KellieIwish wonders
12 years ago
does anyone here make rigged clothes in blender? I've got a question and Google is being no help at all! :-(
latest #11
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
I was wondering about bone weight painting. It seems the old blender had an option to paint on all faces, but 2.63 got rid of that option.
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
How do you paint your weights evently on the outside and the inside of a dress?
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
Here's someone who is having the same problem. Maybe she explains it better.
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
So if you make the outside layer first, then weight it, then extrude inward, the weights will be on the inside too?
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
And what if you have details like a belt or buttons? These have a clear inside too and they're floating above the outside fabric.
KellieIwish says
12 years ago
So when you paint over them, the part of the fabric underneath them doesn't get painted.
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