lava cake is really really good~!
sad though! he doesn't even know how to make it D:
knocks on his door. He happens to have a present for the Italian which he made yesterday with
_his brother but apparently, West wouldn't want any so he decided to share it with Italy instead.
hears the knocking and skips to the door. he opens it. "Oh it's you Prussia~". he smiles happily.
greets him with a big smile on his face. He lifts up the package for Italy to see. "I have a present for you Ita-chan! I was thinking of_
_awesomely sharing this with you since West didn't want any!"
's smile widens."That's reallly nice of you Prussia~ what kind of present is it?~" he opens the door more so that Prussia could come inside.
's smile grew even wider if possible. He enters the house and opens the package for Italy to see. It contains the very thing Italy has been_
_craving for, coincidentally. "Look! It's the chocolate lava cake I made with West yesterday!"
gasps in udder surprise. that was the last thing he thought Prussia would have in there! "wow that's exactlly what i wanted today! how did-
you know?~ magic maybe?~". he's excitment was making him think funny reasons to how this was happening.
's eyes widen in awesome shock. "Really? Perhaps it's just my awesome sense?" He laughs at Italy's reaction. "Awesome coincidence huh?"
At this point, Italy was talking so fast that Prussia couldn't keep up. He just smiles at him, not bothering to wonder if Italy understood_
does understand~ he stops all talking and turns to Prussia. Giving him a full hug in thanks. "Yes~ really Awesome coincidence~". he looks-
up at Prussia, still hugging him. "Let's eat it together~". he smiles, almost like sunshine~
let out a small 'Oof' at the sudden gesture but grinned instead. "No problem Ita-chan!" He then lets himself be led to the table. He sets_
down the cake and removes it from the container. It looks really delicious...
can't wait to eat it~ it looks so yummy~. "Wait i'll get us some forts and plates~". he rushes over to grab the items and places one in -
front of Prussia. he turns his attention to the cake "Ve~ i dont know where to start~".
sits down in front of him. "Let me help you then!" He starts slicing the cake, the melted chocolate inside oozing out of it.
takes a slice and puts one on Italy's plate, the chocolate spreading on it.
takes his slice and sets down the knife. "Let's eat!!!"
watches in complete awe before letting out a small laugh."Ve~ Yes~". he takes a piece and eats it. he smiles in bliss. "Wow~ that's really-
smiles at his reaction as he takes a bite from his share. He grins proudly at him. "Isn't it? West and I made it together!"
laughs upon seeing the chocolate mess on Italy's face. "Hehe! Such a messy eater Ita-chan!"
can't see his face! "Wa~ I guess i am. Germany always yells at me for that too~". he laughs nervously as he looks around for a nakin.
hands him one and proceeds to eat his own, not noticing the chocolate dripping from his mouth.
takes the nakin and laughs seeing Prussia's state. "haha You're just as messy as me~". pointing at his own mouth.
blinks in surprise and laughs as he grabs a nearby napkin. "So I am! West usually shouts at me for it as well. But I think that this stuff_]
_is just kinda messy to eat..Haha"
laughs at the statement. "But how can we help it~ it tastes so good~". he eats a few more bites. enjoying every simple piece.
nods in agreement and continues eating as well. He mutters a small thanks at the compliment as he shovels the last bite into his mouth.
finishes eating but wishes there was more.! it was really good~ "Ve~ You should bake more Prussia~ you seem really good at it~"
"Really? Thanks! Well...West helped of course, but maybe we can make it together some time! You're a great cook yourself!"
blushes at the compliment. he rubs the back of his head, "Ve~ i do love making my pasta~"
grins and adds, "And everyone agrees that they're all delicious!" He pats Italy on the head. "And I haven't thanked you yet for making that_
_pasta for me a few days ago! It was really really awesome!"
blushes even darker. "Ve~ it was nothing. just my normal pasta~". he rubs his head as he laughs.
"But it was still so awesome and unique! Even Francey-pants agrees!"
blinks in awe. "Really!? even big brother France thinks so?".
starts to clear the table.
then proceed to help Italy and offered to wash the dishes.
wouldn't mind if Prussia helped~ but he feels bad so he'll just let you dry the dishes instead~. "Wow~ and big brother France is famous for-
his cooking too~". feels happy at the compliments.
"Yep! his cooking is also awesome!" He says as he dries the dishes which were were placed to the side as Italy finishes washing them
sighs. "I miss having big brother France around too~ he's a lot of fun"^^. he finishes washing the last dish. there wasn't much.
(Can we stop here for a while? I'm really sorry but I have exams later...haha...^^")
(haha yea it's no problem~ go study ^^ and good luck~)
(thank you!!! Bye!