Nori is
16 years ago
addicted to spin class. It'll wear off I know...
latest #18
jaime says
16 years ago
hopefully not!
16 years ago
good for you - I hate them
anjuli says
16 years ago
I've never been in a spin class. Glad you like it :-)
Helena Hndbskt thinks
16 years ago
she would die in a spinning class
16 years ago
it hurt my ass too much
Nori says
16 years ago
Yeah, my lady bits were quite sore the first few times. I've been going 3x/wk. My fav instructor is this little Chinese guy who is hard and
Nori says
16 years ago
and has the coolest music! I like it because the lights are off, the music is grooving and no one sees you drenched in sweat.
16 years ago
ohh I would like that better
16 years ago
classes I went to had the windows open and lights on. All I could think about was how stupid it was to be on a stationary bike when I
16 years ago
could've been outside riding
Nori says
16 years ago
an hour FLIES by. Really. But, I can see growing tired of it for some reason...
Nori says
16 years ago
I've never been into biking. I can see getting a real bike now.
Nori says
16 years ago
ok, off to class!
jaime says
16 years ago
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
Hey...I think it's wonderful! Many people love spin classes. I've heard that they really burn up the fat.
anjuli says
16 years ago
which reminds me...Rhonda, did you sign up for the spin class?
anjuli says
16 years ago
sorry Nori, I didn't mean to hijack the plurk :-)
Simply Rhonda says
16 years ago
no, I haven't. I'm in a funk and can't seem to find the energy for anything.
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