winirose wonders
15 years ago
have ya ever gotten all busy with laundry - and put every single pair of jeans you own in the wash, then forgotten to put them in the dryer?
latest #12
winirose says
15 years ago
then you realize you have to be somewhere in 20 min and all your pants are still in the wash?
Brid-o-matic says
15 years ago
oooh i hate it when that happens! Just walk out the door and declare it "No Pants Tuesday!"
15 years ago
*run around frantic in her panties in a total panic* :-o
15 years ago
suggests a skirt and tights
Brid-o-matic says
15 years ago
I like my idea better.
15 years ago
well at least you know the answer when someone asks. "where the fuck are your pants"
winirose says
15 years ago
am gonna need bigger panties then Briddy :-P
Mrs. Khan wants
15 years ago
a piccy of No Pants Tuesday
Brid-o-matic says
15 years ago
15 years ago
*snaps a pic of Briddy and runs*
15 years ago
*mails pics off to Queenie* ;-)
TeSaBOO says
15 years ago
my definition of a successful day is getting clothes to the dryer before mildew sets in lol
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