannot print... 'So, I'm guessing your a higher up, of you have time to mingle with journalists.'
nods. "Something of the genre... Heroes also help, in that case." he hums, crossing his arms.
Laughs, 'So you help the heroes and tell him where the bad guys are?' He grins cheekily, 'You wouldn't mind telling me as well, right?'
laughs loudly. "Woah, brilliant joke, buddy! But no." he shakes his head, looking around for a bit. Man, where can he grab some coffee...?
huffs, 'I wasn't joking mate! Wouldn't you rather a journalist you knew wrote it than some random skeeze?' He catches the signs of Caffeine withdrawl, 'There's a coffee cart round the corner...'
hums, standing up and going to grab his coffee before anything else. "You journalists are all the same..." He whines, laughing still.
shakes his head, 'No... you have the new ones like me, bright eyes and bushy tailed and then you have the blood sucking geezers.' He grins cheekily.
laughs as he returns with his coffee, shaking his head. "So you're basically looking for an ally... I don't see what I have to gain with that, tho'."
grins, 'You wouldn't have returned if you already had a contact at my paper, mate.'
hums. "That's true, but I still don't see why I should buddy-up with you... I'm just backstage in the Heroes' showbiz."
Replies, 'Don't the guys who stand backstage see everything and know all that's going on?'
nods. "True, this... But we're not usually the ones getting targeted." He starts. "I only ser your side of the deal."