[voice work] I think I'm just going to post maybe one or two plurks a day requesting voice work to keep myself sharp from now on.
latest #21
I do honestly and truly want to become a voice actor and not just one who diddles about online ,though it is fun and I won't ever stop that.
I need to get to work on my demoreel and I know I won't be able to while I'm still in the current situation I'm in.
It's nice to plan for though and I want to stay sharp.
So yes, whining over and over for voice requests is probably going to become a thing and I apologize in advance if it makes me into a
it redundant to say I don't mind
I mean, if anything I'd love to help with voice work
Just give me a script to bounce off of you and I'll do it man
I think it would be you give me a script XD;
I would find one but I don't have anything Scripty
If I was going to request anything it would be...
... Your favorite Monty Python sketch.
Oh that's probably the parrot sketch or the cheese shop.
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