今天第一次自己帶 detention 的學生, 課結束後留下來等到學生下課開始執行. 結果發現一件事;這是我跟被我留校 detention 的學生對話.
latest #13
我: I hear some student said I am mean. Do you think I am mean?
學生: Yes.
我: @~@ How about other students in the class?
學生: Yes.
我: @~@ Why??
學生: Because you never smile. We try to make you smile.
我: @~@ Do you know what I never smile?
學生: Why? Because we didn't listen to you?
我: Yes, that is one of reason, also, most of you are not pay attention.
If you are the teacher, will you smile when your student not listen to you?
學生: No, I won't.
我: So, how many time smile at you now?
學生: A lots.
我: Do you know why?
學生: Why?
我: Because you pay attention and learn also do very good job in follow my instruction.
聽完學生說的, 我不知是該笑還是哭. 他們那麼吵是因為想逗我笑 @~@ 這是哪門子的說法跟做法.
記得我們家老大在幼稚園時, 曾說. my teacher is very mean, but i like her a lot.
Be yourself! 告訴他們在課堂上要注意, 下課就會笑了...
想想你當學生時, 對老師的想法. 也許你是乖學生.
其實我也算乖的啦~... 但還是會和同學幫老師取錯號, 談論老師的行為.
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