C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
Hehe (devil)
latest #15
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
(taser) sot black wolf
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
i am grey color one!
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
(thinking) grey one too cute, not suite u
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
>.< i am cute wert
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
keep your skin la!!! (lmao)
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
where is my xi yang yang?!
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
your xi yang yang? here here ---> www.plurk.com/ShirleyPha...
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
(annoyed) banyak la engkau
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
(woot) where got? banyak miao saja, engkau hanya satu
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
skrh dah takde miao lagi.... :-(
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
apasal? :-o
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
MPT dah catch them all. i gonna off to MPT now, complain them
Rainee ☂ says
11 years ago
(doh) they catch miao? first time heard :-&
C Mun Viktor says
11 years ago
cz rat complain to MPT, too many miao!
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